Chapter 4

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Karma winked at you and sat next to Nagisa, right in front of you. You stared at Isogai.

"Isagai-kun, you are such a liar. You said that the other two boys are nice. What is he doing here?"

You pointed at Karma.

"Don't blame Isagai-kun because of your competition with Karma-kun." Yukiko said.

Oops, it was Isagai's turn to blush. You just sighed and stood up.

"It was nice to see you guys here, have fun tonight!"

"No, wait Y/N!!"

Kayano grabbed your arm and pulled you down again. She looked at you with her puppy eyes, begging you to stay.

"Don't leave me, please! Both me and Yukiko need support here!"

Then just support each other!

You glanced at Nagisa, who was avoiding to eye contact you, then at Karma, who just smirked. In the end, you just nodded in defeat.

I just need to survive.

"Yes!! I love you!" Kayano hugged you and you smiled at her cute reaction.
"Ya! Look at me!"

"Not now, Akabane. I am about to finish level 8..."

"Leave your phone down and focus on here"

You paused your game and stared at him.

"What do you want? I didn't decide to stay here for you, but for Yukiko and Kayano..."

You hadn't even finished talking and you saw your two friends laughing, blushing and having fun with their dates. Even Isogai and Nagisa were blushing and being shy.

Watching Nagisa's smile, his blue eyes carefully observing Kayano and listening to his cute laugh made your heart ache. You were happy that he was enjoying himself and yet you felt so depressed. You normally wouldn't be like that, but after confessing to him, after you hoped even for a while that he was sharing your feelings, you became more sensitive.

Nagisa noticed you looking at him and he turned his gaze to the floor. You were about to say something so that he wouldn't misunderstand; however, Karma got up from his seat, approached you while smirking, grabbed your arm and made you stand up.

"What?!"you yelled at him but he ignored you and kept dragging you.

When you disappeared from their eyes, Kayano turned her attention to Isogai.

"No offense, Isogai-kun, but... you know how great of enemies these two are. Why did you arrange Y/N's date to be Karma-kun?"

Isogai just sighed and shrugged. He was tired of being accused all the time.

"It's not my fault, okay? Karma made me agree to this, and he promised he will support me with my date... He was the one who wanted to date Y/N tonight."
"Let me go!"

Karma led you outside, at the balcony of the restaurant and then he let go of your arm. You sighed and rested your body on the wall, looking at him annoyed. He just smiled at you.

"You can thank me later. You were dead akward with Nagisa-kun over there, I just saved you"

You raised your eyebrows.

"Do you want me to remind you that your dare is the reason we are awkward? If that hadn't happened, everything would be normal now"

You turned your gaze at the night sky. Karma followed your eyes and looked there too, lowering his voice at the same time.

"By normal you mean hiding your feelings? If it is like that, then I don't regret my dare. Just move on."

You tried to step on his foot, but he avoided it.

Damn, why do you have to be first at everything...

"That's what I have been doing. I move on. My one week dare you are making so much fun of is my moving on. I am trying to find love, okay?"

Karma looked surprised at you.

"How come you are telling me this? I thought you would wait for me to understand by myself the reason of your one week date"

You closed your eyes tightly. Why were you like that?

"I don't know Akabane, I just don't know. I am just so angry and sad now... and annoyed. So annoyed. You are smart and everything and yet you couldn't understand such a simple thing? Leave me alone please, now you know the answer."

You sat down on the balcony, feeling the coldness of the night. You didn't care. You didn't care about anything. You felt your eyes becoming teary and hid your head behind your folded legs.

Karma sat next to you. You could feel his body's warmth.

Hot mess, huh?

"So determined to find love. Why is that?"

You turned your head to the other side.

Great. He saw me crying twice in a day. Good job, Y/N.

"None of your business"

"Oh please, I have ended up being the reason about anything that happens in your life. Can't you tell me? Maybe I am at fault about that too"

You rolled your eyes and tried to wipe the tears away. He was still there, waiting.

"It is just a promise I made with a person, and I am afraid that it will be too late when I finally find what I am looking for..."

"Too late?" Karma asked "What will happen if it is too late?"

"I don't know. He never said clearly... but I don't wanna risk it. He may die, he may disappear, but only when I find love I will be able to talk to him. That's why I have to find it.. "

Karma sighed and raised his hand to touch your hair. He stopped the last moment and dropped it.

"Date me for a week"

Your eyes became wide open.

One year ago, Akabane Karma had asked you to take on your one week challenge, and you had rejected him, because he just wanted to satisfy his curiosity. This morning you rejected him again, and now...

"Do you think this is a game?"

"I love games, but I am sincerely telling you that right now, I am not playing. Why do you reject me every time? Who knows, maybe I am the love you are looking for"

He whispered his last words, sending shivers to your body again. Why were you suddenly feeling like a totally different Karma had appeared?

He is totally plotting something.

"I will not accept you even if you are sweet talking like that... you are so weird."

You said and stood up, cleaning yourself and going back inside, wiping the last tears that had been left on your eyes. Karma laughed slightly and followed you.

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