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As ben was walking to the meeting spot for his and Mikoto's date. As he came up to the spot he immediately spotted Mikoto. She was searching the crowd. Most likely for him. Her back was to ben. He walked up to her.

"Looking for someone?" Ben said. Mikoto jumped in fear. Then saw ben with a smile.

"Baka!" She yelled and zapped him. Ben jumped from the electrical shock. "Don't ever do that again!" Ben said.

"Why do you do that!" Ben asked rubbing his arm where she shocked him.

"Because you do something that I don't like." Mikoto said crossing her arms and putting her nose in the air with a "hmph." Ben shook his head.

"So what do you want to do?" Ben asked. Mikoto looked at all the stores around the place. She then spotted a arcade. She pulled ben along and began looking around. Suddenly she came to a halt. Ben looked at her. She was staring a crane game. She moved to it and looked through the glass at a giant gekota plush. The gekota was sitting on a hill of plushies. She fished out some coins and began to play and try to get the plushie. After 3 failures she looked through her pocket and didn't feel anymore coins.

"No!" Mikoto cried. Ben chuckled and moved to the controls. He took out some change and started it up. Mikoto began to watch intensely. Ben then set the crane over another smaller gekota plushie. Mikoto looked at it confused. "That's not the one we want. I already have that one." Mikoto said confused. Ben held up a fing as the crane grabbed the small plushie and pulled it out and dropped it into the drop zone. Then ben walked to the side of the machine and kicked it. The hill the gekota was on began to tumble and the gekota went into the drop zone. Mikoto looked at ben dumbfounded. Ben just smiled.

"After being so many genius aliens I kinda kept some of their knowledge." Ben replied. He reached in and pulled out the plushies. "Now it's two for the price of one." Ben said. Mikoto took the giant one.

"What'll happen to that one. I already have it." Mikoto said.

"I'll give it to Cinna." Ben said. With that they began walking to get some food. Mikoto was skipping with joy as she carried the giant gekota. Ben walked behind her with a smile as he watched her. Suddenly Mikoto got a phone call. She stopped and answered the phone.

"Index? Why are you using toumas phone?" Mikoto asked. Ben watched as the color drained from her face. Mikoto looked at ben.

"We have to find touma." She said. Ben knew by the seriousness of her voice that they had to find him fast. Ben and Mikoto began searching for him finding nothing. "Can't you use wildmutt to find him?" Mikoto asked.

"I could but it would draw attention to us, and I'd need something of his to track him." Ben said. He began to think. "But I do know how to find him. Come on." Ben said.

Time skip.

Ben and Mikoto were now in plumber headquarters looking through all the security cameras around academy city. Mikoto pointed at a screen.

"There!" She said. Ben looked and sure enough there was touma. He was looking around making sure he wasn't being followed. They then followed touma threw the security cameras till he came to a back alley way where one guy was standing. The guys white hair covered his face. But Mikoto knew exactly who he was. "Accelerator." She said horrified. Ben looked at her.

"Accelerator. The accelerator? As in #1 esper in the world?" Ben asked. Mikoto nodded in confirmation. "Well shit. Come on we need to hurry if we're gonna help him." Ben said


"So you came." Accelerator said.

"Of course. I would never endanger my friends." Touma replied.

"Do you know why your here?" Accelerator asked. Touma shook his head.

"Because you have caused me trouble. Ever since you beat me everyone thinks they can mess with me. From the other level 5 all the way to level 0s. All because of you." Accelerator said. He pointed at touma.

"That's your fault for killing Mikoto's sisters. If you had left them alone to live their lives I wouldn't have needed to do anything." Touma said.

"Well it's already been done so who cares. Right now I just want to show everyone that I'm no push over. Now here's how this is gonna go. We're gonna fight. I will attack. You block my attack I make one of your friends suffer. Understand?" Accelerator said. He pulled a hand from his pocket to reveal a coin. The coin shot from his hand and went into toumas right shoulder just outside the range of his ability. The coin went straight through and touma roared in pain. Accelerator closed the distance between them and touched toumas chest. Touma then flew back into the park that was across the street. People screamed when touma landed on the grass blood covering his shoulder. Touma grasped his shoulder in pain.

"Now no one will mess with me." Accelerator said. Suddenly a bolt of light flashed in front of him. He saw te vectors that surrounded it and recognized it. He looked at the origin point to see Mikoto standing there. He looked at touma. "I thought I said come alone." He said.

"I did. She must have followed me. Mikoto go! Leave! This doesn't involve you!" Touma yelled.

"Hell it doesn't involve us. Friends stick together." Ben said as he moved to Mikoto's side.

"I'll destroy you two first then." Accelerator said. He shot forward and punched ben in the gut. But ben didn't budge an inch. Accelerator looked at ben confused. Ben just smiled in response. Then he pulled back and punch accelerator in the face. Accelerator stumbled back and landed on his but. His right hand grasped his nose. When he pulled his hand away there was blood on it. Then he looked at ben. "How did you do that?" He asked in a threatening manner.

"Simple. I absorbed all that energy you sent at me. Vectors require energy. I just absorbed it." Ben said. Ben then cracked his knuckles. "This will be fun." He said with a smile.

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