Chapter 39

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How long was I walking in this black oblivion was a question I had no courage to ask, and I had no one to ask but myself.And asking myself wouldn't help that much, knowing very well I don't have the answer.

I kept turning my head around, looking for a spark.For something to keep me going, but nothing was there.All my hope was gone, changing places with the most known thing to me, fear.

"Give me something!"I yelled as my voice just echoed into nothing, just like my footsteps.

Maybe I should give out, I mean it's not worth living anyway.I'm a mess, I make other people a mess...I just spread negative energy around me.It's the only thing I know how to do, after putting myself down of course.

I stood up and walked, and then I started to run--and to my surprise, I found a small miror and a chair in front of it.Walking closer I looked at myself and the scars that wrote so much pain but no regret, I can't regret making them.I just can't do it!

I looked into my eyes, they were so dark and puffy from crying all this time.My arms were read, my body still numb that I think of it, how did I get here?What happened?Shrugging the feeling off I walked closer, sitting on the chair slowly.

"You are a waste,"I said.

"You are stupid and useless,"

"Did you see this blue hair?And your eyes?You're disgusting, you look like a monster.No, wait that's an insult for them.A monster of any kind would look gorgeous next to you, you useless whore."I started to cry, I whipped my tears in anger, hurting my cheeks a bit.

"If you came back no one would care and you know that,"

"There are just no words to explain how disgusted you look Funneh,"

"You disgusting, useless, whore, waste, trash, stupid, dumb, ugly, insecrue don't deserve to live.The scars you made--well you deserve them, you deserve every scar you ever made.No matter was it an accident or not.Every scar represents a person you hurt you monster.You selfish whore..."

Looking at the scars I could remember holding that razor, that razor which was still in my pocket.It was calling me, it was saying it's fine to leave.It took possession of the demobs which haunt me.

"You...whore, if Evan didn't save you that night you could have been pregnant till now!"I yelled as I stood up, taking the chair I broke the mirror in front of me.

"You are a waste of space!"I yelled at myself."I hate you so much for not being able to love yourself!"

And that's when I heard it, soft small quick steps rinning in ny direction.Turning around my eyes landed on a small adorable I might add boy, around seven years old.My imagination is officially crazy.

"W-who are you?"I asked whipping ny tears as he sat next to me, a adorable grin over his sweet face.His cheeks lifting at the huge smile.

"I am someone you will meet one day,"he replied mysteriously,"At least I hope."

I blinked a few times and he faded into the darkness.Who was that?Why did I feel a connection with him?And most of all, why do I feel the need to meet him in the future?

I'm insane.

[3rd person]

Kyran sighed as his gaze lurked around the empty street, kicking a rock in the process.As he saw a car coming closer to him he took a step back as the car passed by him, driving 150/mph.He couldn't do it, it wasn't worth it.He had something to live for, he just had to find that something.

Gold sighed as she leaned on the frame of the window, she held her tears in as she stared at the bright moon shining down at us all, giving us a light source we can always count on.As she whipped her unshed tears she managed to take a deep breath as she stood in her full height.

"You will prove them wrong, you will prove him wrong."she said to herself out loud.

Months passed after all of that drama, shortly saying what happened isn't possible so grab a snack and listen to me.We have three sides to unfold, all seperated but still connected by the years of love and friendship and now...pain and regret.Got you snack or were you just a lazy butt and didn't get it?Oh well, enjoy my lovely friends.

Kyran after that night couldn't take it anymore, he walked into the apartment and packed his things as quickly as possible.In the most inhuman way as well.He couldn't hold the pain and sorrow which was eating him alive, he felt guilty for everything;even though none of it was his fault.

"Kyran, please stop."Gold quietly begged as he kept backing hid clothes.

"I can't see you leave, I need you."she cried, she finally broke down...but it was just the first lair of her colors.

"And I need to get the hell out of here,"he replied, almost done with packing.

Gold took a deep breath as she held her head high,"I love you."

And that my friends maybe got some of you excited, but pain changes people.So much that they can't control themselves.

Kyran stopped packing as he turned to face Gold, disbelief going through his skin."What did you say?"

"I said, I love you."she repeated, waiting to either hug or kiss him.

Kyran turned his back to her as he kept packing, grabbing the clothes he put down when he turned around.

"I don't love you anymore."he said pushing her aside and walking to the door, but before he left he threw his keys of the apartment on the soft carpet.He met her broken shivering gaze,"You hurt me Gold, and I can't forgive you.Or myself at that."

She grabbed his wrist, stopping him from slamming the door shut."Please don't leave."

Kyran pulled his hand away," I am not denying that I loved you--I am denying that you could hurt me so much.I freaking did everything you wanted--and you never did anything in return.There was no love, it'd just lust with you."

He slammed the door and walked quickly into the elevator, rappidly pressing the same button--like that's going to make it go faster.Pfft.

Gold sat on the ground while the door was still open, she took the keys he threw on the carpet and sighed loudly.Words weren't needed to express how oblivious she stayed, that  I love you meant mostly nothing.She couldn't love him, and she knew that.But she needed someone, again she put her feelings first.I guess it's becoming a habit.

Prince kept going through the pictures of his homie and him, missing her dearly.He stopped on one and sighed, her fake smile made him break.But then he looked out the window as he put himself in a siting position.

"Dear God, please save my only friend.Let her have a second chance at life.Help her get through depression, don't let her leave us.I will stop sinning, I will do my best...but I need her to encourage me.And if you want--take me instead of her."he prayed under a whisper, teard flowing as he hugged his laptop."I miss you, dammit Funneh.Why do you have to leave me?"

"You worthless child, you never do your best!"

"I told you we should have sold him!"

"Go away!"Prince yelled as he threw a pillow over his bed, aiming to hit the voices of his horrible parents.

[End of Chapter 39]

Yes all of that happened.

I was thinking of doing a Character Q&A, but I'm not sure.Do you want me to do one?

-love ya

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