what a fun night

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Chapter 6: what a fun night

Vic P.O.V.

“Oh my god, you see the way there moving” Mike said to me while not being able to remove his eyes from them. “Yea it’s incredible” I said to him as we both downed are shot. “So it seems like we both got are kiss tonight” Mike said to me still keeping his eyes on the girls, “Yea I guess so, and there in the same band and are like sisters” I said as my eyes were still on the girls “dude I think we just got really lucky, same band same tour, are like sister and were brother” “yea were set” I said to Mike as we both finely stopped looking at the girls, and ordered another round. The girls were finely coming back and they didn’t even seem out of breath. “Did you guys have fun” Mike said to them as they both sat down “yea did you guys enjoy the show, we know you were watching the entire time” Becca said to me and Mike “what can I say it was hot” I said as I put my arm around her waist, and Mike did the same to Mikkey. “Whatever” she said smiling and blushing like crazy. For the next hour or so we just sat there and go to know each other a little better. “Did you want to go for a walk, and I can walk you back to your bus later” I whispered in her ear and she nodded. She took my hand and got up “I’ll see you guys later, were going for a walk” I told them and they nodded “Mikkey I have my phone, so make sure the boys don’t get in to much shit and I’ll see you at the bus later” Mikkey nodded and continued her conversation with Mike and we walked out. “So where are we going anyways” she asked me while looking up “I’m not sure let’s just walk” “alright” she said with a smile on her face, I grabbed her hand and we instantly locker are figures together, I knew she was blushing, heck even I was starting to blush a bit. We walked to an empty field not too far from the all the busses it was at less 20 minutes away, it was peaceful and quite I liked it. “Wow you can actually see the stars from her” she said as she looked up “um Becca we are star also” I said giggling at her as she was speechless “I know that but I’m not talking about that kind of star” she said as she laid down on the grass “I know” I said as I laid down beside her. After a while of laying down and looking at the stars I put my arm around he and she got closer to me, she had her head on my chest, I was trying to control my speed of my heart. “This is really nice, there also a good view” she said while looking at me “yea it’s beautiful and there is the good view” I answered her as she started to giggle “I wasn’t talking about the stars” she said as she bit her lip “ah no worries baby, I wasn’t either” I said as she sat up and got closer to me. I put my arm around her shoulder once more and her head feel on my shoulder it was the perfect moment. “This might be a weird question but can I get a photo of this moment for your contact photo” I said not sure of what her answer would be “yea sure as long as we take some with my phone too” she said pulling out her phone “yea sure” I took the first photo of how we were placed and a few other good ones “alright now with your phone” I said to her while putting my phone away. We took a few more photos then I though why not as she was about to take the photo I grabbed her check and turned it to mine so it was a kiss. “Wow” she said as I pulled away as she looked at the photo “ah it’s not that good we should maybe try another one” I told her thinking it be a good excuse to kiss her once more. “I agree” we kissed once more taking the photo “that one’s better, that’s your contact photo” she said while setting it up and putting her phone away. I started to hum bulletproof in my head, I think my heart skipped a beat once I heard Becca singing along to it to. “It’s a really good song” she said to me after we finished “yea it is” I answer her as we sat in quite for the next few minutes. I felt her shiver next to me, I took of my hoodie and placed it around her to warm her up “oh um thanks, you didn’t have to do that you know, now you’re gonna get cold” “if I get cold I’ll just cuddle you, if that’s alright” I asked rubbing the back of my neck. “Oh yea that’s no problem” she said as she got comfortable on my lap. After a while of sitting and talking I checked my phone to see what time it was. “Wow, we’ve been here for almost three hours we left the bar at midnight” I told her as I was playing with her hair “seriously well we should head back to are busses before people start to worry and so we can go to bed” she said while she was getting up, she stuck out her hand in front of me to help me up to start walking to the busses. As we got to the busses she took of my hoodie and tried to give it back to me “no keep it for the night and give it to me tomorrow” I told her as I handed it back to her “you sure” “yea it gives me and excuse to see you tomorrow” she started to blush, she started to walk into her bus until I grabbed her arm and pulled her in for a hug. I didn’t want to let go I felt happy her in my arms. “Vic” she whispered “yea” I said kissing the top of her head “I have to go in” she said while looking at me “alright but first this” I said as I kissed her. I pulled back so she can go inside until she pulled me closer to kiss me, the kiss was so passionate, and it felt right. “Ok bye” she said as she walked into the bus “bye have a good night” I told her as I walked back to my bus. I don’t think I’ve been this happy for a while I kept thinking to myself. I walked into my bus to find out that everyone was already asleep, so I got changed into my sweats and laid down in my bunk just looking at the photos we took, until I slowly started to fall asleep.

