Sequel Special 4

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"What do you mean I'm transferred to A class? What's wrong with me being at E class?"you almost yelled at Asano Gakuhu, the principal of your school.

The truth is that you rarely spoke to him. Especially after you broke up with his son, you would only see him from afar. Well, it's not that you we're sad about it or anything...

"Why are you surprised? You are one of the top students of our school. I know you didn't use to be like that, but now that you are at the highest level, I can't let you stay at E class."he said kindly, as if you didn't know what hell of a monster he was.

Again that level thing...

"But why? I've been for two years at E class and my grades are great! I don't wanna leave! And if what you say is true, why don't you transfer Akabane Karma as well? He is much better than me"

He seemed annoyed at the sound of Karma's name.

"Akabane is a totally different case. He is indeed excellent at lessons, but was sent to E class because of inappropriate and violent behaviour."

You bit your bottom lip. Karma's only inappropriate behaviour you could think of was being a hot mess.

"But..." you were about to protest again, but he just hit his desk, annoyed by you.

His voice was warning you, scaring the shit out of you.

"You were once my son's girlfriend, but that doesn't give you the right to disobey me. Go to your class right now, before I decide to kick you out of school for good."

He was staring dangerously at you. He was so absolute, and you hated that you couldn't do anything. In the end, you bowed and left without saying anything, defeated.

"This is your new classmate, Y/N, who was transferred from... E class. Take a seat. It's nice to have another brain in our class"

...did he just call me a brain? Well I feel insulted...

Just by the tone of the teacher's voice when he referred to E class, you knew how much he was underestimating them.

You were standing in front of the A class students, who were just trying to hold back their laugher when they heard you were from E class. Some students that knew about your friendship with Asano and kept their mouths shut, and Asano himself was surprised to see you there.

You took a seat to the desk next to his, right next to the window. He was trying to ask you the reason of your sudden transfer to his class, but you yourself were not sure about it either.

A guy sitting in front you turned around and murmured at you.

"If you are that good, then you are lucky to come to this class. There is nothing worse than being to the End class."

You just glared at him and he turned in front while shrugging. The lesson began and you realized it was more intense than the ones you were used to. The students were automatically paying attention and taking notes like robots. Asano was writing as well, but seemed kind of lost in his own world.

All you were in the mood to do was to lookaround... but as you were moving your gaze from one face to another, you were realising again and again that you were already missing your dear classmates...

Also... needed Karma by your side, but he was not there.

Even when the bell for the break rang, the teacher didn't let you go and forced you to stay in class and self-study, with him having an eye on you. The day was getting worse and worse, and you wondered how would you possibly escape from this situation.

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