Chapter 21

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Stage #1: Occasional abuse and binge drinking

The first stage of alcoholism is a general experimentation with alcohol. These drinkers may be new to different forms of alcohol and likely to test their limits. This experimental stage is commonly seen in young adults.

Stage #2: Increased drinking

Drinkers leave the experimental stage when their alcohol consumption becomes more frequent. Instead of just drinking at parties once in a while, you may find yourself drinking every weekend.

Increased alcohol consumption can also lead to drinking for these reasons:

•as an excuse to get together with •friendsto alleviate stressout of •boredomto combat sadness or •loneliness.

Stage #3: Problem drinking

Frequent, uncontrolled alcohol abuse eventually leads to problem drinking. While any form of alcohol abuse is problematic, the term "problem drinker" refers to someone who starts experiencing the impacts of their habit.

You may become more depressed, more anxious, or start losing sleep. You may start to feel sick from heavy drinking, but enjoy its effects too much to care. Many drinkers at this stage are more likely to drink and drive or experience legal troubles as a result of their drinking.

There are also specific social changes related to problem drinking. These include:

•relationship issuesdecreased social
•activity because of erratic •behaviorsudden change in •friendsdifficulty conversing with •strangers

Stage #4: Alcohol dependence

Alcoholism has two facets: dependence and addiction. It's possible for a person to be dependent on alcohol, but not yet addicted.

Dependence forms after the problem drinking stage. At this point, you have an attachment to alcohol that has taken over your regular routine. You're aware of the adverse effects, but no longer have control over your alcohol consumption.

Alcohol dependence also means that you have developed a tolerance to drinking. As a result, you may have to drink larger quantities to get "buzzed" or drunk. Increased drinking has more damaging effects on the body.

Another characteristic of dependence is withdrawal. As you sober up, you may feel undesirable symptoms such as:

•nausea that is unrelated to a
•hangover body
•tremorssweatingsevere irritabilitya
•racing hearttrouble sleeping

Stage #5: Addiction and alcoholism

The final stage of alcoholism is addiction. At this stage, you no longer want to drink just for pleasure. Alcohol addiction is characterized by a physical and psychological need to drink.

People with alcohol addiction physically crave the substance and are often inconsolable until they start drinking again. They may be addicted to other drugs as well.

Compulsive behaviors are prominent in addiction, and people with alcohol addiction often drink whenever and wherever they desire.


"What are you reading?"Prince asked as his gaze hovered above my phone.

"Just some lame article I found online,"I replied as I threw my phone into my backpack.


As those words escaped his lips I managed to roll my eyes at him because I noticed something was off about him,more than usual.

"Aw,is someone hangover?"I nudged him.

"Maybe."he quietly replied as I started to drink my second beer.

The day went on quite nicely,if I do say so myself.The sun was burning us alive,and the wind gave a helping hand as it moved our remains.Well,not yet.I sat in a nearby park with Prince and Luce.Oh,right I forgot.Luce is a barista,who happened to become my best friend.And yes,we made out here and there,but we didn't...we didn't go that far,I think.

"Waddup,losers!"he greeted as his grin grew wider.

"The mean sun that wants to cook me alive,"I replied as I threw my empty beer can onto the grass.

"I have a surprise for you two."he whispered as he searched for something in his backpack,quickly getting annoyed for not finding the mystery item.

"Let me guess,you forgot whatever it was."Prince spoke through the silence.

"Yeah,sorry guys.How about I give it to you during dinner?"he proposed.

I can't have dinner with them,I promised Kyran and Gold that I'd be home tonight.Stupid promises,stupid old me.Why don't I think about the future,gosh darn it.

"I can't man,I promised I would stay at home tonight."

"And I just don't want to come."Prince spoke the brutal truth.

Luce rolled his eyes at us as he sat beside me,giving me another cold beer.

"Is there any bar near?I want something else,"Prince whined as he caught the beer Luce got for him.

We both shrugged as our cans made a small sound as we spoke a loud Cheers to each other.Grinning like the idiots we are.


"Dinner is officially ready!"Kyran's voice called out as I made a run to the glorious warm food.

"What got into you?"Gold questioned as a giggle escaped her lips.

"I didn't eat the entire day,I'm starving."I replied.

I missed these days and nights,I missed them dearly,but there was no turning back to that.I was stuck here,wasting the hours I got.I was wasting everything,and I couldn't stop.I had no self-control.

[End of Chapter 21]

Welcome back everyone,I hope that you liked the chapter!

I just zoomed this chapter 500% by accident,woops.

-love ya

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