Chapter 34

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A/N:Read the note at the end,it is very important for THIS BOOK,it's a voting situation between ALEC/EVAN.

Thank you and enjoy.



"We broke up last night, Funneh.And I don't feel guilty, I can't even make myself feel guilty."Kyran whispered, staring at his cold water.

"I'm sorry, Kyran.I never thought it would be that bad, I should've kept my mouth shut."I muttered as my hands hid my face in disbelief.

"No, you were right.Gold couldn't say she loves me, she isn't even over Prince yet," he mumbled, pouring the water from his bottle onto the park flowers in front of us.

"I'm really sorry Kyran, is there anything I can do to make you happy?"I asked, faking a smile.

He shook his head slowly, his eyes staring daggers at the small flowers covered in his cold water."Do you have a time machine?Then I could go back and never even start dating her in the first place."

"Don't say that,"I said, offering him a smile."Maybe she will come to her senses and apologize."

He huffed quietly,"I wish Funneh."

"You know what?Let's go make a time machine!"I said pulling him to stand with me.

"You're kidding, right?"

"I have never been more serious about something in my life," I said sternly, pulling him to walk beside me.


"I was joking when I said that about a time machine," Kyran said as he started taking random supplies out a huge bag.

I giggled as I threw cardboard on the floor, seriously it was bigger than me."Shut up and pass me the glue."

He rolled his eyes as he rummaged through the endless bag,"So we are actually doing this?"

"Of course we are, I need a huge break from life man."I laughed going through the bag myself.

He sat on the floor and took the pieces of cardboard, combining them all into one shape.And then, yelling at them from falling apart.

"We forgot to buy the glue!Wait here, I'll go to the store and get some."I said as Kyran nodded, staring at the cardboard.

Grbbing some money and my phone I was out quickly, almost running even.

I walked down the dark streets, looking away from the faces of strangers, escaping their killing gaze.I looked around and finally saw the store, making a run for it, leaving anxiety alone for a while.

The moment I stepped in the cold AC wind pushed me deeper inside, my eyes meeting the price tag of the missing glue.

I swear Kyran and I bought it, but then again we're both crazy humans who only think of food and...well, more food.

I grabbed the glue when my eyes met a pair of so many supplies Kyran and I missed earlier, but I couldn't leave jim waiting so I'll drag Luce and Prince here later.

I walked over and payed for the glue,just when I placed my hand on the doorknob...someone else did on the other side as well.

Oh boy, here we go again.

He let go of the doorknob, I walked out and stood there...not knowing what to say.

[End of Chapter 34]

Okay, my llamas!I need you to tell me in the comments who it will be!

Alec or Evan?

And please don't be like 'I wish it's him' and then you don't comment, I will not deal with angry comments because it's not Alec/Evan, so just comment.I may sound rude and I'm sorry for that but it's the reality of how I'm serious for this book.

So just comment for the love of food.

Thank you.

You have one week so until August 24th, which means no updates as well.But when the voting ends get ready for really long chapters.


-love ya

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