Chapter 6

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You whispered and he looked at you in question.


"I hate you."

"Come on... you are just in detention with me. How bad can it be? In your place, I would consider myself lucky~" he said and winked at you.

An hour ago

When the bell for the last lesson rang, you entered the classroom with Kayano. Apparently, Yukiko was too busy today talking and laughing with Isogai, since the yesterday' s date was an ultimate success.

"Y/N" Kayano said and pointed at your desk" look there"

You noticed a blue letter and a rose over there. You approached and took the letter in your hands.

"Y/N, I am sorry I am not brave enough to ask you from up close... I have been thinking about it for days, and I would like to ask you to date me for a week. The truth is... I have a feeling that you are my soulmate. I will appreciate it even if you consider the chance... I promise I will not let you down.
If you accept, meet me today after school outside the school gate. If you don't appear after 20 minutes... I will take it as a no. I will accept your answer no matter what it is, so don't let it burden you."

"I find it cute though" Kayano giggled, looking at the letter and you blushed slightly.

"Indeed. I think I will accept."you said smiling in embarrassment and your friend clapped.

Right then, you heard a hand slapping a desk. You looked behind you and noticed an annoyed Karma. He approached you dangerously and lowered his voice so that only you would hear him. Kayano stepped behind shocked by his actions.

"So you accept this whatever guy in just a second, but denied me three times in a row? You need to know, I don't like where this is going."

You pushed him away. The whole class was secretly staring at you.

"I will not explain my every date move and reason to you, Akabane. Leave me alone."

You sat on your seat and he did the same, but you heard him warning you.

"Oh, I won't let you off so easily."

You didn't really pay attention to that back then. All you were thinking about was your date after school. Who could that boy be? And could he possibly be what you were looking for? Karma was what mattered the least...

Until he destroyed everything.

"Teacher" he interrupted the lesson and the whole class looked at him. He had some pink folded papers on his desk. "Y/N has been sending love letters to me non-stop during class. I can't focus on the lesson."

You got up from your seat and glared at him.

"I did what?!"

"Teacher, see yourself" Karma said ignoring you, and the teacher approached him and took some of the folded papers.

"Akabane... why are you so hot today?"

He raised an eyebrow and stared at you. The whole class laughed.

"I didn't write this! Teacher, believe me! I can't even stand him, how would I possibly say that?!"you said but he didn't seem to believe you.

He kept reading more of these letters.

"Akabane, outloud I always say that you annoy me and that I can't stand you, but you know... it's just because I am embarrassed to say... how much I like you."

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