Chapter 10

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A/N: I'm sorry in advance for my crappy description of the game, please bear with me >_<
Some other characters will get a slight spotlight here~
Also, thank you for the 200+ views already despite the fact that the story is so new. Karma-kun loves getting your  attention~~

"Are the two teams ready?!"the teacher yelled and the class yelled louder in response.


"Alright! I will count to three, and the attacks can begin. One..."

Both Nagisa and Karma were on their poles. You were in the defense team, standing close to your pole, protecting it from possible attacks. You were SO against that since you wouldn't fight Karma for the time being, but Nagisa said that if he thought that it was necessary, he would put you to the offensive teams.

All the units of your team were ready. You could feel Karma's eyes on you, and you looked back at him. Seeing him on his pole, with his team around him, you could sense how powerful he was. Well, your team was at a disadvantage considering the fact that his team had Isogai, the best leader of the class and Karma himself, the sadistic strategist. Still, you couldn't let these things affect you. You had to win.

Hiro-kun's identity... even if I never find love, at least I will know his identity... if Akabane says the truth...


Both Nagisa and Karma had decided to divide the teams into three units: one defensive and two offensive ones. Your best attacking team had Rio, Maehara, Sugino and Kimura.

"Damnit... I was separated from Isogai. I feel like Yukiko has taken my place by his side" Maehara whined silently and you noticed that Sugino was about to cry too.

"I know, right? And now, I have to give up my secret crush on..."

Maehara stared at him and Sugino froze. He couldn't say to Isogai's best friend that he had a crush on Isogai's girlfriend.

"On...on... Isogai!"

You facepalmed yourself, Maehara got a heart attack and the game began after the last word came out of teacher's mouth.


And the fight began. The first two offensive teams attacked one another, so the game was intensive from the beginning. That was happening in the middle. You were standing next to the pole with Kayano, right in front of you there was the second offensive team waiting for orders and in front of them the fighting was already taking place.

You saw Nagisa on the pole carefully observing the forming of Karma's team in order to decide what action he would take.

"Sugino, Maehara, attack from the two sides. Kimura, Rio, don't move yet. Y/N..."

You turned your eyes on him.

"Chiba and Hayami are Karma's defenders. They are not good at close combat, but I don't know what Karma has planned. He looks like he has no intention of going down from the pole, that's why in order to defeat him we need to be smart. Me and you will go there. But Karma will realise it quickly. That's why I will stay on the pole until you move to the center of the field, where the main battle is taking place. First you will change places with one of the second offensive team, then with one from the first offensive, and then I will run to you from here and we will approach Karma's pole. Kimura will be close to us."

You nodded, agreeing that it was a good plan; however, something was telling you that Karma had an even better one.

"Rio, change positions with Y/N!"

Rio came behind and you stepped in front, next to Kimura.

"Nagisa!" Kayano said"Me and Rio... why are you putting only girls in the defense?"she sounded unsure.

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