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Ben was just finishing up a ability test. Mikoto and the triplets were watching the test. Ben was hooked up to several pieces of equipment while in his energy mode without a shirt on. It turns out because he was the omnitrix he could convert the energy he had. But he could only use one energy at a time so far. After the battle with accelerator the new ability was now like a switch ben didn't even have to over one hundred percent energy to go into it and to make it better his energy reserves doubled in capacity. The scientist seemed excited by the results they were getting. Then they finished. Ben walked over to them while putting his shirt back on.

"It's just as we thought you are indeed level 5 material. Your just farther up the totem pole then we imagined. To think there's someone on a equal level as the accelerator." The head scientist assigned to test ben said. She seemed to be amazed by bens ability. "Now all we need to do is name your ability and release to the public that there's a 8th level 5. Sorry railgun it's seems you have been bumped down to 4th place. And Teitoku is now 3rd." Mikoto shrugged.

"There's nothing I can do about that. Ben could wipe the floor with me and the other level 5's." Mikoto said. The woman nodded.

"Now back to naming. What do you people think?" The head scientist asked turning to the other scientist. Ben just looked at them. Then ben had an idea for a name.

"Do mind if I make a suggestion?" Ben asked. The scientist looked at him. "Accelerator said he was trying to overload me and that lead to the discovery of my full ability. So how about overload?" Ben asked. The head scientist nodded to it.

"That sounds good. Makes sense because if your overloaded with energy your automatically sent into your energy mode. And it has a nice ring to it." She said. She folded her arms and nodded. "We will consider it greatly. Thank you mister Tennyson." She said. With that ben, Mikoto, and the triplets left.

Big time skip.

Ben was laying on the couch sleeping. Drool running down from his mouth. Suddenly the door opened wide as Mikoto ran in. Ben woke up with a start.

"Huh? Mikoto? What are you doing here? Ben asked groggily.

"Have you seen the news?" She asked. Ben wiped away the drool on his chin. Mikoto sighed. "Never mind. Here." Mikoto said. She flipped the TV on to the news.

"Scientist have just released the news of the 8th level 5 esper in academy city. The newest level 5 is mister Benjamin Kirby Tennyson." The reporter said.

"Your middle names Kirby?" Mikoto asked.

"A week ago mister Tennyson fought the infamous accelerator and was able to hold his ground against accelerator. This single fight has sent him to the top of the list of level 5s right next to accelerator. Scientist has named mister Tennysons ability 'Overload'."

"Hey that used the name I suggested." Ben smiled.

"And now in related news to mister Tennyson. There seems to be short video of mister tennyson on what appears to be a date with other level 5 Mikoto Misaka. Also known as 'the railgun'." The reporter. Ben's smile grew as the news put up a short video of ben pulling the gekota out of the crane game and Mikoto happily taking it. Mikoto turned bright red.

"Who the hell videoed that!" Mikoto roared.

"It's seems the railgun is a fan of the cute and adorable gekota franchise." The reporter finished.

"No! I've been exposed!" Mikoto cried. She fell onto her hands and knees in despair. Ben patted her back.

"There there Mikoto. How about we go and get you some limited addition gekota." Ben said. Mikoto popped back up.

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