Chapter 33;

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Chapter 33;

Vic P.O.V.

I still couldn’t believe someone would do that to someone so beautiful and sweet, all I know is I wasn’t gonna let it happen again I was gonna protect this girl with my life. We just arrived to the next venue and we had to go to sound check as she went to hers I know there was gonna be people around her so I wasn’t worried all that much anymore. “I still want to knock the fucker out” Mike said while twirling his drum sticks as Jaime and Tony nodded in agreement “you’re not the only one bro, I’d love to knock him out” I said as I was tuning my guitar. After we did our sound check we had about an hour and a half before we were playing our set so we all decided to go over to SC set to see how they were doing “hey babe, how you holding up” I asked as I kissed her check, she just gave me a smile “I’m fine, don’t worry about me” “It’s my job to worry about you, I want to keep you safe” “I know and thanks but I’m fine I promise and like I said if I see him I’ll let you guys know” she gave me another smile “you better” Mike said as he was hugging Mikkey.

After hanging out with them for a while we had to go back to our set “five minutes” Jaime said as he grabbed his bass “let’s rock this place to the ground” Mike said as we all nodded, we were all pumped like every show we play and we know it was gonna be another good one. We all ran on stage to our spot “What the fucks up guys, you ready to party” I screamed into the mic “what do you think Jaime, you think they’re ready” I asked while looking at him “I don’t know they didn’t scream load enough, let’s try this again you guys fucking ready” Jaime screamed into the mic as the crowd cheered even louder “what do you think Tony” I asked “well that was loud enough for me like do this” he said as he started to play ‘the first punch’. After a few more songs I made an announcement “you guys having a good time” the crowd cheered “perfect, now I’d like to invite one of my good friends on stage to help with this next song you guys up for it” I waiting for the crowd to answer before I continued “right on, alright Quinn get your fucking ass on this stage” I said while looking toward him he laugh and walked on stage with a mic in his hands. “What do you want” he said as he got closer to me “I want to play a song” I said “then play you don’t need me” he laughed “I kind of do you know you’re in this song” I said while laughing “yea man, we need you” Jaime said into his mic as the crowd cheered “alright then let’s do this shit” he scream into the mic as Tony started to play ‘kind for a day’. After the set we all ran off stage happy it was an amazing show “Hey we still have time to go check out SC set” Jaime said as he put his bass down. “let’s do it and lets have fun with it” Mike said “what do you mean” Tony said with a confused face “let’s get there crowd even more pumped” he said “how do you suppose we do that, run onto their stage” Jaime said in a joking matter “yea let’s do it” Mike said as we started to walk we all nodded in agreement with a big smile on our faces.

Becca P.O.V.

Our crowd was incredible and we were only done half our set, it took away all my problems and worries, playing set always made me happy. For out next song I didn’t have my guitar it was only Josh doing guitar for this song so I was free to jump and move around with the mic in my hand, it was amazing. Half way through the song the crowd got even louder I was wondering what was going on, until I felt hands grabbed me by my waist from behind and picking me up to spin me around. We all stop playing as we noticed that Vic, Mike, Jaime and Tony were on the stage. “The fuck you guys doing” I asked “having fun” Jaime screamed into Josh’s mic. The crowd got even louder “why our set then” Nick asked “why not, we love you guys and wanted to come visit, and see your amazing crowd that you have going on” Mike said as he got to the front of the stage with Mikkey over his shoulder. “Mike you dick” she said as he finely put her down “oh you loved it” she started to blush as we all laughed. “You guys are cool with us being here right” Vic said as he stole the mic from my hands, the crowd cheered “good” he responded “now we have another surprise for you all, cause you’re a fucking amazing crowd” Jaime said into the mic “I’m kind of scared now” Josh said “ah don’t be man, you’ll love it” Jaime said as he put his arm around his shoulder “ok I’m trusting you” Nick said while laughing “alright dudes, come on out” Tony screamed into the mic. We were all confused until we saw SWS and ATL walk onto our stage “really, you know we were playing a show” Nick said “yea well I don’t give a fuck, we wanted to come visit” Kellin said into the mic, “so you chose now to come visit” I asked they all nodded in agreement “well you can go back to playing your set, but were not leaving just yet” Alex said with a big smile “fine, whatever just don’t get in our way” I said as we all got back into our spots “lets restart that song shall we” I said into the mic as the crowd cheered. PTV, SWS and ATL stayed on the stage doing a bunch of random shit and dancing like idiots it was hilarious, after a few songs they got off stage so we can finish up.

“was that really necessary” I asked as we walked off stage “yes it was” Vic said as he put his arms around my waist to kiss me “whatever, can we all just stay in and have a fire instead of going to the club” I asked they all nodded, Jack put up his hand like a kid waiting for the teacher to pick him so he can talk “yes Jack” I said while laughing “can we still drink at less” he said with a serious tone “yes of course we can” Mike said as we all walked toward the busses “good” he said with a sound of relief in his voice. After an hour of being around the fire and drinking, I felt my phone vibrate I was kind of scared to check it. I felt relieved as I saw it was just Mikkey that texted me, I found it a bit weird seeing as she was sitting across from me.

Mikkey; Hey, did you get any text, or seen him at all today?

Becca; No I didn’t thank god

Mikkey; good

We both stopped texting each other and got lost into the conversation everyone was having. This was a great day. Jack and Alex were fighting on the ground for a drink. Mikkey was sitting on Mike’s lap with a big smile on her face. Kellin and Justin were arguing about how knows what but It was hilarious.  I was with Vic having a blast and everyone else were talking to each other having fun. Two hours later I felt my phone vibrate again, maybe it was Mikkey again, I looked up to see her and Mike laughing at Jack’s dancing so it couldn’t be her. “All be right back” I said to Vic as I let go of his hand and gave him a kiss on the check “where you going” “to the bathroom” he just nodded and I walked into my bus. It wasn’t a complete lie I did have to go to the bathroom, but I also wanted to know who texted me. After I went to the bathroom I decided to check.

Unknown Number; Hey doll, I saw your set, your stage was pretty pack seeing as you had SWS, PTV and ATL with you guys up there. I love your music. Just letting you know in case you didn’t figure It out I am fallowing you guys to each venue, you might not see me but I see you. You looked great tonight btw, love you ox

I was practically shaking at that point I was speechless I didn’t know what do to. I know if I tell everyone about the text they wouldn’t leave me alone, but they do have the right to know. After arguing with myself for a few minutes I decided I wasn’t gonna show them just yet, if I got a few more text like this I would tell them just not yet. I walked back to the fire to see everyone smiling and having a good time I also didn’t want to ruin their night. “hey” Vic said as he pulled me onto his lap and kiss my check “hey” I whispered back “you ok babe” he asked with a concerned tone “yea I’m fine why wouldn’t I be” I gave him a reassuring smile but he didn’t seem to believe it “you sure” “yea I mean, I had a great show, I’m with some of my best friends, and I’m with the best guys out there” I said while kissing his lips hoping he’d drop the subject “alight” he said as he put his arm around my waist.

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