Triplets meet the Tennysons

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It had been a week since ben found the DNAlien base and learned his parents were coming here to stay with him. Grandpa had used his connections to end up getting them a big condo. Curtesy of grandpa Max's old friend Donovan Grand Smith. Ben became friends with Donovan's grandson Edwin. Ben saw Edwin every now and then. Matter a fact when Ben first came to the condo to check it out he met Edwin down in the lobby. After that the two decided to hang out by going to Edwin's place and play some sumo slammers while catching up. Right now ben was helping the girls with their room. Because of cameras set up in the building for security reasons they couldn't use their powers to get this done quickly. The girls room was split into three sections. There were three desk with computers for each girl at the foot of there beds.  Brenda had the right section of the room. On her side is a book shelf, and some inspirational posters of famous earth scientist (the posters were of human scientist because if it were posters of alien scientist it could cause problems). Jenna got the left side and had some notebooks lying around and movies on a stand. Cinna got the middle section of the room. She had some animal posters above her bed and a special pillow for blaster on her bed. Ben had gotten the girls in a car that his dad had bought. His dad just sent him the money to buy a car. So ben got a van so that I could fit power oeveryone. Ben was currently waiting in the airport lobby for his parents. He was thinking of how to tell them about the girls when he heard his name called. He looked up to see his mother. Her green eyes bright with joy. She was waving at him with one arm while the other pulled a luggage bag. Ben thought it was a little odd knowing his mother. Then he saw his dad pushing a cart with a lot more bags. Ben laughed at his dad.

"Ben! My little boy!" She cried.

"Mom!" Ben complained.

"Sandra. He's 16 years old. I don't think he's a little boy anymore." Carl, bens father said. Sandra frowned.

"I know but I don't want him to grow up." She complained.

"Here dad. Let me get that." Ben said taking his dad's spot in pushing the cart. As they walked ben started to talk. "So. Mom, dad. You guys know I'm adopted." Ben said.

"Yes. We know." His mom sighed. "I remember the night we found you on our doorstep like it was yesterday." She said.

"Yeah. Well. Keep that in mind. Because we're gonna be having some guests staying with us." Ben said. His dad looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What kind of guests?" He asked.

"Um. You'll see." Ben said. It didn't take long to get to the car. When they did ben stopped them on one side of the car then went around to the other side and got the girls. "Ok. Mom dad. Meet..." he walked out with the girls. "Brenda, Jennifer, and Cinnamon. My biological little sisters." Ben said. He pointed to each one as he said their name.

"Just call me Jenna. And everyone just calls her Cinna." Jenna said.

"Aww! How cute. Their little little version of you when you were younger. And their girls. How adorable." Sandra said. Brenda put out her hand.

"Hello mrs. Tennyson." Brenda said. Sandra ignored the hand and hugged her.

"Ow just call us Sandra and Carl. Oh my look at this Carl. They look so much like Ben." She said smiling.

"Yeah. I see that. So. How did you meet them?" Bens dad asked. Ben looked at them.

"Uh. It seems my parents had them after me and I guess didn't put them up for adoption." Ben said. Jenna took from there being with how good of a liar she is.

"Mom and dad died. So the uh. Police looked for our next closest family member. And they found ben." Jenna said.

"How long have you guys stayed with Ben?" Carl asked.

"We've been with him for the past month." Cinna said. Carl looked at ben.

"A month huh?" He asked. Sandra then realized something.

"Ben! you left these poor defenseless girls in this car alone?" She said sternly.

"Defenseless?" Ben asked.

"Me and Jenna are actually very well trained fighters. We took several self defense classes." Brenda said.

"I have blaster to protect me." Cinna said. Carl and Sandra looked Cinna confused.

"Blaster?" Carl asked. Cinna nodded her head. She then pulled off her backpack and opened it a little. Enough for blaster to pop his head out of the bag. Carl and Sandra just looked at the vulpimancer confused. "What is that?" Carl asked confused.

"I know he's like a dog. Found him as a stray all alone." Cinna said. It wasn't a lie. She found him all alone... on vulpin. She found him curled up and whimpering by the dead bodies of his parents. So technically she wasn't lying just not saying everything else.

"What kind?" He asked.

"Not one I think I've ever seen on earth." Cinna said. She closed bag back up. Then ben and Carl began putting the luggage in the van while Sandra talked to the girls. Soon they were driving down the road.

"So ben. You've been a brother for a month now. Mind telling me a bit about them since Sandra's already getting to know them?" His dad asked.

"Sure. Let's see. Brenda is the brains of the group. Smart girl. Like really smart. Already fluent in Japanese and can talk to anyone in it. Jenna is a lot like I was. A real prankster so I'd watch her if I was you." Ben said.

"And the quiet one with the weird dog?" He asked.

"She's more like the glue that holds them together. With out Cinna Brenda and Jenna would be at each other's necks." Ben said. He shook his head. "Brenda can't stand how Jenna always goofs off and makes jokes in some of the most serious situations. And Jenna retaliates by pranking her. It's almost like a war zone." Ben said. Carl looks at the car.

"So you got a van?" Carl asked. Ben looked at his dad.

"Yeah? And?" He asked.

"I just would have though you'd have gotten a sports car." Carl said.

"I would have. But uh. We couldn't fit everyone in a sports car no could we." Ben said. Carl chuckled and shook his head.

"What do you know. My boy is growing up." He said with a smile.

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