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Reinrassic was then detained by the plumbers and put behind bars. Currently ben was inside the plumbers lounge sitting on the couch with several ice packs on his body. The triplets were also laying on couches with ice packs on their body, but unlike ben they were asleep.

"Ooh. Everything hurts." Ben said.

"It would seem you took quite the beating in that fight." Rook said. Ben looked at his partner.

"Haha." Ben said sarcastically. "So how's it going rook?" Ben asked.

"Everything's fine. Your parents are trying to get in here. They say they are worried about you." Rook said.

"Yeah. Figured they would." Ben said.

"Has Mikoto come through already?" Rook asked.

"Yep several times." Ben said. He turned to his partner. "Hey mind getting me something?" Ben asked. Rook looked at ben.

"Sure. What do you need?" Rook asked.

"Get my parents in here. Let's get the hugging out of the way. It'll hurt but it'll happen one way or the other." Ben said. Rook nodded he then walked to the door and opened. He spoke to the guards who nodded in response to rook. Then after a few more minutes Sandra and Carl came in.

"Oh ben!" Sandra said concerned. She went hug him.

"Hey! No! No hugs! I'm hurt!" Ben said sternly. Sandra backed off.

"Oh I'm sorry sweetie. I forgot.

"So. All those times back in Bellwood you said you got into a fight with the local bullies you were actually-" Carl was cut off by Ben.

"Fighting aliens? Yeah. But I kinda had to. I mean if I told you I was fighting intergalactic conquerors how would you react." Ben said.

"Id tell you to stop it immediately." Sandra said sternly.

"Exactly. But here's the thing. I can't stop. For several reasons. One the guys who give me the black eyes come looking for me. I don't look to fight them unless it's absolutely necessary. Two I'm really good at fighting these guys. Think i look beat up. You should see the guys who take my beatings. Three. I have to do it. No one else can do what I do." Ben said.

"And why can't anyone else wear that little watch of yours and do your job?" Carl asked while crossing his arms. Ben sighed. Then he sat up straight and activated the communicator on the watch.

"Hey Mikoto. Can you come visit me please." Ben said. A couple seconds later Mikoto answered.

"Of course. I'll be over in a couple minutes." Mikoto replied. Ben then sighed as he started to relax and waiter for her. A couple minutes Mikoto came in.

"Sorry that took so long. I was the gun range practicing my railgun move." Mikoto said as she closed the door. She then noticed bens parents. "Um. What's going on?" She asked. Ben patted the couch next to him. She sat down on the opposite end of ben.

"So. What do you guys now about the omnitrix?" Ben asked.

Time skip

"So your saying that your a machine?" Carl asked. Ben thought for a second.

"Technically speaking. Yes. I am. But technically speaking I am also a living person. I'm both." Ben said.

"And how do we know if your lying or not just so you have an excuse to continue doing this?" Sandra asked with a disbelieving face.

"Well. I could ask grandpa to get my scans that show all the inner wiring of my body, the pictures from a microscope of the Nanobots in my DNA, or get Azmuth creator of the omnitrix to tell you himself but I have a faster more simple way to show you." Ben said. Ben raised his left arm up to his face. "Omnitrix. Voice command. Code 2647. Name Benjamin Kirby Tennyson." Ben said.

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