A battle of giants

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Ben was currently wrestling with the highbreed outside the factory. Ben was the 60 foot tall dinosaur being pinned down by the 10 foot tall highbreed. The highbreed jumped up. Ben caught him in his hand and sent him flying out of the factories fence and into the street. Ben stood up and charged the highbreed. The highbreed may have been small but he was strong. The highbreed tripped ben then caught him before he landed on the ground and threw him. Ben landed in the middle of the street. He got up and groaned. He then finally noticed where he was. He was on the ground in front of hundreds of people. All of whom were staring at him.

"Uh... hi." Ben said with an embarrassed smile. The people screamed and pointed. "What I'm not that scary" ben said. Then he felt something grab his tail. "Oh." He said realizing they were screaming at him but at the highbreed. The highbreed then spun around while holding bens tail and threw him. Ben crushed a tree and stood up. He growled at the highbreed. "Your going down buddy!" Ben said.

"I am not buddy. I am reinrassic the 3rd!" The highbreed roared.

"I don't care if your the president of the entire galaxy. Your just going down!" Ben said he then swung his arm down low enough to catch reinrassic and send him flying once again. Reinrassic crashed into the side of a parking garage causing alarms on cars to go off. Reinrassic looked at the cars then began throwing them. Ben knocked most aside. But one went right above his head. Ben followed the car and saw where it was gonna land. Right on top of woman and her two little children. The woman screamed as her children cried and the car came down on top of them. In a pointless act of self sacrifice she threw her children beneath her to act as a buffer. She braced for the impact but it never came. She opened her eyes to see she was in a shadow. She looked up to see ben who was still a dinosaur only smaller. About the size of reinrassic. Like her he shielded them by putting himself between them and the car. "You ok?" Ben asked. The children looked up at him in wonder. The woman nodded her head slowly. "Good. Now leave. It's not safe here." Ben said. He then stood back up and looked at reinrassic. "Innocents really? You just went down to a whole other level of cruel. And now I'm mad." Ben said. Ben charged at reinrassic. But when Ben got there reinrassic punched him. Ben fell 30 feet from the highbreed. He shook his head. "Nice hit." Ben said. He looked to his left and saw a lamp post. Ben then smiled. Ben stood up and began to grow in size again till he was 30 feet tall. He grabbed the lamppost and ripped it out of the ground.

"You think getting bigger will save you? Well your sorely mistaken." Reinrassic said. Reinrassic opened up some flaps and began flying at ben. Ben pulled the lamppost back like a baseball bat. Then swung hitting reinrassic directly in the face. This sent him into the street several blocks away.

"Homerun!" Ben yelled. Ben then moved to reinrassic. When he found him reinrassic sat up to find ben standing right over him. Ben pulled the post back again. "Four!" Ben yelled then swung the post like a golf club. But reinrassic caught the post. "Hey no fair!" Ben said. The highbreed then got up and punched ben in the gut. Ben bent over in agony. This gave reinrassic the perfect opportunity. So the highbreed punched Ben directly in the face and sent him crashing into the building right behind him. Ben fell forward and onto his hands and knees. He looked up at reinrassic then stood back up. Ben then heard the sound of helicopters and sure enough directly above ben were several news helicopters recording the battle below. "Oh great. Paparazzi. Just what I needed." Ben complained.

"I will destroy you!" Reinrassic roared.

"Yeah yeah. Tell it to the hand. Or better yet my fist." Ben roared as he slammed his fist into reinrassics face. Reinrassic went back about 50 feet down the street. "Man. That was good right hook." Ben said with a smile.

"Enough games! It's time to finish you once and for all!" Reinrassic yelled. They were interrupted by the sound of pounding footsteps. Ben raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"That's not me?" Ben said confused. Then from a rooftop jumped a 9 foot tall vaxasaurian similar to ben. Except slimmer and more red. The vaxasaurian landed right on top of reinrassic.

"Wow. Couldn't have asked for a more perfect landing." Said a transylian on the vaxasaurians back.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Replied a methanosian.

"You three? What are you doing here what about the factory?" Ben asked.

"That's all taken care of." Cinna (the vaxasaurian) said. The ground beneath the trio began to rumble.

"Move!" Brenda (the methanosian) yelled. Cinna did as Brenda said and ran over to ben. Once she got there Brenda and Jenna got off of Cinna. Reinrassic rose from the ground.

"So you chose humungousaur, swampfire, and frankenstrike?" Ben asked.

"Yeah? What about it?" Jenna asked. Ben shook his head.

"Never mind not enough time." Ben replied.

"There's four of you?" Reinrassic asked.

"Oh yeah. Forgot to mention that. I have some sisters. And I'd like you to meet them...." ben turned to the girls. "Let's pound him!" Ben said. They all turned and charged at reinrassic. The fight was mainly a bunch of blow for blows between Ben and reinrassic while the triplets did all they could to help. In the end the triplets were on the ground moaning in pain. Ben on his back in front of reinrassic. The highbreed pulled his hand back.

"Any last words?" Reinrassic asked. Ben then noticed a piece of metal that had a sharp edge.

"Just a couple. How's your arm?" Ben asked with a cocky smile. He rolled over to the piece of metal. In the middle of the roll reinrassic threw his punch and missed hitting the earth. Ben grabbed the metal and sliced off reinrassics arm. Reinrassic roared in pain.

"My arm!" Reinrassic roared. Just then the plumbers showed up as reinrassic screamed in pain. After he was done screaming ben Cinna, Brenda, and Jenna walked up to him. His arm was bleeding. Brenda looked at his arm and the detached arm still on the ground. Brenda then picked it up with some vines and brought it back over to reinrassic. She then began to reattach it. "What- what are you doing!" Reinrassic asked.

"Showing mercy." Brenda said. When she was done his arm was reattached and now it was green. He put his fixed hand into his still good one.

"Why? After I tried to destroy you, your sisters, and brother. Why show me mercy?" Reinrassic asked.

"I don't know. Honestly I'm only 5 years old. I only have the mind and body of a 12 year old. But if I had to guess. I think if I were to show you mercy now and try to befriend you. We could become great allies in the future." Brenda said. She stuck out her hand as if to shake. Reinrassic looked at it. Then shook her hand. Brenda smiled.

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