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Chapter 15: cheers


We had a few more hours to go until we finely arrived in New York. I got to say it was a blast being in warped and I didn’t want it to end at all, I was with my best friend that we’re like family to me, well one of them was actually family to be but that doesn’t matter I was close to all of them. And I got to meet all these new bands that I love. “Yo sup man” I said to Josh as I sat beside him “fuck all, literally I have no idea what to do” “well that blows, were are the girls in the back” “yea” I thought to myself for a few minutes. “I know that look, you have something devious going on what you have in mind” he knew most of my looks, he knew that look for sure “well lets go entertain ourselves and go bug the shit out of the girl” I saw a big smile cross his face “what would we do” “well whenever we copy them it pisses them off, and maybe just keep cutting into their conversation and what not” “I’m so in” his smile got even bigger “oh god I know that smile what are you two up to” David said as he walked out of the bunk room into the kitchen “oh nothing just gonna bug the shit out of the girls, you want in” I told him as I stood up “oh fuck yea” now he had the same smile as me and Josh had “awesome lets go” Josh said as he started to walk into the backroom. “Hey girlfriends” Josh said as he walked in and spread himself across both of them. “Josh what the fuck are you doing” Becca said as she slapped his arm, I couldn’t resist “Josh what the fuck are you doing” I started to copy them. “Don’t copy me” Becca said to me “don’t copy me” David joined in “guys seriously what are you guys doing” Mikkey asked as she tried to push Josh off of her. “Oh nothing just giving you guys some love” Josh said as he rolled over and gave them both a big hug “hey I want in” I said as I ran to them and jumped on Josh “Dav you coming join us” Josh said with his arm spread open “couldn’t stop me if you wanted to” he said as he jumped on us to.


You can tell we were supper bored, and well when we get this bored we love bugging the girl. “Guys get off” Becca screamed as we were ticking them. After a few more minutes of us attacking them we stopped and got off them. “Aw you guys love us” I said as I swung my body side to side like a little kid “I’m not quite sure why sometimes, but yea we love you” Mikkey said to me with a big smile on her face “yay” all three of us said as we jumped up and down. “They love us, oh my god this calls for a celebratory drink” Nick said as he threw his arms in the air and walked out the backroom David fallowed him out. “I could go for a drink” Mikkey said as she got up and walked out. “You coming Becca” I said to her as I sat beside her “nah not right now I’ll have a drink soon do” she said as she turned her attention to her phone “you ok” I was concerned she was like my little sister I had to take care of her, “oh hmm yea I’m fine” she said as she looked up at me with a reassuring smile “alright but you know if you ever have to talk I’m here right” I said as I gave her a hug “yea I know” she hugged me back. I got up to walk away to go get my drink “hey Josh” I stopped and looked back “yea” “thanks” she smiled at me “anytime” I walked out I honestly didn’t know why she thanked me. Maybe it was cause I told her she can talk to me about anything, I wasn’t too sure but oh well it was nice getting a thanks every now and then. I walked into the kitchen and Nick put a beer in my hand before I can even ask “thanks bro you read my mind” “hey I’m your brother come on I know you” he said as he put his arm around my shoulder and everyone else laughed. “We have at less two hours left until we are in New York” David said as he put his beer in the air. We all cheered and took a drink, I couldn’t picture being anywhere else.  I checked my phone to see who it was that texted me. It was Jaime

Jaime: hey man, how you guys doing on the bus

Me: ah were doing good, were just having a beer :P

Jaime: oh hahah same here dude

Me: word lol, so you having fun

Jaime: fuck yea, hey man you want to hit the bars tonight get a few of the guys to come with us xD

Me: yea sure sound like a plan

Jaime: sweet see you guys in like an hour and a half give or take

I couldn’t wait to hit the bar when we got there, I wanted to have a good time and let go. Don’t get me wrong I love being on the bus, but it’s not always that fun drink in the bus I can’t pick up any girls.

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