Chapter 31

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"Please don't go," Kyran whined as I was trying to walk, but his grip on my legs was way to strong.

"Let me go Kyran, I'm not leaving forever." I stated, glancing down at my sad friend.

He made a pouted face, trying to win me over as usual,"Please Funneh, stay with us."

Shaking my head he loosened his embrace around my legs,"Kyran I will be in the same city, in the same country and in the same continent,"I stated slowly, making sure I don't mess up.

"Still Funneh."he whispered.

"I will only be a few blocks away, how about this," I gave him my hand, helping him stand up," We will hang out every single day."

He folded his hands on his chest, looking at me carefully, his shoulders falling in the process." I guess you can go, but we better see each other every day."

I nodded, pulling him into a strong warm hug, ignoring the pain on my left arm.He returned the sweet gesture, a few tears staining his cheeks.

"Dammit Kyran I will be close to you no matter what,"I said in a soft breaking voice," It's only a few blocks away."

His lips released a quiet sigh,"Alright, see you soon."

I nodded, letting him go.Grabbing my suitcase and backpack I waved at him, slowly walking into the elevator.

Yes I know it looks stupid, but moving away forever is a big thing.Especially when you're leaving someone you care about behind, let's hope nothing goes down hill.

Can I do something else than hope?

I don't know myself.


"Dinner is ready!"Prince exclaimed from the kitchen, making Luce and I stand up from the couch.

"I don't smell the food, give us proof!"Luce yelled walking to the warm kitchen.

I slowly followed behind, nicely getting used to living with them.Sitting on a chair, I glanced at the table.Everything looked so...fancy.Fancier than fancy, is that even a word?Well it is now.

Funneh, if you read more you would know.

I know me, just leave me be.I'll read later.

"What the--"I muttered to myself, looking at the fancy glasses which were ready to be filled.

Prince turned the lights off and the candles made the dinner table look dim, it was simply wonderful to see.The plates, glasses etc. reflected in the candlelight...

"What's this all about?"I asked, turning my head towards Prince.

"Well, I thought because it's your first night with us...we could celebrate!"he replied as he pulled out a bottle of crimson red vine.

I managed to gasp as Prince who quickly opened it, filling the glasses with vine.

"Prince this is--"he placed his palm in front of my face.

"Ah, ah, are our new roommate, you deserve this no matter what."he replied, my lips managing a smile.

"Wait," Luce leaned on the table," Why didn't I get this kind of gesture when I moved in?"

Prince shrugged his shoulders, placing food in our plates.

"You're Luce, you don't matter to me."he replied sending a wink towards me.

"And Funneh?"he smirked at the poor guy.

"She's my bestie man, get lost."he argued, putting his glass of vine in the air, waiting for Luce and I to follow.

Maybe I could get used to this, just maybe.

[End of Chapter 31]

I just...yes, she moved.

-love ya

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