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Ben dropped Mikoto and kuroko off at the dorm. After that they began driving through the town. Brenda looked out the window.

"This isn't the way to the RV park. Where we going?" Brenda asked. The other two looked out the window. Blaster acted like it was old news and just made a short growl.

"We're going to meet some friends." Ben said with a smile. The girls raised an eyebrow. After about a hour of driving the RV came up to a private airport that was outside the city. The girls looked around. Ben then pressed the intercom. "Benjamin Tennyson here to pick up incoming reinforcements for academy city base. Permission to enter" Ben asked.

"Permission to enter granted. Your just in time mister Tennyson. The ship will be arriving soon." Said someone over the intercom. Ben came to a stop by a building and got out of his seat.

"Wait here." Ben said. Ben exited the RV and stood by a landing pad. After a while you could hear the roar of engines. But there wasn't a single object in sight. Then out of no where a big green jet appeared. The rustbucket 3 was now landing. After it landed the ramp came down. Then Gwen came out while carrying her luggage with her magic. "Gwen!" Ben called. She smiled.

"Ben!" She said. She hugged him. "It's nice to see you." She said with a smile.

"It's only ben a couple days." Ben replies.

"Feels like years with out you around Tennyson." Kevin replied as he came down pulling more luggage behind him.

"Aw. Kevin. Good to see you too." Ben replied.

"It is nice to see a different part of your wonderful planet. Bellwood was getting a bit boring with you." Room said. Ben looked at his old partner.

"Rook. Always nice to have someone like you around. Now where's-" Ben was cut off by the sound of the voice of the guy he was looking.

"How you been kiddo." Grandpa max asked. Ben looked at the old man.

"Grandpa!" He yelled. He hugged the old man tightly. "I feel good grandpa." Ben answered.

"Good. Because we're gonna need your help to get this equipment packed up and moved to the building where we will be setting up base." Grandpa replied.

"You know what would be better then me helping you move this stuff? A whole team of people helping you move this stuff." Ben answered.

"Oh no. I am not moving all that again. It was a pain in my butt just to get it on the rustbucket 3. I'm not getting that stuff off." Kevin replied.

"Who said anything about you." Ben said with a smirk. Ben then whistled and the girls came out. Kevin looked at them.

"So what you turned into a lolicon or something." He thought for a second. "I think that's the term." Ben got a little mad.

"No I didn't become a lolicon. You big jerk." Ben said.

"I'll give you guys one good reason they're with ben." Gwen says. She walks to Brenda and raises Brenda's left arm to show the omnitrix.

"Azmuth?" Rook asked.

"Azmuth." Ben answered.

"So what he made other omnitrixes and sent them to you for training or something." Kevin asked.

"Actually its omnitrices. And sort of. Azmuth apparently made them as a backup in case I wasn't worthy of my powers. And their also my clones slash little sisters. I treat them more as sisters." Ben said. Gwen smiled.

"Finally some girl cousins." Gwen said.

"What about sunny?" Kevin asked.

"Do not bring up sunny." Gwen said with a glare. Kevin then shut up and gulped.

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