Chapter 18

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-don't you dare and play the song-



"Their fighting has been going on for two months,"I said under a whisper as Gold took one of my hands.

"Funneh,this is more than liking someone."she said as I took a sip of my hot tea that made me feel warm inside,like laughter was escaping my lips.

"They're willing to fight for you,"she said in a calm tone,a monotone calm tone.

I fixed my gaze onto her as I thought of her way of words,they're willing to fight for me,but when they do that they're hurting the people they care for.

"They're hurting each other Gold,and they're sort of friends,at least they were."I replied to her as I parted my lips to release a small quiet sigh.

"I understand that,now let's move onto the important stuff."she said as a giggle followed.

"Oh no."I whined as I shot my head back,I know where this is going.You probably know as well."You want the juicy stuff,don't you?"

"Girl,you know me.I need to know the juicy stuff."she spoke in a sassy tone which we laughed off.Just like before,when I didn't hate the world and wish to end it.

"Well I'm not repeating the things that happened,"I stated,"I can't go back to that,I told them to go and live their lives without me in it."

She pierced her eyes as they gave me a terrifying glow,making me actually feel scared for a slight second.Who knew Gold could be scary?

"Which one do you love?"she asked eagerly.

I shook my head as I placed my empty warm mug on a nearby table as I stood on my two feet,escaping her gaze."I love both of them equally."

"Mhm,and I started to do drugs and hang out in clubs and bars."she said in a joking form which helped me show something between a frown and a forced smile."I know you love one off them,you just won't tell me who it is."

"I hate you for reading my mind,"I said as I walked into my room,ignoring her calling me to come back.

I do love one of them,but I can't break the other ones heart.Because friendship is stronger than love,at least in this term of life.

I pressed shuffle on my phone so I could ignore reality with music,it always helped,hope it does this time.Soon after some lines have passed,a new sweet melody filled the four empty walls of my room as I quietly sang the words,not caring how I sounded in the current moment.

-play song-

When we both fall asleep 
underneath the same sky

To the beat of our heart
at the same time

So close but so far away

I grabbed my pillow and held it close to myself,imagining that he was in my embrace as I let my tears stain my cheeks and the light gray colored pillow.

When we both wake up

underneath the same sky

Time stops,
I wish that I could rewind

So close but so far away

My heart wants to come home.

"But it can't."I whispered into my pillow as I held it tighter.Tears strong and warm.


"Come on man,just one drink."

Alec shook his head in disagreement as he pushed my beer away from his face,"I said I don't want to drink,and leave me be already."

"Look man,"I slurred,"You need to get drunk with her and it will all play out itself."

Alec played his eyebrows as he took my by my shirt,anger in his eyes.

"I will not use her,she has her dignity and I have mine."he sternly spoke,"Funneh is one of the sweetest girls I have met,and she doesn't deserve to go through something like that.No guy should ever lay a hand on her if she doesn't let him.Understand?"

"And I will love her until my last breath,because she showed me something pass anger and violence.I will love her,and if she loves someone else than me,"he took a deep breath,"I will respect that,because she is not some toy I get to play with.She is the person that helped me smile and laugh,and if you touch her,violence is only the beginning of what I will do to you."

I nodded as he let go of me,and with that he disappeared into the cold night covering the city.

Maybe Evan will be smarter than him.Here goes nothing.

[End of Chapter 18]

daaamn,why is prince always drunk in my book?what will Evan do when prince approaches him?

-love ya

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