Sequel Special 5

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"Father, what's the meaning of this? Why did you transfer Y/N to my class?!" Gakushu asked principal, his father.

"Why so angry? She is an excellent student, she has to be in A class, I don't get your problem" Gakuhu said as if everything was okay.

Asano was furious with what his father had done. He knew how much you loved your classmates, Karma, and E class in general. He couldn't bear watching the depression in your eyes since the moment you transferred.

"Tell me the truth. If the reason is her grades, then why hadn't you transferred her long ago? It's something else you want, and know it."

Gakuhu was annoyed but at the same time proud of his son's way of thinking.

"Its a little gift to you, Gakushu. I know how you feel about her, so I just took her away from her boyfriend and gave her to you. You have no reason to socialize with E class anymore, right?"

Gakushu tried to hold back his laugher.

"So, that's it? I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I have accepted the fact that she loves Akabane, so don't sweat over it. Also..."

Asano froze. What could he say? He didn't want to admit his friendship with the E class students, and he also couldn't promise that he would cut ties with them.

He lowered his head, unable to say anything.  He felt embarrassed about not being able to support himself.

Asano Gakuhu smiled, a smile Gakushu hated.

"I told I would cut your ties with them if you didn't do so, son."

Two days had passed, and you hated everything about that class. They were either studying or making fun of lower classes, such as E class. You had to study a lot more, you were bored to death and even though Asano was trying to make you feel welcomed, you both knew that it was just impossible.

The good thing was that most of them were horrible at sports, so during physical education you had the chance to 'accidentally' hit some people in the face with the ball or something.

You were also missing your friends. You were meeting them during breaks- whenever you could take one- but because of studying you had a hard time going out with them.

You also missed him.

Karma was doing his best to meet you, and that was giving you strength. But for how long?

Two days later, had math, and would have pretty much preferred death over it if the chance had been given.

You were staring at the board, when a little pebble hit the window next to you. You were the only one who noticed, and turned your eyes out of the window.

There, at the basketball court, you could see your one and only red haired boyfriend standing with his head up high, looking and smiling at you.


He couldn't yell, so he just moved his lips. You managed to read them, despite the long distance.

'Come to me'

Looking at his small figure, you realised once again that he was your sun. During the darkest days he would always come to find you, whether it was your surroundings or yourself that you wanted to be saved from. He would just light up your day and warm your heart.

You smirked at him and nodded.

He indeed was your hero.

"Teacher, I need to use the restroom"you bluntly said to the teacher and he looked at you annoyed.

"Is it THAT necessary?"he asked.


He sighed and nodded. You stood up quickly, unable to hide your excitement, and headed to the exit. When passing between the desks, you noticed your classmates were trying to avoid looking at you, as if they were afraid you would hit them again.

You just shrugged and walked away. Had more important stuff to care about.

"Isn't she too happy when going to the restroom?"the teacher wondered.

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