Chapter 19

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"Y/N, wake up, we arrived."

You heard Kayano's voice talking to you, and you realised you had fallen asleep in the bus. It was still morning, and everyone was getting off. A-Class left first and you followed. Karma looked at your sleeping face and laughed slightly.

"You father called while you were asleep" he said and winked at you. You just groaned.

"Please tell me you didn't tell him anything weird..."you begged.

"Oh no, we had a really nice chat. I also sent him a picture of you sleeping. Kayano, Isogai and Yukiko were also included. He sounded pretty happy to me."he smiled proudly.

"Karma, you really sound like you are her boyfriend and want to get along with your father in law" Kayano murmured and he shrugged.

He didn't answer but instead, he peeked at you to see your expression. You looked back at him and gasped at his breathtaking eyes and smile. You remember how many times you had rejected him... and felt a slight regret.

It is not time to feel sorry... remember all the bad things he has done to you, Y/N...

However, the Karma you were socializing with the past few days seemed to be different and had the ability to make all his previous actions less important... from the moment he made you cry with his dare and on, he seemed to sincerely try to make things better for you...

Well, let's ignore the detention and the endless pissing off...

... and he even injured himself.

"Um... let's go...with the others... I don't want to be late again..." you murmured and approached Maehara, Yukiko, Nagisa, Isogai and unfortunately, A-Class. Asano seemed as if he wanted to punch Karma, and he was holding his phone into his fist.

"What's wrong with him?" Kayano whispered and you wondered the same. Karma just shrugged, internally laughing.

A man approached all of you. He was wearing lots of clothes and a huge smile on his face.

"Welcome to all of you! I am mister Noah, I am in charge of the contest that brought you all here! May I know who the lucky winners are?"

Maehara and Asano raised their arms, glaring at each other.

"Alright!"Noah exclaimed and clapped his hands"A cottage will be given to each winner to stay with his friends for tonight. I will let you leave your bags there, you will eat and we will begin the activities!"

Great. Lets share a cottage with Akabane... that's all I wanted in my life..

This is what you sarcastically thought to yourself and ignored the anxiety that was consuming you from inside.

"Whoa! It's pretty nice!" Kayano exclaimed when the seven of you entered the cottage. Right next to yours was Asano's.

"Thank God we won't have to share a cottage with them..."Maehara murmured and walked inside, looking around satisfied.

It was very comfortable, even though it was small. A fireplace was also there, and two rooms for the guests.

"Lets decide how we will share the rooms!" Isogai said cheerfully.

"Um... isn't it obvious that the girls will take the one and us boys the other?" Nagisa asked and Isogai blushed slightly, having just realised that he had made obvious he wanted to share a room with Yukiko.

"Oh, Nagisa, what a gentleman..." Karma joked and looked at you, as if he wanted to confirm something. You looked away from his eyes.

"Okay then... lets go to the rooms and put our things there, because mister Noah is waiting for us outside..."

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