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Everyone was sitting on a rooftop across from the DNAlien base. They were all looking at the building when kevin and Gwen showed up.

"So this the base?" Kevin asked looking at the factory.

"Yep. Tracked them here with blaster." Ben said.

"Good. I can finally pound something. I've been waiting to give something a beating." Kevin said with a smile.

"There's a highbreed." Ben said. Kevin's smile dropped and was replaced by a frown.

"You kidding me. I hate those guys. It's nearly impossible to beat them. All we could do before was take the beating. Not give them." Kevin complained.

"Well last time I was not a part of the team. And now we have four omnitrices and the third strongest esper in academy city. I think it will be a little bit easier to fight the highbreed now." Rook said. Kevin just looked at him.

"Yeah. Your right. But I don't want to test it and see if we can beat it. I'd rather wait till we have to fight the highbreed and avoid it if possible." Kevin said.

"I agree with Kevin. I think fighting the highbreed should be a last resort." Ben said. He looked at his cousin. "Hey Gwen could I borrow you for a second." Ben asked. Gwen nodded. So ben and Gwen walked away to the other end of the roof.

"What do you think they are talking about?" Rook asked.

"Don't know don't care. Now any ways into base?" Kevin asked.

"Not currently. All water beds have a fence just big enough for a baby to fit their hands in." Rook said.

"But could a pisciss valan bite through it?" Kevin asked.

"Yes. If it wasn't for the electricity that runs through it when something touches it." Rook answered.

"What about windows?" Kevin asked.

"Not a good idea. Their all bullet proof and if we break through a window it will most certainly cause an alarm to run through out the base. And before you ask no we can't just walk through the front gate with a ID mask that makes us look like one of them. They have scanners that see through ID masks. Trust me kevin. I have looked this entire place over. Their is absolutely no way in. Only that can get in there would be nanomech." Rook said.

"Aw! Man!" Jenna complained.

"What?" Brenda asked.

"I should've asked for nanomech. I could do so many with his abilities." Jenna complained. Brenda rolled her eyes. Kevin and rook continued to talk to each other of ways to try and get in. Each one a failure. After a while ben and Gwen rejoined the group. Gwen had a not so happy frown while ben was sporting a smug smile.

"What were you two talking about?" Rook asked.

"Nothing." Ben said smugly. Rook just raised an eyebrow. "Now. What have we figured out so far?" Ben asked.

"That only nanomech can get inside that place." Kevin said in a disappointed manner.

"Well. That could be a good thing. With nanomech size he's nearly impossible to see and since he's a technoorganic being he could mess with the scanners and get us in or do something else." Gwen said.

"Yeah. But it'll probably take time." Brenda said she started to think.

"We could always cut that time." Brenda said with a smile. Ben took one look at her and knew what she was suggesting.

"What's she talking about?" Kevin asked.

"She wants ben to unlock nanomech for her. Not a bad idea. But I don't want to think what she'll do with nanomech afterwards." Gwen answered.

"I'll think about it." Ben said. He turned and looked at the factory. "For now we just need to watch them. See if they make any moves. And if they do. We better be there to take care of them." Ben said.

Sorry for the short one. Couldn't think of anything else to put in here.

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