'The Worst' Special Chapter

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A/N: 1K thank you readers!!! Here is the special chapter... the title sounds so wrong...

Three years ago

"Okay, okay! I will go! Don't be like that!"you yelled at your friend, Yuuki, on the phone. "I don't get why it is so important to you, but I will go..."

Your school would award the top 10 students, and Yuuki happened to be the fifth, so she had to go to the nomination. However, she had caught a flu and was embarrassed to appear like that, so she had begged you to go instead.

"Thank you! Just take the award and leave, okay? You don't have to do anything else."she told you once again, as if you were really slow to understand.

Probably in her eyes you were kind of slow. When it comes to grades, you were nothing near her. You were not one of the bottom 10 students of school, but still, you were one of the worst in general. And she was considering grades as something that identifies a person.

Also, you were kind of easy to handle. You wouldn't talk back when needed. It was both because you were afraid to express yourself and because you didn't want to get anyone angry. You hated conflicts and dramas.

You dressed up as properly as possible, considering the fact that it was a special occasion and there would also be other schools and important people and stuff you had never socialised with.

You really didn't like these things. They were always bringing you bad luck.

And that night, you got lost.

I knew it... As if something would ever happen the way I wanted it to happen! Ha! Funny!

You sighed deeply. You had checked the map a thousand times, telling to yourself 'Uh this is easy, I can go on foot' and now here you were, standing in the middle of nowhere, in the dark, with no taxis passing by.

You sat on a bench, depressed. Everything was always going wrong. And you didn't even want to know what Yuuki's reaction would be when she would find that out.

"I'm dead. She will say that everyone will think that she is irresponsible that she didn't even sent a person to receive her award and blah blah..." you murmured to yourself.

"Yes dad. Hurry, I don't want to be late" a male voice said from behind you.

You turned around, startled by the sudden sound, and you saw a boy at your age walking, while holding his phone, towards your place. He was good-looking with orange hair and purple eyes, he was wearing a black suit matching perfectly with his charming aura. He stood next to your bench, waiting.

You were looking at him for a while.

Being dressed like that, could it be that he also goes to the nomination?

He slowly turned his eyes on you, and you instantly noticed how long of a time you had been staring at him.

"Is something wrong?"he asked, looking carefully at you and the way you had dressed.

"Um... could you tell me... if you know... where Takashi Hotel is?"you asked and he nodded, not surprised, as if your clothes had told themselves where you wanted to go.

"I am also going there. Did you get lost?"

Ha! I knew it you were going there!

It was funny how loud you were on the inside and how quiet on the outside.

"Yeah, I thought it would be easier to find the way."you said and he smiled softly.

"You are not from my school, but since you are heading there too, let my father drive us there. Is this okay with you?"

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