Chapter 34:

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Chapter 34:


I woke up this morning with relief knowing that we didn’t have to do a show till at less five. I got out of bed and check the time it was nine in the morning making sense as why everyone was still sleeping. I decided to take a quick shower, once I got out I decided to go for a walk I put my headphones in and started to walk around the field where the busses are. After a while of walking I had the feeling of someone fallowing me, I turned my music even louder to try and block out that though. It only worked for a few minutes seeing as I got more paranoid every few minutes I’d look behind me to see no one except for the occasionally crew members walk by every few minutes. The feeling didn’t stop, I wanted to do whatever to get over that feeling so I walked even faster deciding to get some breakfast. Once I got to the food tent there weren’t many people there and that was fine, I grabbed myself an apple and a coffee and sat down at the table still listen to my music as loud as I could. I was lost in my own world not paying attention to anyone that would walk in or out of the tent. I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped.

“What the fuck Jack, you trying to give me a heart attack” I said as I hit his arm as he laughed and sat down beside me “nope, just wanted your attention”  “Well you got it so what’s up” I said as I pulled both headphone’s out and turned my music off “nothing kind of bored, you got to entertain me” he said whining like a little kid “awe no worries Jack I’m bored but no you have to entertain me” he laughed “why don’t we go find someone else to entertain us” he suggested “like who?” “Umm… well there Alex, the guys from PTV or the guys from SWS or everyone else from your band” he had a big smile on his face, I thought about it for a few minutes before I spoke up “Alex, he can entertain us” “let’s go” he said as he stood up.

Once we got to ATL bus Alex was already outside so we didn’t have to go inside and annoy everyone else witch I wouldn’t mind but didn’t want to bother them this early. “ALEX” Jack screamed as he jumped on his back “Jack what the fuck man, oh hey Becca” I gave him a smile as he put Jack down “hey” I said while hugging him “so what you two up to” he asked “Alex, me and Jack have a big problem and we need your help” I said in a very serious tone and Jack just nodded “sure what’s wrong” he said sounding a bit worried “were bored, entertain us” me and Jack said at the same time “seriously, that’s your big problem” he laughed “yes, it’s important man we need help” Jack said sounding like a 5 year old. Alex just laughed. “Alright I’ll be right back then ill entertain you guys” he said before walking onto the bus.

After few minutes he walked back out in shorts and a t-shirt “ready to be entertained” he said as he faced the door so our backs were against the door “yes” we both shouted at the same time. “Alright, just remember it’s a good thing it’s hot out” was all he said before he took a step back. Jack and I looked at each other before we heard the bus door open, then the cold sensation of water covering mine and Jack body. After there was no more water falling on us I saw Rian and Zach stand right beside Alex, they were all laughing. “Enough entertainment for you guys” Alex said in between laughs “run” was all I said with a smile on my face “what” they all said at the same time “you heard the girl… run” Jack said with the same smile on his face. All three boys stopped laughing and started to run.

Jack and I looked at each other before running off into our own direction after them I was running after Alex as Jack ran after Rian and Zach. “Get your ass over here Gaskarth” I shouted to the boy running in front of me “never” he said before he ran into someone he feel on the floor so I was able to reach him. Once he got up I gave him a big hug seeing as my clothes was wet “Becca let go off me your all wet” he whined “nope this was you’re doing I just want to love you” “love you to but get off me” he said before I finely let go off him he stuck out his tongue before we looked at who he ran into. “What exactly are you two doing” Jaime asked while shaking his head “he started it” I said while pointing “nu-huh, she did it” he said in defense “what actually happened” Jaime said while looking at me “ok me and Jack were bored so we went and asked Alex to entertain us and he got Rian and Zach to throw water at us so I was chasing Alex as Jack chases the other two” I said while crossing my arm “so you caught him just to hug him” “yup, so now he’s partly wet” I said with a big smile on my face, Jaime was laughing like crazy as Alex stuck his tongue at him again. “Why didn’t you just go hug Vic or something” Jaime said with a smile on his face. “I’m still wet, Jaime where is he” I asked with a smile on my face “he should be outside the bus, let’s go” with that me Alex and Jaime went over to his bus.

Once we got to the bus Vic was standing outside talking with Mike and Mikkey. We all snuck up behind him telling Mike and Mikkey to be quite and not say that we were coming. Once I got behind Vic I jumped on his back, my wet clothes all over him so now he was getting wet. “What the fuck” he said as he turned around to see me “Becca why the fuck are you wet” he said after he kissed me “long story” I said before I hugged him “don’t hug me your all wet, you already got part of my back wet” he said with a sassy voice witch only made me laugh even more “awe baby, come here” I opened my arm for him but he just backed up. He kept backing up every step I took, next thing you know we had more water being dumped on me and Vic this time by Mike and Tony. “You fuckers” Vic scream I just laughed “there now your wet, will you hug me” I asked with a sad voice, he laughed and hugged me. “You hug Mike I’ll get Tony” he whispered into my ear I nodded. Once he let go he turned and grabbed Tony and hugged him. I slowly made my way up to Mike. Before I could hug him he picked me up and throw me over his shoulder and started to turn.

After fooling around for a few minutes someone spoke up “What the fucks going on here” Kellin asked with a confused look along with Jesse, Justin and Nick “having fun” Jaime answer “alright but why is everyone wet” he asked “cause its nice out and cause we can” I answered with a smile on my face seeing as Mike finely put me down. They all laughed and next thing there was Jack, Rian and Zach going up behind them all wet and rapping them into hugs.  We spent the rest of the day until sound check fooling around with water or just running around like idiots.

“Well it seems like you’re doing better today” Vic said as he grabbed my hand to walk me to sound check “yea I am, I’m in a good mood” I said “good I like seeing you happy” he said as he let go of my hand and put his arm around my shoulder and kissing my temple. The rest of the day went perfect no text from Brent, we had an amazing show great crowd and hung had a pretty chill night. All we did was have a movie night in my bus.

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