Chapter 38

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[3rd person]

"I don't need this, Gold!"Kyran yelled at her direction, his voice bouncing between the four pale walls."And I'm sure as hell that I don't need you!"

Gold took a step back her eyes being filtered with disbelief as he kept yelling at her--with no regret even reflecting in his eyes.

"But I need you!"she managed to shape the words with her lips, but her voice managed to make her sound weak...broken without him by her side.

"It's always you!You, you and you.No one else matters, heck you don't even see others!Do you now?Gold you are not in the center of attention!Everyone around you has their own life, their own friends and their own families which they love more than anything--and you just jump into ther life and boss the around without evem realizing it!Couldn't you see the pain in Funneh's eyes, couldn't you see how she was silently calling--FREAKING calling you for help and courage!But you just pushed her to a professional to help her--but at times and in rare cases people can't get help and happiness from talking to them!Because they fell apart, they're all alone in this gosh darn world and--and they just keep looking for that one person to help them.And for Funneh that was you!She wanted you to put her back together!And you just kicked the pieces of her sanity away--you made it harder for her to reach out!And now she might die!Die Gold can't you hear that?She might die!"

Kyran was taking deep angry breaths, calming his racing heart.He met Gold's eyes which were hidden behind her unshed tears.

"I was hoping to talk about US, but you just keep changing the subject!Like now!"Gold yelled stubbornly, taking out the only thing that kept Kyran sane.His loyalty for other people.

He walked roughly towards Gold, as she started backing away her back met the wall.As Kyran leaned his arm on the wall he was on top of her, his eyes turning darker by the seconds passing.

"Kyran."she whispered.

"Stop being selfish and start becoming  human,"he spoke bitterly,"Stop grabbing compliments that aren't directed at you--but knowing you love yourself because you're so darn freaking perfect I guess my words won't reach you."he finally said it, the things he wanted to say since gosh darn prom-but he kept his stupid mouth shut in fear of loosing her.And now, he doesn't care.

"I am not selfish, Kyran.I never was and never will be."

"If I wasn't loyal to the world and mostly to women I would have slapped you already--but I won't, you need to look beautiful while you whore around with Prince."he insulted her, not even thinking twice.That is what ladies and gentlemen happens when you don't speak your gosh darn smart mind to the world.You get so fed up that people use you.And I am saying this from stupid reality-from stupid exprience.

"You know I could never do that,"Gold argued in a stubborn voice."I am not a whore and I won't be, Kyran."

Kyran laughed quietly,"Stop being naive and join reality."

After a long dark pause of nothing but heavy breathing and arguing like an couple ready for divorce--Gold spoke up, daring to ask the question that went through her mind during the argument.

"How do you understand how Funneh feels so well?"

Kyran shot her a unknown unloving gaze he never showed, it felt so hollow, poisonous and hurtful.The opposite of him which Gold knew from high school.

"Because I almost killed myself when I was fourteen, that's how."he explained in the same tone he used while he was yelling."I got abused by my aunt and uncle and that was the last strand--until this girl came along and saved me."

"Who was she?"Gold dared to ask.

"Someone very dear to me, she lives out the country but we talk time to time."Kyran shook his head,"I'm leaving."

"W-where to?"

"It's none of your business,"he replied taking his jacket and umbrella, glancing outside it was pouring.Cold and pouring rain, so calming for some people.

Gold nodded slowly, guilt still didn't reach her.She still didn't feel guilty for what she did--but she did feel angry at Kyran talking to her like that.As always, she stayed oblivious.Maybe those were her real colors, maybe it was the truth everyone around her hid with masks.They possibly even called De Vinci from the dead to fix the colors of her personality, but now it's all spilling out slowly.But let's not forget about Prince, Luce,Alec and Evan; they all have some hidden stories which will spill through time.


"Man, go to bed."Luce said as he peeked into Prince's room.

He shook his head,"I need to download this episode for Funneh, then I'll go to bed."

"Why don't you just watch it and tell her what happened?"Luce dared to ask, his voice confused sounding.

Prince looked at him like he came from Venus, not even darn Mars.

"This show makes her laugh and smile and if that is the only she would feel happy at least for an hour then I'll keep saving the episodes for us to watch.Now get out."he spoke bitterly, not taking in Luces hurt emotions.

The night passed slolwy for them all honestly, none of them slept at all.Gold stayed up waiting for Kyran to come back-heh, she even made his favourite meal.Prince had a hard time as he kept looking through files and files of him and his homie--it was just random and sudden selfies and pictures but they all had a story hidden deeply in them.Every color speaking it's own word, adding to the stories.Luce went out and drank his sadness away, ending up with some random girl at the end.Kyran never came back home, he was out all night.And Funneh stayed the same, her heart slolwy giving out.The trauma replaying as she mentally stared at her fading scars.

Life and love finally started to pull the strings, and it won't look pretty.

The doctors rushed into Funneh's room, her heart was giving out.Kyran stood in the middle of a empty street, waiting for a car.And Gold stared out into the world, looking down.

And now the real games begin, are you ready?

[End of Chapter 38]

I still don't know what kind of ending this book should have...

Are you ready for the games to begin?

-love ya

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