darling you'll be okay

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Chapter 18: darling you’ll be okay


“Whoa” my face dropped, I think that was the only word I was able to say as I saw Becca walk out of the bunk area. She was gorgeous he long brown hair straight as a pin, her eyes were so gorgeous just by the way she did her make-up. She had a strapless blue dress on with black lase, it ended at her knees, she had a pair of black flats. She was stunning “do I look ok” Becca said as she rubbed the back of her neck. I walked up to her and pulled her closer to give her a kiss “you look incredible” I gave her another kiss and she pulled back “as do you” she gave me another kiss, we got interrupted by everyone making ‘awing’ noises “ok well we should go then” I said as I released her and grabbed a hold of her hand “yea I’m getting hungry” we waved to everyone and told them will meet them at the bar later. “So where are we going” she asked as she looked up to me “ah it’s a surprise” I said as I let go of her hand to put my arm around her shoulder. We walked for another few minutes until we got to the restaurant “hi can I help you guys” the lady at the desk asked us “hi, yea we have a reservation under Fuentes” she nodded and lead us to are table, as soon as we sat at the table we ordered are food. “This is a really nice place” Becca said as she reached across the table to grab my hand “yea it is” I said as I kissed her hand. “I want to know more about you” I asked her she had a smile on her face “what do you want to know” “how you met the band, how it started, your family. Anything I just like hearing you talk” she started to blush at the last part of my sentence “alright” she said with a smile. “I met Mikkey starting of grade nine and we just hit it off and been best friends ever sense. I met Josh and Nick as few months after that. We’d always hangout at this one place, were a bunch of us would meet up. The one day I saw Josh pull out the guitar and started to play. And I knew the song he was playing so I took out the other guitar joined in and started singing. Then Nick was telling us how he plays bass and him and Josh would always play together. Then we talked about how Mikkey had good rhythm and was good on drums then it just happened.” “That’s a good way to connect with people” I said while she laughed and nodded “what about your family” I asked her and she gave my hand a bit of a squeeze and put her head down “you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to” I said as I grabbed her chin and lifted it “no, it’s ok” she said with a smile on her face. “You sure” I asked to make sure I didn’t want to see her sad, not tonight. “Yea, I’m sure” she sighed and opened her mouth but nothing came out “baby we can talk about this after supper” I said to her as I kiss her hand again. She nodded as the food arrived. After we ate, I paid for supper and we walked out “now where are we going” she said while swinging are arms back and forth “ah you’ll see” I gave her a smile, and she just sighed and nodded. We walked a few more minutes till we arrived at a beach. “Want to go sit on the beach” I asked as I put my arm around her shoulder. “Yea” she said as she gave me a kissed and grabbed my arm and dragged my arm, I just laughed at her childless. As we got to the end of the sand we took off are shoes and sat down where the water would only hit are feet. I put my arm around her shoulder and she cuddled into my side. “They, they…” I heard her say softly “they who, what’s wrong” I asked her as I she looked at me “my parents, they got divorced when I was 7. My dad was never there for me he didn’t care for me. That why I relate to SWS song ‘trophy father trophy son’ and well my mom she never really cared for any of us. That’s when I turned 17 me and Mikkey moved in together” she said trying not to cry, I grabbed her in my arm and just held her for a while “wait, what do you mean she never cared about any of you” I said while pulling back “I have three brothers, the two oldest aren’t my mom’s kids there my dad’s. Same dad different mom so there my half blood brothers, so they lived with us cause there mom didn’t want them, and they took really good care of me, than there bitch of a mom wanted them back, so they moved across the country. And well the third oldest, he was really bad into drugs and got kicked out. But he’s doing well now he’s clean and married. So for a while it was just me my mom and my stepdad. I got fed up and moved out” she said with more confidence that she wouldn’t cry. “I’m sorry you had to live through that” I gave her a kiss on the cheek and she just smiled “so am I but, my way of thinking it is I haven’t lived through that I wouldn’t be here now. I wouldn’t have met you” she said with a smile on her face. I grabbed her face and just kissed her, after a few minutes I got up and reached for her hand “what are we doing” she said as she reached my hand and got up “where gonna walk on the beach” she had a big smile on her face and nodded. “I’m sorry” she whispered “why are you sorry” I asked as I stopped her by standing in front of her “because I turned this perfect night into a sappy moment with my stories” she said as she put her head down “hey, hey no you didn’t, I got to learn something about you, you’re a strong beautiful girl” I said as I lifted her head “you really mean it, because last person I told those stories just laughed at me and left me” “I’m never leaving you, ever” I reassured her, she just smiled at me “who else know those stories” “well my entire band does” she said as we started to walk “alright, now let’s walk a bit more then we got to go meet everyone at the bar” I said as I grabbed a hold of her hand “alright”

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