what a blast

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Chapter 5: what a blast

Mikkey P.O.V.

“Ops” I said as I jumped onto Mikes back, “what did you do” he asked me and he put me back down and grabbed my hand as are fingers intertwined. “Well when I walked onto the bus, I think I just ruined there moment cause it looked like they were about to kiss” “ah, no worried I think I did the same to them when I went to get changed after my shower” he said while laughing “so we basically both ruined their moments” “yup” he said while letting go of my hand and put his arm around my shoulder for a few moments as Jaime jumped in between us. “Hey I want part of this” Jaime said all happy like “ah, well come here big boy” Mike said as he gave him a kiss on the cheek “ah, baby not right now” Jaime said to him, as he walked back to Tony who was laughing so hard. “I guess I got to say I’m a little jealous now” I said while crossing my arm around my chest. “Ah its ok he might have got a kiss, but he’s not really the person I want to kiss” “ah really now, well tell me about her” I said joking around cause I had a feeling he was talking about me. “Ok, well she gorgeous, her hair comes up to her shoulder, and I think its black but then I’m not sure” “Ah well she seems fun, tell me more about her” “I was getting there, ok she’s wearing short shorts right now and have a Black Veil brides shirt on and, she blushing like crazy” he said as he put his arm around me. “Well you know what she sounds amazing” I said while laughing. “What about you is there anyone you want to kiss right now” he asked while bumping into me “well there is this one guy” I said while rubbing the back of my neck. “Tell me more” he said as he stopped me, and we just stood there and let everyone walk in front of us. Becca and Vic passed us and Becca winked at me and gave me a ‘you go girl’ look. “Ok we he’s supper cute, he’s tall, and he’s wearing a black muscle shirt and I got to say it looks really good on him, he also have black skinnies that have holes in them” I said while looking at him to see him bit his lip. “Looks like we have a problem then” “what’s that” I asked looking all confused “I didn’t get a chance to kiss her yet” he said as he grabbed my waist and pulled me in closer until are lips touched. He pulled back and just looked at me while biting his lip “did that solve your problem” I asked biting my lip back at him “no, not yet it wasn’t satisfying enough” “alright well let me see what I can do about that” I put my arms around his neck and pulled him even closer to me, until we kissing. “How about now” I whispered to him and I pulled back. “That was much better” he said as he put his arm around my waist and started to walk again.

When we finely got to the club, we met up with Vic and Becca seeing as Tony and Jaime went to talk to these two girls. We sat down in the same booth as them, and just talked. Mike did the same as Vic was doing to Becca and put his arm around my waist. “I’ll be right back I’m gonna go get some drinks, you coming with Mike” Vic said as he got up and placed a kiss on Becca check. “Yea, will be right back try not to miss us too much” Mike told us in a joking matter as he kissed my check and walked away as well. “Alright girl, spill it I want to know what happened” Becca said as she got closer to me “Ok well we um… we” I said nervously “dude tell me I want to know” “Ok, ok well we kissed and oh my god I kid you not Becca it was like the best thing in the world I never had a kiss like that before in my life” I was saying as Becca was squealing “so it was that good” “it was amazing, what about you and Vic” I asked her as she started to blush. “Well we almost had a moment in the bunk area but Mike ruined that, then we almost had one after everyone left the bus, but you ruined that” “oh hahah I’m sorry about that” I said while rubbing the back of my neck “ah don’t worry about it, he said we can finish are little moment in a little bit” I started to fan girl. “What’s going on over here” I looked up to see Mike and Vic very confused. “Oh um nothing just girl talk that’s it” I heard Becca say as she grabbed her shot from Vic.

Becca P.O.V.

I grabbed my shot from Vic as Mikkey grabbed hers from Mike. “To the first day of warped” Mike said as we all cheers and downed are shot. “You want to go dance” Vic whispers to me as he out his hand in front of me. I grabbed his hand and looked back to Mikkey who winked at me and she had Mike’s arm over her shoulder and trying not to blush. We got to the dance floor and it was a good upbeat music playing what can I say ‘the first punch by pierce the veil was playing’ so me and Vic danced and sang to it. The music suddenly changed to a slow song, I knew Vic wouldn’t want to dance anymore so I started to walk away slowly until he grabbed my arm and spun me around as he put his arm around my waist. “Were not done” he said to me biting his lips “I’m not complaining” I said to him while blushing as I rapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me closer to him. I looked over to my side to see Mikkey and Mike dancing also as Mike winked at me as a congratulation’s. They seemed happy as they continued dancing, I turned my attention back to Vic that was looking me into the eyes. I got lost in his eyes again as he got closer and closer. “Dude can you be my wingman” Jaime said to Vic as he interrupted are moment again, just when I thought we would finely kiss. “Dude really, can’t you get Tony to do it” Vic said he sounds a little sad that he didn’t get the moment we wanted “thrust me I would if he didn’t already have a girl” we looked over to were Jaime was pointing to notice Tony kissing this girl. “Hey if I can, Jaime I think I might have the best wingman for you” his face lightened up “alright who” he said jumping up and down like a little kid. “Ok go over there at that table to Josh” I said pointing to the table “he’s the other guitarist in my band he’ll do it for sure and if he doesn’t agree to do it tell him I sent you, and he’ll for sure help” “alright thanks Becca” he said as he kissed my check and walked away. “Ah thanks god, you just saved me now where were we” he said as he laughed and pulled me closer. “I think we were somewhere around here” we got closer and closer to each other until we finely kissed. It was perfect there was no one to interrupt us this time, it was magical, and it was about time. “Wow, that was incredible, and no one to stop us this time” he said pulling away slowly. “It was” I said biting my lip, he just smiled at me and kissed me again I was the happiest, we danced the rest of the song then walked over to the bar to get another drink. Mikkey and Mike walked over to us and accompanied us back to our booth. “Ah, Becca come dance with me please” Mikkey asked me while pulling on my arm “alright lets go” we both started to walk away until we both had an arm grab us to find it was Vic and Mike waiting for a kiss first. We kissed them and started to walk again. “So it looks like you finely had your kiss” Mikkey said to me as we were dancing “yea I did it was amazing” I responded to her as we kept dancing. “Oh my god thanks Becca, thank you so much” Jaime said to me as he pulled me into a big hug “I’m guessing it worked” I managed to get out, he nodded and walked away.

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