I'm going to the club alright

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Chapter 24: I’m going to the club alright


Meet and great was a blast, but now it’s time to hit the club and I couldn’t wait. We all went back to our bus to get ready Becca took her shower first cause she was meeting Vic in a few minutes. Once she got out of the shower Nick took his, I swear he takes longer then a girl I have no idea how he got the shower before the rest of us. But that’s fine because it gave me and Becca the chance to find something nice to wear. “How about this” Becca said to me as she handed me a pair of white short shorts and a purple tank top “perfect, thanks” I said to her as I put it in my bunk so I can change into it after my shower. “No problem, k well ill meet you guys at the club Vic’s on his way” she said as she walked to the door. “Mikkey your turn” Nick said as he walked out the bathroom “about fucking time” I said as I grabbed my towel and walking in the bathroom. After my shower I heard more people than usual in the bus, but I didn’t mind. I walked out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped around my body I didn’t care who was in the bus. We all walk out of the bathroom with just a towel around us so were all used to it. I looked in the kitchen to see my band and Jaime and Tony there but no Mike that was weird. “Josh your up” I said as I walked into the bunk area to get dressed. I reached into my bunk to grab my clothes, I heard a whistle from behind me “well you look good in just a towel” I started to blush as I felt Mike’s arm go around my waist. “Thanks, but can I change” I said as I turned to kiss him “awe, ok” he said as he returned the kiss, he walked back into the kitchen so I was alone. After I changed I did my hair and my make-up so I was ready. “Well you look pretty” Jaime said as I walked into the kitchen “yea she does” Mike said as he walked up to me “why thank you” I said while laughing as I sat down. After Josh took his shower we were finely ready to leave. “Dav, you coming or not” Tony said to him seeing as David was just sitting down playing on his phone “yea man, I’ll just meet you guys there” he all nodded and walked off the bus. “What’s wrong with David” Tony asked as he closed the door “his girlfriend broke up with him not long ago” Josh continued “ah man, that blows” Jaime said as well all nodded in agreement.


“Dav, you coming or not” Tony asked “yea man, I’ll just meet you guys there” everyone nodded and walked off the bus. I couldn’t stop thinking about Trina, she meant everything to me I spent four years of my life with her. I just wanted to hear from her again, just once and I’d be satisfied. I decided to man up and give her a call no matter how much it would hurt, she picked up after the second ring

Trina: Hello, who’s this?

Really she already deleted my number.

Me: It’s David, you already deleted my number really

Trina: well, what do you want me to do, we’re not together anymore

Me; yea I know

Trina; why are you calling me anyways

Me; I just wanted to hear your voice, I miss you

Trina; that’s sweet but seriously David we broke up, were done

Me; Trine don’t be like this

Trina; like what thinking that for once I matter to someone, but apparently I don’t cause your band matters more to you then me

Me; my band is my life, I knew these guys for years, I’m the only manger they ever had or ever will have

Trina; well still what ever

Me; no ok I miss you I want you back I can change I can spend more time at home, you can come on tour with us

Trina; I don’t think so

Me; why not?

Trina; *hey babe you coming*

I hear someone from the other line say

Trine:  yea, give me a minutes

She answered the person

Me; so I see you already moved on

Trina; yea I did, maybe you should to

Me; Trina we broke up about 2-3 days ago, wow could you be more of a slut

Trina: you know what fuck you David I’m not a slut, goodbye

She hung up on me, I couldn’t believe she was already with someone else. “You know what fuck this” I said to myself as I walked into the bunk area to change. I walked off the bus and started to make my way to the club were everyone else was.

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