How to start your first day of school

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Ben was cooking breakfast on the stove. He was making Bacon, eggs, and pancakes. The curtain to the top bunk opened. Brenda hopped down, out of the bed area. Her hair was a total mess. You could only see one of her eyes because her hair blocked the other. She was wearing a red shirt that was several sizes to big. She also had on black leggings under it. And if you looked at her visible eye it looked completely dead. The bright lights of joy seemed to be off.

"Good morning." She droned. She seemed to be dead.

"You ok? Your still alive right?" Ben asked.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm just." She took in a deep breath. "Not a morning person." She said. Ben laughed.

"I think if anyone were to see you know they'd either think your dying or not a morning person. In all honesty I was thinking you were dying there for a second." Ben said smiling. Just then the bottom curtains opened and Jenna came out followed by Cinna waking up in her bed, blaster (the vulpimancer pup) was getting up with her. Jenna's hair was a complete mess but unlike Brenda she didn't look like she was dying. All she had was bed head. Cinna on the other hand looked just like she did before she went to bed. Jenna looked at her.

"Cinna I hope you know how jealous I am when it comes to how you look every morning. You go to bed and when you wake up you look better then when you went to bed! What's your secret?" Jenna asked. Cinna seemed to shrink.

"What secret?" Cinna asked.

"Oh come on! You must have some secret to how you do this every morning!" Jenna asked pointing to how Cinna looked.

"I don't know what your talking about?" Cinna said. She seemed to be getting smaller and smaller by the minute.

"Hey. Leave your sister alone if she says she doesn't have a secret to it then she doesn't. All I have to say is it's probably because she doesn't toss and turn In her sleep like you." Ben said.

"I don't toss and turn!" Jenna said defensively.

"I checked on you guys after I woke up. You looked like I did when I was 10. Drool dropping down your face, covers thrown off of you, and only half of you was actually on the bed." Ben said. Jenna became red as tomato.

"Idiot! You don't look at a girl while their sleeping! What if we were naked!" Jenna complained. She looked at her sisters. "Am I the only one here who sees the problem with that?" She asked.

"Your the only one who would sleep naked." Brenda said. She looked at ben. "Can I have some coffee?" She asked. Ben raised an eyebrow.

"Do you usually drink coffee?" Ben asked. She nodded. He shrugged. "Fine with me." With that he started up the coffee machine. After breakfast they all took a shower. Ben didn't need to cause he showered before cooking. Brenda went in first. When she came out she had all the joy and happiness from yesterday back. After everyone showered and got into their school uniforms. Then they began the long walk to school. Ben locked the rustbucket up before leaving. Soon they came to a middle school. A bunch of girls were walking in through the main gate. The school is called tokiwadai middle school.

"You three sure you'll be fine." Then he realized something. "Can you three speak Japanese?" He asked.

"I speak it fluently. Jenna and Cinna. Not so much. But they have a basic understanding. The question is will you be fine?" Brenda asked.

"Yeah. I can always use my watch to learn it. Universal translator." Jenna popped in.

"No fair! Your watch can do so much more then ours!" Jenna complained.

"I'll show you three how to work them better another time. Now go. Your gonna be late." Ben said.

"Says the guy who has to walk to a whole other school." Jenna retorted.

"I'm in high school. I can be a few minutes late. Your 7 graders. You three still have 6 more years of school including this one. Now go!" Ben said pointing them towards the school building. Once they left ben started walking to his school.

Time skip.

Ben was walking to his classroom. "Code 9632."

"Universal language upload available. What language would you like to learn?" The omnitrix asked.

"Japanese." Ben said.

"Language analysis begin." The omnitrix began to access the internet and learn all it could about Japanese. "Language analyzed. Uploading language." Ben then started to feel a really light headed. A side effect of learning an entirely new language in mere seconds. He then found his classroom and opened the door. When he opened the door he found a little girl writing up front on the chalk board.

"Excuse. Is this the classroom of..." ben looked down at his paper. "Tsukuyomi komoe?" Ben asked in perfect Japanese. The little girl smiled.

"You must be Benjamin Tennyson." She said with a smile.

"Ben is fine." Ben said. The little girl smiled.

"I am Tsukuyomi komoe. If you would please sit down over there." She said pointing at an empty seat. Ben looked at her confused. Then did as she said and sat down. The class began. By the end of the day he met a few classmates. A guy with lots bad luck named touma, a pervert named pierce, and a another guy named motoharu. As school ended touma approached Ben.

"Hey. Ben. I was wondering if you'd like to hang with us. We're going out with some other friends of ours to eat. Want to join?" Touma asked.

"I'd love to but I have to go pick up my sisters from school." Ben said.

"That's too bad. We'll see you tomorrow then." Touma said. As ben was packing up he heard people talking.

"I swear I saw aliens!" A fellow classmate said. His peers weren't believing him. "They had tan skin and a squid like face with one eye in the center!" He looked at his friends "you gotta believe me!" He cried.

"Where did you see them?" Ben asked the guy looked at him. He was shocked a little.

"Uh. The southern part of district 7 right on the border is district 10. Why?"

"Well. What would aliens be doing there. I mean district 7 is for schools. What would an alien want to do in a school district?" Ben said. This made the guy think. Ben finished packing his stuff and left the school. Then ben started the walk to the girls school.

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