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Chapter 12: Diner


We were all dressed as nicely as we could, and we were all hungry. We walked out of the bus to find PTV that was just arriving. They all had tuxes on, and they all looked good but Mike was more attractive for me. Seeing him in that tux made me blush instantly, he came up to me and gave me a kissed. “You guys look great, now can we eat I’m hungry” Jaime said just like a little kid “yea come on I’m starving” Nick said as he started to run with Jaime. I guess we were walking there good thing it was only a few blocks away. Mike took my hand and are figures intertwined instantly. I looked behind me to see Vic’s arm around Becca’s shoulder as they walked they were cute together. Behind them there was Josh and Tony talking about who know what. David didn’t come out with us he wanted to go see his girlfriend and spend the night with her, I mean she flew all the way over here just to see him. As we got to the restaurant we all sat down and instantly ordered are food, and are drinks. “So is there a special occasion why we’re here or is it just for fun” Josh said as he took a drink. “Nah not really we just wanted to take you guys out that’s it” Tony replied “well it’s better than ordering in or going to the food tent” Nick replied as everyone laughed. “I have to go to the bathroom” Becca said as she got up and nodded to the bathroom “ill come with” I said while kissing Mike on the cheek and walking out. We both walked into the bathroom and started to fix are hair “so you having fun so far” Becca asked me as she walked into the stall “yea, it’s nice seeing the boys all dressed up” I said while laughing a bit “yea it is” she said while laughing and walking out of the stall to go wash her hands. We spent a few more minutes in the bathroom what can I say were girls “we should go back out the food should be there or almost there” “yea let’s go” we both walked out and went sit down. “Did you guys have fun in the bathroom” Josh said while laughing “yea we did” I couldn’t resist but to reply. After a few more minutes of laughing I saw Jaime’s face drop as he saw the food coming “yay, food I’m hungry” he said with a serious tone as we all laughed. After we all ate, we paid for are food and walked back to the busses. “Hey Mikkey you want to go for a walk” Mike whispered in my ear, I nodded “will be back soon” I said as everyone nodded and kept walking “make sure you use protection Mike” I heard Tony scream at him, he flipped him off and took my hand. “So where are we going exactly” I asked curiously “I’m not quite sure anywhere I guess” he replied after kissing my cheek, I turned red and just agreed and we kept walking in silence. We found a park not too far away and walked over to the swings. I sat on the swings and Mike stood right in front of me, he leaned in for a kiss. I turned my head really quite so he ended up kissing my hair “What was that for what you don’t want to kiss me” “I never said I didn’t want to kiss you, I just didn’t want to ruin the view I had of you” he smirked at me and went back to the way he was “is this a good enough view for you” he said as he took of his blazer and showed his muscle. It was really attractive, I felt safe around him. “I think that’s the best view I ever had” I said while biting my lip. “Don’t do that” he said to me with a big smirk on his face “do what” “look all cute and what not” he said while walking closer to me, “ah so I’m cute” “no you’re not cute your beautiful” he said while picking me up and spinning us around. After a while of him spinning us he lost balance and we ended up falling, I was on top of him. “Aw well your beautiful too” I said with a little laugh and he just laid there biting his lip. I rolled off his, he still had his arm around me and I was laying on his chest as we looked up at the stars. His heart beat was going crazy like he was nervous about something. “Is everything alright” I said to him while sitting up “yea why wouldn’t it be” he asked as he sat right beside me “no reason just asking” “well actually things are great” “oh yea how so” I asked while tilting my head to the side “well I’m at warped with my brother and my best friends. I got to meet you the most beautiful girl and I get to call you mine. I got to meet the rest of your band that are amazing people. And we have this time all to ourselves with no interruption” at that point I was blushing like crazy “dido” I said as I kissed him. “Dido” he asked as he pulled back “yea dido to what you said but in my point of view” I smirked as he pulled me closer to him. The kiss we shared was very passionate, like it was meant to be and nothing could ruin it.

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