it's good to pick up pieces

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Chapter 3: it’s good to pick up pieces

Vic P.O.V.

“Wow” me and Mike said at the very same time as we walked into the bus and sat down on the couch “what’s up with you two” Jaime said to us as he walked into the bus along with Tony “Oh um, nothing were just talking about how nice it is outside” I looked at Mike and to see him nodding to what I was saying. “Dude that’s complete bullshit I bet that was all about the girls we saw them with” Tony said while elbowing Jaime in the arm as he started to make a bunch of ‘aw’ noise “yea, so who are they” Jaime said as he sat between me and Mike “well the girl I was with was Becca she’s the rhythm guitar and lead vocals of Something Creative” I said “ah Something Creative I heard there music before there pretty good” Tony followed into what I said. “What about you Mikey who was the girl with you huh” Jaime said while spreading himself onto me and Mike “oh um, her name’s Mikkey and well she plays the drums in that same band, and honestly that fucking hot” said Mike trying not to blush at the last part of his sentence. “Oh lala, I think I know who you guys are gonna be around at the party afterwards” said Tony as he sat down at the table beside me, I laughed and tried not to blush “maybe” Me and Mike managed to say at the same exact time.

Mike P.O.V.

“well there coming to are set right after their done there’s so by the time they get there will have a less two, three songs left, so how about we have a little fun” after I finished my sentence I had all three of the boys looking at me “what you have in mind bro” Vic said to me sounding very interested in what I had to say. “Well right when we see that they got to are set will finished the song where playing, and Vic you can talk for a bit then will do is try and get them onto the stage and just have fun with it” after I finished we worked out all that had to be done.

Becca P.O.V.

“So did you and Mike have fun” I said to Mikkey after sound check we had a bit of time before the show so we just talked, “yea I did he’s a pretty cool guy” she said to me “wait how about you I know you couldn’t have got up on the speaker by yourself you practically through yourself to Vic as you got off” as soon as she said that I started to blush “yea we had fun, we walked around, saw a few fans then came here with a while to waste before sound check, so I tried to climb it myself and failed big time so Vic gave me a boast up, then he joined me up there, he also had his arm around me the entire time” I tried to say without completely blushing. “no way Mike had his arm around me the entire time to, and well if he was up there with you why was he on the ground when me and Mike showed up” she said she was very curious into what happened. “Ok well we were on the speakers, and we talked and he kissed me on the check, so we just stopped talking and just looked at each other. I kid you not Mikkey I was getting lost in his eye” “awww, but how did he end up on the floor” “I’m getting there, ok so we were looking at each other and well he was already at the edge of the speaker, so he leaned into kiss me and I did the same but he lost balance and feel off, so we were laughing then you and Mike arrived” “so you guys almost kissed” she said to me as I nodded.

“Ok girls, show time, let’s rock this place” Josh said while jumping everywhere and grabbed his guitar. We both go up and ran out to the stage.

“Hey guys, how’s it going tonight” I stopped waiting for an answer from the crowd “great were Something Creative and were gonna play a song and it goes a little something like this” Mikkey started off with the beat, then me Josh and Nick all joined in. The energy was incredible, the boys where jumping around the entire time, I got to admit when I wasn’t singing into the mic, I was doing the same thing.

At the end of are set we all walked off stage waving goodbye and thanking the fans for coming out, we handed and instruments to the crew and walking to the bus to shower and get ready. The boys showered first sense they were faster than me and Mikkey, and got ready and left the bus telling us they were going to Sleeping with Sirens set and that they’ll see us at the party.

I took my shower first and got out so Mikkey could take hers, I changed into grey shorts short cause it was really hot out and a Pierce the veil tank top with my black converse. I dried my hair and straightened it. Mikkey got out of the shower and wear almost the same thing as me but had black shorts short on and a Black veil brides tank top on with white converse, we basically had the same style and we were the same size so we would always where each other’s stuff, she dried her black hair that came up to her shoulders.

“You ready to go” she came up to me as I was sitting on the couch on my phone “Yea lets go” we walked off the bus and started to make are way to the Pierce the veil’s set, like we promised.

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