Chapter 25

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[3 weeks later]

"What are you doing here?Aren't you with Prince at this time in the day?"a voice asked as I didn't dare to glance away from my phone.

"Uh,Funneh?"it called out again.

"Hm?"I managed to hum out as the person sat next to me,not wanting to be rude I turned to face them.Or should I say Alec.

"I ditched him and Luce,they don't let me read in peace,it's all about gossip with them."I explained as Alec showed me his beautiful closed smile.

His gaze fell on my phone,"What are you reading?It seems interesting."

I managed to roll my eyes at him as I showed my phone into his face,"I found this amazing article about wolves!It's so cool."

He moved closer as we went to read it together,finally someone who understands me.Phew,he doesn't think I'm weird.

Dodged a bullet there,I guess.


The 3 wolves in front of the pack are old and sick,they walk in front to set the pace of the walking in the pack.

The next 5 are the strongest and best,they are tasked to protect the front side if there is an attack.

The pack is in the middle are always protected from any attack,because they are consisted of mothers and their cubs.

The 5 behind them are also the strongest and the best,and they are tasked to protect the back side if there is an attack,similar to the one's in the front.Same task,different direction.

The last wolf-which is alone-is the leader,he ensures that no one is left behind.He is always ready to run in any direction to protect and serve as the bodyguard to the entire group.

"Woah."I was left speechless when we finished reading the article,by the face expression on Alec's face,I could tell he agrees with me.

"How in the world did you find that?"he asked,never taking his gaze off of my phone screen.

"I have my ways Alec,and I always will."I replied as I did a fake sassy hair flip,hoping to make him laugh.And I did,his laughter filled my ears as my heart did backflips,heat rising to my cheeks.

We stared at each other,and not even a few moments after one of us leaned in.My gaze fell onto his body,it was so close to mine.Closer than it ever was.I couldn't tell if it was him or me leaning in,but we are almost locking lips.I kept my gaze in his deep red eyes,reading them like an open book.Reading the words he never had the courage to tell me,it made me all giddy that he didn't forget them.They were all hiding in the back of his mind,safe and alone,waiting to be shown to the world.His arm went around my waist as he pulled me to his chest,our lips locking in an instant.A warm feeling went through my veins as I pressed my lips against his,I felt him smiling.


"Funneh,what should we have for dinner?"Gold asked as she leaned on the back of the couch,right behind me.

I glanced away from the most fabulous show every existing,Sherlock,and furrowed my eyebrows at her,"How about we order some pizza?"

"Who mentioned pizza for dinner?"Kyran asked as his sonic side took over,he stood in front of Gold and I in seconds."What?"

Gold and I bursted out laughing at our crazy roommate as he managed to roll his eyes out of our shaky gazes and fold his hands over his chest.I will not lie when I tell you his,he looked like an angry 5 year old kid.

"Pizza it is!"Gold gave in as she went to order it,I turned my eyesight back to Sherlock.

Dammit the episode ended.

I mentally groaned as I slid off my couch and decided to hug the floor.Don't you dare and judge me,the floor is sad and lonely,I'm giving it comfort.I mean,holding all of this furniture and three annoying human beings is very hard for him,so leave Florry alone.Hmpf.

[End of Chapter 25]

Did you ever hug your floor?

I know I did. . .heh.

-love ya

moiety - falec & fevan ffWhere stories live. Discover now