Becca P.O.V.

“Bye have a good night” Vic told me as I walked into my bus. “There you are, so did you have fun” I heard Mikkey say from the couch “oh um yea I did” I answered her as I sat down beside her “what did you do” she asked as I laid down on her lap “well we went for a walk till we got to this field and we just sat down and talked” I said while playing with the sleeves of his hoodie “then you got cold so he gave you his hoodie” she asked while pulling the sleeve “yea” I said as I started to blush “then we took a few photo’s” “oh can I see them please Becca please” she kept bagging me “alright” I pulled out my phone to showed her the photo after every photo she kept ‘awing’ at the photos “ok well I’m tired so I’m gonna go to bed” I told her as I started to walk to the bunk “how drunk are the guys and are they sleeping” I turned to ask her “they’re gonna wake up with a hangover tomorrow, and yea they are” “alright well good night I want to hear everything that happened with Mike tomorrow night hun” I said to her as I kept walking “good night” she said to me as I got changed into my pj shorts and a tank top but I kept his hoodie on. It smelt like him, it smelt so good I felt like his arms where still around me hugging me to sleep. A few minutes later I feel asleep. I woke up the next morning, happy that I had his hoodie on, it still smelt like him and it smelt amazing, I didn’t want to take it off. I felt my phone vibrate, I looked at the contact to see a photo of me and Vic and instantly the smile on my face got bigger. “Good morning” I said into the phone, “morning beautiful, did you just wake up as well” he said in a very sleepy voice “yea, I’m guessing so did you” I said while smiling to his answer. “Yea I did, I just wanted to say that I had a great time last night” “I had a great time to” “good, did you want to hangout for a bit before sound check” he asked “sure, but I think I’m gonna shower first then I got to talk to Mikkey, so I’ll txt you when I’m ready” “alright sounds great I’ll talk to you later” he said as we said are good bye and I hung up the phone to go take my shower. As I got to the bathroom I stripped of my clothes and let the hot water hit my body, it felt great to shower. I got out and changed and went to the backroom to see Mikkey sleeping on Mikes lap. “Hey Becca, going meet up with Vic” Mike asked me quietly trying not to make too much noise to wake Mikkey up “yea I am in a bit, I was gonna talk with Mikkey for a bit, but it seems like she tired and well comfy” I said giggling, Mike winked at me as I walked out. “Hey guys how you feel” I said as I walked into the main room to see Josh, Nick and David holding their head “shhh don’t make too much noise my head hurts” Josh said and everyone nodded in agreement “alright then” I walked out of the bus telling them I’d see them at sound check later. I walked over to the Pierce the veil bus to go see Vic and everyone else. “Hey guys” I said walking into the bus, to see Jaime laying down on Tony “Oh hey Becca, what’s up” Tony said while looking at me “nothing though I’d come by to see you guys” I said as Jaime got up and hugged me following by Tony. “Vic’s in the backroom if you’re looking for him” Jaime told me as he sat back down. “Alright thanks” I said as I was walking to the backroom. I heard the sounds of a guitar and Vic singing, he had an amazing voice. I opened the door quietly hoping he didn’t hear me, he didn’t and he kept playing. After he finished his song I started to clap. “Oh god, hey Becca, I didn’t hear you walk in” he said as he put his guitar down and started to walk to me “that was the point, I wanted to hear you play so I was as quite as I could be” as grabbed a hold of me and dragged me closer to give me a kiss. “And what did you think about it” he said to me as he realised me “it was amazing, I love hearing you play” he started to blush. “Thanks, hey sense you heard me play can I hear you play something” he asked while patting down on the couch telling me to come sit next to him. “Yea I guess so” he handed me the guitar “what do you want me to play” “anything you want” I thought to myself for a bit and started to play bulletproof love, it had to be one of my favorite songs. After I finished the song I looked over to the door to find Jaime and Tony there “you have an amazing voice, no wonder you the lead in your band” Jaime told me as he walked to sit down. “You really do have a good voice” Tony said as he walked to where Jaime was. “Thanks” I said with a big smile on my face. “Baby, you’re incredible” Vic said to me as he leaned in closer for a kiss. “Awe, that’s cute but can we go get food now” Jaime said in excitement “yea I could eat, let’s go” I said as I stood up with everyone else as we walked of the bus. Vic grabbed my hand and we intertwined are figures while Jaime took a lock on my arm, and Tony grabbed a hold of Jaime arm so we were all latched to each other. I loved these guys they were fun to be with.

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