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Ben was on a plane heading for academy city. Recently he and the plumbers decided to move to help the plumbers establish a new base. They decided on academy city so that they could keep an eye on the technology. He looked at his watch. He was think about the first summer with it. At some point during the summer azmuth the creator of the omnitrix had come to visit him.


Ben was beating up a couple of thugs at a small little gas station as four arms. He finished the job by wrapping their arms with a metal pole. After he turned back into a human he was laughing as he walked into the rust bucket.

"Did you guys see how awesome that was?" He asked. As he closed the door behind him. "They were totally shocked to find a four armed alien that they didn't do squat!" He laughed. He found his grandpa max with a serious face as he sat at the table facing the door, Gwen was sitting on the bed. Ben walked to the side of the seat. "What's wrong grandpa?" Ben asked.

"The creator of the omnitrix is here to see you." He said with a serious tone.

"Really? Where is he?! I wonder if he'll unlock some more aliens for me?" Ben said excitedly while looking around.

"I'm right here. You Neanderthal." Said a small alien sitting in the seat beside Ben. Ben looked down to find the galvan known as azmuth.

"Wow! Your a grey matter?" Ben asked.

"Yeah I'm a galvan. Got a problem with that. And no I won't give you more aliens. You need to earn them yourself. Don't you want to get them like a true hero would?" Azmuth asked. Ben thought for a second.

"Hmm. not really." Ben said.

"Hehheh. I like that boy." Azmuth said.

"So why did you come to earth azmuth." Grandpa max asked.

"Well. When the omnitrix came back together I got a signal saying so. I just came to make sure he was fine." Azmuth said looking at ben.

"Came back together?" Grandpa max repeated confused.

"Yes. I believe this is were I do the explaining. You see originally I created the omnitrix as everyone sees it." Azmuth said.

"The watch." Ben said. Azmuth looked at ben and sighed.

"Yes. As a watch. Problem was it never lasted long. Power source kept running out or burning up." Azmuth said.

"What no rechargeable batteries?" Ben asked.

"Are you just gonna keep on interrupting me? Now be quiet. After a while I found a way to make it last. But to do so I need a living being to become the omnitrix." Azmuth said. He looked to see ben had a confused look on his face. He sighed. "I know you have a question. Go ahead. Ask. You already interrupted twice now. What difference does it make to interrupt me a third time." He said.

"So what I have a living being attached to my wrist?" Ben asked. Azmuth took another deep breath.

"No. You are the omnitrix." Azmuth said.

"What?" Ben said totally baffled by what Azmuth just said.

"You are the omnitrix. Even before you found 'the watch'. I pulled some strings with some friends. They allowed me to make their unborn child the omnitrix. It was simple really. I just used some nano technology the size of DNA to integrate themselves into you while you were in the womb. The process was complete by the time you were born. The piece you call 'the watch' is merely a control panel to the nano machines inside you."

"So why did I only just recently find the watch?" Ben asked.

"Because I soon heard the rumors of vilgax looking for the omnitrix. So I made everyone think the omnitrix was still just a device and not a homosapien. Then I dropped you off on Carl and Sandra's door step." Azmuth said.

"Wait. I must have misheard you. It sounded like you said you dropped me off on my parents doorstep?" Ben said. Azmuth just looked at him.

"I did just say that. If I didn't know any better I'd say you..." he cut himself off. Then he looked at max. "He doesn't know does he?" Azmuth asked. Max face grew sadder.

"Know what?" Ben asked. After a few seconds max looked up at ben.

"Uh. Ben... uhh...this is a very touchy. You see Carl and Sandra couldn't have kids." Max said sadly.

"Wait. Are you saying..." he took a deep breath. "That I was adopted." He looked up at max with a dad and confused face. Max looked down sadly. "No... No!!" Ben yelled then ran out the rust bucket before changing into stinkfly and flying away.

Few hours later.

Ben was on top of a skyscraper sulking. A beam of light came down beside him. He looked to see Azmuth materialize.

"Oh. It's you. What do you want?" Ben asked and went back to sulking.

"I'm sorry that you found out like this." Azmuth said. Bens face fell.

"Did you know my real parents?" Ben asked.

"Yes. Old friends of mine. Knew your fathers great great grandfather and knew your father since he was born. Let me guess. You want me to tell you a little about your real parents?" He asked. Ben looked at him and nodded. "Well your father was a guy who enjoyed having fun. He was irresponsible at times but if need be he could become very serious. Your mother was possibly the sweetest person I ever knew." Azmuth said.

"Could you take me to them?" Ben asked. Azmuth sighed.

"Sadly no. They and their entire planet died shortly after your birth. Vilgax found that you were being created on their planet. So he went to conquer the planet. Your parents got you off planet and sent you to me with a note explaining everything. When he learned that you were sent off planet he destroyed it." Azmuth said.

"Wait so I'm an alien?" Ben asked.

"Yeah. What? Did you think earth was the only planet that had Homosapiens on it?" Azmuth asked. Ben nodded. "Well your wrong. Matter fact the universe is so vast that every alien species can be found on multiple planets. I believe Homosapiens live on a total of four known planets right now." Azmuth said. Ben took a deep breath and let it out.

"Well. I guess I should say thank you for telling me." Ben said.

"No need. You don't need to thank someone me for telling you the truth. Everyone deserves the truth. No matter how painful it is. Also I believe this is were I give you a gift to you for condolence." Azmuth said. He jumped on bens arm and began to work on the watch.

"What are you doing?" Ben asked.

"Giving you a new alien." Azmuth said. Then the watch dinged and the picture of a new alien came up. "Now I warn you. Don't use this alien on normal occasions. Only use this one when your in a very, very, VERY" he put an emphasis on the last very. "Big and opened space. Understand?" Azmuth asked. Ben nodded with a smile. "Well. I believe you should be going back to max. He's worried for you. Oh and ben before I forget. I'd stick with your current family. You may be adopted. But it seems to me that they treat you as if you are blood related." Azmuth said. Ben looked down in thought.

"Ok." Ben said with another nod. Azmuth waved goodbye then another beam landed on him and he disappeared.

End of flashback.

On that day ben learned so much about himself. He was alien (still homosapien though) and he is the universes greatest power created to bring peace to the universe. After Ben learned that he talked with his parents about it. They admitted that it was the truth, he was indeed adopted. They had found him on their doorstep one night. That same night just so happened to be Gwen's birthday and so ever since ben and Gwen shared the same birthday. Ben was brought out of his thoughts when the cabin dinged indicating a message.

"We will be arriving in academy city in a few moments. Please buckle up for the descent." The stewardess said over the intercom. Ben looked up towards the front of the plane and buckled up like the stewardess asked. Then the plane began to descend.

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