Battle of the Powerhouses

398 18 5

(Just to clarify. Accelerator doesn't have the collar)

Accelerator stood up. "Well I can say i won't make the same mistake twice." Accelerator said. He began rapidly punching ben with lots of force. Soon though he came to stop seeing as how it wasn't doing anything so far. Ben threw another punch this one though was blocked by an invisible force field. Ben pulled his hand back from the pain.

"Shit." Ben said. The watch went off.

"Energy reserves boosted by 3 percent. Currently amount reserved 89%." The watch said. Accelerator saw this as an opportunity. If he overloaded ben he could remove him from the fight. His mind began racing as he started to calculate the vectors needed to do so. When he finished he pulled his arm back.

"If you absorb energy you have a limit. So I'll just have to overload you!" Accelerator said with a dark smile. He then threw his punch and hit ben. When it connected ben bent over in pain. He then fell back and began writhing in pain. Accelerator smiled. Mikoto ran to ben.

"Ah! It burns!" Ben yelled. Accelerator looked a bit confused. Burns? There were no vectors from his punch that should have burned him. Unless the energy was burning him from the inside. Accelerator looked at ben. When he saw him he began to notice countless vectors that didn't make sense to him. Why were these vectors in him. The omnitrix went off.

"Energy levels above max capacity. Energy leakage begin." It said. Ben slowed stopped writhing. From the omnitrix bens skin began to glow as green lines began making their way up through bens arm and through the rest of him. When it was complete his entire body was glowing green from the lines. His eyes opened to reveal his eyes were glowing as well. He slowly got up and looked at himself.

"What is this?" Ben asked. He looked at accelerator to see him winding up for another punch. When the punch connected though he didn't feel the pain. Instead. He felt better. Ben smiled and looked himself over. Whatever this was it was awesome. Ben looked at accelerator as he looked at ben in disbelief. Then ben threw another punch this one hit the force field as well. But this time ben didn't feel the pain and to make things better. Accelerator went flying. He crashed through the trees in the park. Ben's smile grew. He looked at Mikoto. "I'm gonna love this." Ben said. Then ben took off his jacket and handed it to Mikoto. "Hold onto that for me will you?" Ben asked. He looked to see Accelerator get up. He charged at ben and ben did the same. Ben went to through a punch but accelerator made the first move. He touched bens chest with the tips of his fingers. This was all accelerator need to send ben flying back and crash through the park. When ben got up he looked down and noticed his shirt was torn. He groaned then his watch went off.

"Energy levels at 126%." It replied. Ben continued to smile as he set the watch to display his energy levels on the dial instead of saying them aloud. Then he got back to the battle at hand. Bens calculation speed seemed to be higher then it was when he was normal. And as the battle continued and he absorbed more and more energy his calculation speed just continued to grow. This made ben realize that the more energy he got the faster, stronger, and better he became. He hit accelerator in the jaw with a right hook sending him flying into a building. Luckily everyone had already evacuated the surrounding buildings. Anti-skill had surrounded the place. Ben hid behind a tree when accelerator came back. Ben noticed the anti skill getting closer. He looked at the watch knowing if they saw it they might learn he was the alien shapeshifter from this morning. He was debating wether or not to take it off. Ben had no idea if he took it off wether he'd still be in this form. Then ben remembered a function Azmuth had installed for a such an occasion as this. He activated it and the omnitrix changed its color and shape. When it finished it looked like an average ordinary watch. He then had an idea.

Accelerator was looking around. He couldn't find ben anywhere. He began walking around. "Come out and fight you coward!" Accelerator said. Suddenly he was punched in the gut and he crashed through a tree. He looked at where he was. Nothing was there.

"Can't hit what you can't see!" Ben taunted. His voice seemed to be projected all around him. He then received a punch to the face which sent him crashing into the street in front of the anti skill group.

"Wholly crap! Its accelerator! Who the hecks tossing him around?" A soldier asked. Accelerator began to look around not with his eyes but with his vector sensing ability. Accelerator realized he must be invisible through some ability of his. He then punched something to his right ben crashed into anti skill vehicle. Then he seemed to appear out of thin air.

"So you made yourself invisible by absorbing the light that reflects off of you to make yourself appear invisible. Clever." Accelerator said. Ben smiled.

"Oh trust me. I got more tricks were that came from. See to become invisible I absorbed quite a lot of light energy." Ben said. He then stuck out his palm sending a beam of bright light that blinded accelerator for a while. Accelerator cried out in pain. Ben ran forward and punched him. This threw him back into the park. Accelerator got back up and rubbed his eyes. His vision was blurry but still good enough to make out ben. He grinned his teeth together. Then they went back to brawl they were having. If you were to look at the fight. It was a battle neither could win. This battle was a perfect example of a unstoppable force versus an immovable object. Accelerator the being of nigh unlimited power against ben tennyson a human that drains all forms of energy. But while accelerator had the power ben held the experience, the ability to nullify his attacks, and the skills necessary. If this was a street brawl with no abilities ben would have won several times already. Accelerators moves were sloppy and predictable enough that ben could avoid every punch from him. But if ben did that he'd lose his source of energy and run out at some point. No ben didn't avoid the punches. Actually ben sometimes had to get in there way because accelerator was sloppy enough to miss several punches if ben didn't purposely get in their way. Ben delivered a powerful blow that sent accelerator into another building. Then he got a text. Ben quickly read it begrudgingly. Then smiled. He looked back to see accelerator yelling as he launched himself from the building at ben. Ben got ready and punched him with a left hook. Accelerator crashed through the plants in the park. He got up and spit out some dirt from his mouth. He looked at ben. "Oh come on. This is a fight that's far too even. Your invulnerable, I'm invulnerable, you have unlimited power, I have an unlimited power source to power me. Just stop. I just came here to protect my friend." Ben said.

"I don't care!" Accelerator yelled. He pointed at ben. "Get out of my way. Because of touma I'm now picked on by the weakest of the weak. They think they can trample over me! I am accelerator!" Accelerator yelled. He looked around at the news copters that had surrounded them. "And no one will push me around again!" He yelled. He charged at ben. And ben did the same. Then accelerator threw a punch with his right hand while ben did the same with his right fist. Bens fist however was glowing a bright green. Their fist connected. This caused a shockwave of energy. The energy rippled throughout the park blowing back everything within 30 feet. When it dispersed ben and accelerator were at opposite ends of a crater they had made with the shockwave. Accelerator struggled to get up as did ben.

"Neither one of us is gonna win. You know that right?" Ben said. He looked behind accelerator too see what he expected. "At least not without help." Ben said then smiled. Suddenly someone jumped onto accelerators back and latched their left arm around his neck. Accelerator growled and reached back and caught the persons shoulder. He then tried to use his ability to send the person flying back and off of him. Nothing happened. Accelerators eyes widened in realization. He looked at his right arm to see a hand gripping it tightly.

"Touma!" Accelerator whispered in urgency. Ben then began to run at accelerator. He then jumped up and punched accelerator in the face. Accelerator dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes. Unconscious. Ben looked up at touma.

"You ok?" Ben asked. Touma looked at ben and smiled.

"Never better." He said. Ben then noticed the shoulder.

"Let's get you to a hospital" ben said. With that he lead touma to his car and after putting down some layers of paper and gauze put touma inside and set his chair back so it was laying down. Mikoto got in the back behind ben. As ben drove off he saw the anti skill group pick up accelerator. Ben just saw this and wondered what would happen to him.

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