DNAliens strike again

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Ben was currently on patrol with the triplets right behind him. They were flying around on hover boards ben had. Jenna was high above them performing stunts on her board. Cinna was right behind ben with blaster in her backpack. Blaster's head was sticking out the bag and had his tongue flopping in the wind. Brenda was looking down in the alley searching as hard as she could while following ben.

"Report." Grandpa max asked from bens watch. Ben activated the watch to answer the call.

"Nothing yet. We're still keeping an eye out. If we-" ben was cut off by Brenda.

"Ben I think I found that truck from before!" Brenda called.

"We think we found something I'll call you back as soon as we know." Ben said then ended the call. Jenna came down and joined them. When they hit the ground they put up the boards. Ben changed into a giant crab like alien. "Brainstorm!" Ben yelled.

Species: cerebrocrustaceanAppearance: cerebrocrustaceans have the appearance of a giant crab with a big head

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Species: cerebrocrustacean
Appearance: cerebrocrustaceans have the appearance of a giant crab with a big head. Their skulls can open up to reveal their brain. They have six legs and two pinchers on their arms.
Abilities: cerebrocrustaceans can open their skulls to expose their brains. Their brains can then release an electrical discharge. They can then manipulate their electricity to attack, defend, or even fly. Cerebrocrustaceans also have a very high intellect. Cerebrocrustaceans are smart enough to anticipate their enemies next move just by knowing their personality. His IQ is shown to be 10^30 or 1 nonillion. Cerebrocrustaceans are also strong enough to crush a fridge with their pincers and can walk on walls.

Ben opened the back of the truck. It seemed to be empty and nothing was there. Ben then took a closer look.

"Aha!" He says. He points with a pincher at some tiny scratch marks along the walls. "These are clearly scratch marks from chains and shackles. Clearly the same chains and shackles those monstrosities used to hold their prisoners. And they tried to cover it up. Very poorly if you ask me." Ben says. He changes back. "Ok Cinna. Blasters up." Ben said. Cinna pulled her bag of her back and set it down so blaster could jump out. Jumper immediately came out. "Blaster." Ben called. The vulpimancer bound over to ben. Ben pointed in the truck. "Track buddy." Ben said. Blaster hopes up into the truck and began smelling. Then he hopped out and began running. Ben and the girls followed right behind blaster on their boards. After a while they came to a stop at a fence surrounding a factory. Cinna picked blaster up and got him back into the bag. Ben then changed into wildmutt to get a look in the factory without going in.

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(The last picture is blaster)Species: vulpimancerNickname: wildmutt/wildpup (2nd is a joke when Ben was affected by the water from the fountain of youth)Appearance: vulpimancers have a dog like appearance

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(The last picture is blaster)
Species: vulpimancer
Nickname: wildmutt/wildpup (2nd is a joke when Ben was affected by the water from the fountain of youth)
Appearance: vulpimancers have a dog like appearance. They have no eyes and rely on their sense of smell and hearing to know about their surroundings. They have a mouth full of canine teeth and fangs and have claws on the ends of their paws.
Abilities: as already stated vulpimancers don't have eyes so they have to rely on their sense of smell and hearing. They use these senses to generate a 3D map of their environment. That means illusions have no effect on them sense they do not see. Their sense of smell and hearing are also extremely good. They can track down anything as long as theirs a scent to catch no matter how old. Vulpimancers are also extremely strong able to bend metal and bite through metal. They can also use their claws to climb most things by digging their nails into it.
Extra: vulpimancers don't get along well with other vulpimancers who aren't family.

Ben then looked into the factory. Sensing around several hundred DNAliens inside the factory. Along with a high breed. Ben quickly changed back. Then urged the girls to follow him away from the building. Once they were far enough away from the building ben used a set of binoculars to look in the factory through a window. As he looked the highbreed walked into his line of sight and exited just as quickly. Ben put down the binoculars and looked back at the girls.

"Ok. That is clearly the factory where the DNAliens set up base." Ben said. Jenna popped up and slammed her fist into her hand.

"Then let's go! Why are we here!?" Jenna asked.

"Because there's also a highbreed." Ben said. Jenna went on pail.

"H-h-hi-highbreed!?" She exclaimed. Ben nodded. She got back into her place and shut up. Ben activated the call feature on his watch.

"Ben Tennyson to base." Ben said.

"We hear you ben." Rook answered.

"We found the the DNAliens base. There's a highbreed with them." Ben said. The line was silent.

"Return to base so you may fill us in on the details." Grandpa max said. With that ben left for the store and went down to the base. He told them everything he saw in the building as wildmutt. Then after they were done talking they left the conference room. Ben and the girls started to leave but were caught by grandpa max. "Ben. I thought I should tell you know. You guys will be moving into a apartment building. So you should start packing." Ben looked at his grandfather confused.

"Why?" Ben asked. Grandpa max smiled.

"Because your parents are coming here." He said. Ben just looked at his grandfather in complete shock.

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