Rustbucket rocket

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After awhile of talking. Kuroko and Mikoto were released. They were lead to a break room where Brenda was sitting on a chair at the counter reading a book, Jenna was on her phone, and Cinna was playing with one of the new alien guard dogs.

"Where's Ben?" Mikoto asked as she sat down. Brenda looked up from his book.

"Last we saw he was making a call back to his home." She said.

"And you guys didn't join him in calling home?" Kuroko asked.

"His home isn't our home." Jenna said not bothering to look up from her phone.

"Were actually... um... how should I put this." Brenda said.

"Were bens clones." Jenna answered. She put down her phone. "Were not natural homosapiens. We're artificial." She said in a uncaring manner.

"Jenna!" Brenda scolded.

"What you know I don't care about how we were made." Jenna responded.

"Yeah. But Cinna does!" Brenda retorted. Brenda looked over at Cinna. She was now hugging the dog with a sad face. The dog knew something wasn't right and it seemed to be condoling her. Jenna face palmed herself.

"Right." She said as if she was an idiot.

"Your clones? But you all are girls." Kuroko said.

"Were imperfect. We couldn't be cloned perfectly so DNA from bens parents were used to fill in the gaps in bens DNA. One of the damaged chromosomes was bens Y chromosome. So instead we got a X to make us girls." Brenda said. Kuroko raised a eyebrow. Brenda groaned. "The part of the DNA that makes ben a guy was damaged. So instead we got a piece of DNA that made us girls." She said. Kuroko smiled.

"Oh." She said finally understanding. Mikoto looked at Cinna who was still holding the dog.

"Why does she not like to talk about it?" Mikoto asked. Brenda looked at her sister and sighed.

"She feels people will look at her like a big science experiment and not as a person. She doesn't want people to treat her any differently then others." Jenna said. Mikoto looked at Cinna and walked over to her.

"It's not so bad to be a clone." Mikoto said.

"How would you know?" Cinna said looking down. The dog put its head over her shoulder.

"I don't know personally. But I'll tell you this. I have 9,969 sisters." Mikoto said with a smile. Cinna looked at her confused.

"And they're all clones?" Cinna asked.

"Yep. Every single one of them." Mikoto replied. After she said that ben walked into the room.

"Ok. Guys we need to go." Ben said. He clapped his hands. The triplets looked at him.

"Is there a reason? Or do you just want to leave?" Brenda asked.

"Oh There's a pretty good reason." Ben said.

"Oh so what forms should we do for the run home." Jenna said in thought.

"We're not gonna run or fly. I'm gonna drive the rustbucket." Ben said.

"The rustbucket! Aww man! But that things so old and slow a chronosapien could go faster then it without its time powers. Besides the rustbucket is in the RV park." Jenna complained. Ben raised a eyebrow and smiled.

"Slow! Ha! What a joke." He exclaimed. He got the keys out of his pockets. "As for the fact that the RV is in the park." He said. He pressed a button.

"ETA 15 minutes." Said a voice. The voice came from the little remote button.

"Meh. That's a good time. It'll take us 10 minutes to get to the garage." Ben said. He then shook his head. "Seriously this base is huge." Ben replied. Then they began to walk. Once they made it to the plumber garage they waited around for about 5 minutes. Then the rustbucket was coming down the elevator. When the elevator came to a stop and opened the rustbucket moved forward and came to a stop in front of them. Ben opened the door. "Ladies first." Ben said. The girls all got in. Cinna came in last. She looked around the cabin.

"Where's blaster?" She asked. Brenda looked.

"Probably got scared when the RV started moving. Look in some places he can hide. He's still just a small guy." Brenda answered. Out of nowhere the little vulpimancer came down and landed on Cinna's back.

"There you are blaster." She said scratching his head. He whimpered. "I guess he did get scared."

"What is that!" Kuroko asked pointing at blaster.

"What blaster? He's a vulpimancer." She answered.

"How can it see? It doesn't have any eyes." Kuroko asked pointing it out.

"Well 'it' is a he. And he might be able to see. But he can still hear." Cinna said defensively. Blaster growled at kuroko. "And so you know vulpimancers make up for their lost sense with their others. Vulpimancers have strong senses of smell and hearing. They use these to generate a 3d map of the environment. And vulpimancers are a sentient species." Cinna said. She pulled blaster from her back and cradled him in her arms. Then blaster barked at kuroko.

"Geez." Kuroko said backing away.

"Ok everyone sit down. We're gonna start going." Ben said. Everyone sat down. Ben then flipped a switch and the rustbucket went into tech mode. He then pressed another button. "Permission to use the tunnels. Name Benjamin Tennyson." Ben said. A couple seconds later.

"Permission granted." Said someone over a intercom. Ben then flipped another switch. Suddenly the rustbucket lifted up a bit, the front panels popped open and became battering rams, and two flaps came up as some rockets came out on the back. Where everyone sat seat belts came out from the top and bottom of the seats and strapped everyone in. The seat belts made an X.

"Hold on to your buts!" Ben said quoting Jurassic park (Love that movie). Then the rockets on the back came on and the rustbucket blasted forward. Mikoto and kuroko fell forward with the belts catching them. The triplets on the other hand seemed to be sinking into the chairs a bit. Cinna looked scared while blaster was being held to Cinna's chest by nothing but force. He was facing forward and his limbs were all spread out. By the frown in his face one could tell that blaster wasn't a fan of going this fast. Jenna had a crazy smile on with her eyes wide with joy. Brenda just looked like she was about to puke from the sudden jolt of going super speed. Soon they slowed down and came out of the tunnel into a parking garage. Brenda immediately got up and wobbled to the bathroom. Once there she fell to her knees with her head by the toilet.

"I think I'm gonna barf." She stated.

"Of you get motion sick why do you have XLR8?" Ben asked.

"I don't get motion sick. I feel like this because of the jolt. I mean one minute we're at a complete stop. Next thing I know were zooming through that tunnel." Brenda answered in a sick voice.

"That was awesome!" Brenda said her hair was all messed up from moving so fast. She threw her hands into the air

"Me and blaster are with Brenda. Not fans of rocket mode." Cinna said holding a shaking blaster to her chest.

"Who knew such a old looking RV could move so fast." Mikoto said. Ben smiled.

"The rustbuckets just full of surprises. Ain't it." Ben said.

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