Mikoto Misaka

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As school let out Misaka Mikoto was walking out of the school. Her bag thrown over her shoulder. Beside her was her friend kuroko. As she went through the school gate someone bumped into her from behind. She turned around to find a girl with brown hair and pink eyes.

"Im sorry. I-i didn't mean to bump into you." The girl said shyly.

"No problem."

"Jenna! Why'd you push Cinna?" Said another girl who looked similar to first girl. She was confronting another girl who look like the others except she had white hair.

"Because I can. There a problem with me using my freedom Brenda?" Said the girl with white hair. The girl who was getting on to her put her face into her hand. Then she went to Misaka.

"I'm sorry about my sisters. I'm Brenda. The one who bumped into you is Cinna and the other..." she looked over at the last one who was hanging on Cinna teasing her. Cinna was getting smaller with each passing second. "Jenna! Leave Cinna alone!" Brenda said protectively. Jenna groaned.

"Fine!" She groaned.

"Thank you Brenda." Cinna said. They heard someone call for them. They looked and saw ben standing out front.

"Well it was nice meeting you. Come on girls bens here." With that the triplets left.

"What a strange group of girls." Kuroko said.

"Says the pervert." Misaka said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kuroko said.

"Exactly what I said. Your a pervert." Misaka said flicking kuroko's forehead.

"Oh come on sissy!" Kuroko said rubbing her forehead. With that they began walking. "Hey sissy. Do you mind helping me with some business with judgement." Kuroko asked. Mikoto looked down at her.

"What do you need my help for?" Mikoto asked.

"I don't know. I'm supposed to check out this spot we're people keep going missing." Kuroko said. Mikoto thought for a while then sighed.

"Fine. I'll go. Jut to make sure that your ok." Mikoto said. Kuroko jumped with joy. She then pulled on the judgement arm sleeve.

"Let's go!" Kuroko yelled then teleported with Mikoto.

Ben took the girls to the rustbucket. He sat them down on at the table. Ben then flipped a switch and the cabin of the RV changed into a futuristic lab like place. Guns lined the walls, several tv screens were on the walls, and bunch of other gadgets were in glass cases. Ben went to a screen.

"Ok. Girls. We have a mission. DNAliens were sighted in a part of district 7 right by district 10." He tapped the screen and a display of the city came up. Ben then tapped the spot where the DNAliens were found. "Now that your plumbers in training you will be following my orders every time. Understand?" Ben asked. The girls nodded "good. Now let's go." Ben said. They exited the RV and started for their destination.

Time skip

Mikoto and kuroko were currently sitting on the roof of a building waiting for something to happen. Supposedly from a tip judgement had got. A group was bringing kidnapped people here and something happened to them. Afterwards they acted completely different people. Kuroko was looking down into the alleyway with a bored expression.

"Hey sissy. What time is it?" She asked. Mikoto took out her phone and checked.

"10 minutes since we started the stakeout." Mikoto answered. Kuroko pouted.

"It's been 10 minutes since we started and nothing has happened." Kuroko complained.

"Well stakeouts take patience." Mikoto said. Suddenly they were both greeted by the sound of a truck backing up. Mikoto and kuroko looked to see a red box truck backing it up.

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