Chapter 35:

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Chapter 35:


I woke up the next day hearing screaming for the front of the bus. “Jaime you fucking dick” It sounds like Josh but then again I just woke up so I wouldn’t know. I heard more screaming “You take that back” I heard him say before I heard a big bam “get off me” I heard Josh scream. I slowly got out of my buck and walked into the kitchen to see Jaime on top of Josh stranding him to the ground. I leaned against the door frame as Mike came up beside me “what the fuck are they doing” he asked sounding really tired “I have no idea… Jaime Josh what the fuck” as soon as I called out there name they both looked up “I stole his phone and sent a text to some girl” Jaime answered while laughing “and now he’s trying to kick my ass so I pinned him down so he couldn’t” he continued “dude it’s to fucking early for this I’m going back to bed” Mike said as he turned around to go back to his bunk. “Yea he’s a fucking dick” Josh said as I pulled Jaime off of him. “Who did you text anyways” I asked “he texted my ex” Josh answered “What did he say” I asked while shaking my head. “He said he missed her and wants her back” Josh said, while Jaime was laughing “sorry dude” he said “well you guys can figure this all out and fight about it outside, I’m going shower” I said as I turned around to go to the bathroom, as they both walked off the bus.

After I showered I got dressed, and checked my phone seeing I had a message from Kellin.

Kellin; Hey man, my managers just told me were doing an interview and they want you in it, you up for it.

Me: Yea sure, when?

After I sent the message I walked into the kitchen to grab a monster from the fridge and heard my phone go off.

Kellin; Around 2, so you have time to do whatever you want, what times your set at

Me; I play at 6, so it’s perfect see you then

After I answered I decided to go see Becca, Mikkey, David and Nick. Once I arrived at their bus I knocked on the door and heard screaming from the inside. Becca opened the door still in her PJ. “Hey” she said while smiling “Hey babe” I said as I walked in and gave her a kiss, as I heard the screaming continue from the backroom “umm, Becca what’s with all the screaming” I said as we started to walk to the backroom. “Oh it’s nothing really it happens all the time. Mikkeys just bitching at David cause he used her straightener without asking” she said while laughing. She opened the door and saw Mikkey sitting on David. Becca, Nick and I were laughing at them as they continued. We just ignored it and let it go as we walked into the kitchen. “So what you doing today” Nick asked as we sat on the couch as Becca was making herself a coffee “I have an interview at 2 with Kellin, till then I decided to spend the day with my girl” I said as Becca turned around and started to blush. “Alright well have fun with that I’m gonna go get some food and go hangout with whoever I can find” Nick said as he walked out the door. “I’m gonna go get changed” she said as she kissed my forehead and walked into the bunk area, I couldn’t help but to think how hot she looked in her PJ shorts and a white tank top. I fallowed her. She had her back to me, I snacked my arms around her waist and leaned my chin on her shoulder.

“Can I help you” she said while turning her head to look at me “don’t” was all I said “ don’t what” she asked all confused “don’t change you look hot in that” I told her as I kissed her neck. I couldn’t see her face but I knew she was blushing, she turned around to look at me as she wrapped her arms around my neck. We just stared into each other’s eyes until I leaned in to kiss her. The kiss lasted a few minutes until we were rudely interrupted. “AWE look at the cute couple” I heard Mikkey say “yea there so cute” David added. Becca his her face into my neck seeing as she was blushing like crazy. “Fuck you guys, always running our fun” I said as I flipped them off before they turned around and went back into the backroom. “Now where were we” I said as I lifted her chin so she can look at me “I don’t know I think it was somewhere around here” she said as she kissed me. “Umm… rings a bell” I said as I put my forehead onto hers. She gave me a cute little laugh “ok, can I change now” “Mm, nah” I said before I kissed her again. “Ok, not that I’m not enjoying this but I’m gonna change now” she said as she pulled away, I gave her a sad face and she kissed me real quick before she turned back to her suit case taking some clothes out. I walked back into the kitchen and sat on the couch.

A few minutes later Mikkey walked in “Hey, you know where Mike is” she asked as she pulled out a monster from the fridge. “He’s probably still sleeping, go wake him up” I said as I saw a smile on her lips “alright thanks” she said before she walked out. Moments later Becca walked out “how do I look” she said as she posed “same as usual, fucking hot” I said and she started to blush. This was gonna be a good day.


After fighting with David about my straightener I decided to go see Mike. I walked into the kitchen to see Vic sitting waiting for Becca. “Hey, you know where Mike is” I asked as I pulled out a monster from the fridge. “He’s probably still sleeping, go wake him up” he said and I started to smile “alright thanks” I said before I walked out.

I was walking towards PTV bus when I say Jaime and Josh fighting. “What’s going on” I asked as I approached them “Jaime texted my ex saying I miss her and want her back” Josh answered “witch one” I asked holding back a laugh “Sasha” he answered sounding a little pissed off. As Jaime laughed “did she answer you” I asked “yea she was just like what the fuck” he said “did you answer her back” Jaime asked “No I don’t know what to say” he said as he rubbed the back of his neck “well do you want her back” I asked “Fuck no I want nothing to do with her I don’t even know why I still have her number” he answered. “Ok give me your phone I’ll take care of it” I said as he gave me his phone, I decided to send her a text.

Me; Hey girl its Mikkey, sorry about the text you received saying Josh wants you back, I got dared to sneak his phone and text one of his ex. Sorry once again hope you’re not mad.

She texted me back instantly

Sasha; Hey Mik, it’s no problem thanks for clarifying it for me, I was freaking out. Just don’t let it happen again please.

Me; I won’t happen again and no problem.

“There all taken care of” I said as I handed him his phone back “thanks Mik” he said as he kissed my check and I continued to walk.

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