Chapter 13

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One and a half years ago

"Hey" Hiro said and patted your shoulder lightly "Are you sleeping?"

You had been listening to him talking non-stop about some basic history knowledge you needed to have for school, taught in previous classes but also never learnt by you. The truth is you were about to sleep. It was pretty boring.

"No... I'm awake..." you murmured and he laughed.

"Oh really? I am grateful that you are still alive" he closed a book he had and left it next to your bed. "You know what? If you ever want to find a boyfriend, you have to make sure he can handle your easily bored personality."

You laughed at that and clapped your hands playfully.

"Indeed. What else, what else?"

You couldn't see him, but you were sure he was smiling.

"Hmm... you are kind of deaf and blind at times, so I guess he must catch your attention both visually and vocally. You know, in case you are about to be hit by a car again."

You slapped his arm annoyed and he continued.

"He must be able to handle you, because you like slapping the others too much. And most importantly... he should be able to take care of you. Even if it is no big deal, if someone ever takes care of your health more than his and protects you... he is a good choice."he said and you pouted.

"You talk about very specific things. Is this how you treat girls?"

He smirked at that.

"Don't worry, I don't have any girlfriend record. No need to be jealous. But if I liked someone, I guess this is how I would treat her."

You were about to slap him again but he caught your hand on time. You knew he had approached you a lot, since you could feel his breath close to you.

"You are too violent. I have to stop this somehow. I can't let you return to school as a killing machine instead of a nice girl."

"Uh, don't worry, I hit only the ones that annoy me"you said and stuck out your tongue.

When he spoke again he was even closer to you. So extremely and dangerously close.

"Should I use my tongue to push yours inside that talking mouth you have over there?"

The next thing you remember is you pushing Hiro away like there was no tomorrow, while screaming like a psycho, red from embarrassment.

The conclusion was this: Maehara had won at a contest that allowed him and six people of his choice to go on a trip this weekend. He explained that his family couldn't go, so he chose the friends he wanted to go with; Isogai, Nagisa, Karma, you, Kayano and Yukiko.

Two days with my friends...

...and Akabane.

"I don't know... where will we go?"

Maehara's grin appeared.

"I hoped you would ask. I don't remember its name, but apparently it is close to a mountain cause we will go skiing there. We will stay on a cottage for the night. Man I love winter... The bus is leaving tomorrow morning at 7:00."

"So early?!"you exclaimed but realised there were more important questions to make"Did Kayano and Yukiko agree?"

"Yes, as well as Nagisa and Isogai. You two are the only ones left. So?"

Karma smirked and looked at you.

"Ladies first."he said, waiting to hear your answer.

The truth is that last week you gave exams and generally, lately school had been much more tiring than usual. You needed some time to rest and have fun with your friends. Even if Karma was there too, he wouldn't be able to destroy your whole weekend.

"Okay, I'm in."

"Great, me too" Karma added and you glared at his happy face.

He is a patient... he is patient... don't kill him yet... the guys are here too... do it when there are no witnesses... hey, wait a moment...

He is a patient!

" Ha!"you yelled and everyone -except Karma- stepped behind surprised "You are a patient, Akabane, aren't you? That means that you won't be able to come! Your back hurts, right???"

You really hoped that you would be victorious. But he was smiling, which meant you would probably cry in a few minutes.

"Indeed, it hurts, but the nurse said I can leave tonight. You see, I can walk-with a slight difficulty but I will be better tomorrow- and stuff. I won't be able to go skiing with you, but I promise I will watch over you. Don't worry, you won't miss my presence this weekend, Y/N."

Don't cry... don't cry...

"O...Okay!" Maehara said, trying to sound enthusiastic even though he had no idea what exactly was going on between the two of you, "So all of us are in!"

"I feel bad though" Isogai said skeptical"Sugino is also our friend. He had to come and..."

"Isogai!" Maehara's voice sounded as if he was warning his best friend about a major threat "let me say it once... and don't get too close to Sugino. Don't make me tell you the reason, just trust me... he doesn't think of you the way you think he does..."

You slapped your face again to restrain yourself from laughing.

During the whole discussion you had in Karma's room with your friends, none of you realised that someone was standing outside the door, listening to your every word.

He smirked when he heard about the trip.

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