New recruit

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Summer break is here and so ends the first semester (in Japan the first semester is at the beginning of the year starting in spring and goes to late July). Ben was just finishing another ability test. They have decided that with how much energy ben could hold he could take on the level 5's. They said with his ability he would be a perfect definition of an immovable object. For the past few months he's learned to absorb energy in certain ways to become immune to attacks. Currently they had a level 4 with a strength ability punching him in the gut. To ben it felt like nothing. He was just absorbing all the energy that was coming from the punches on contact. He looked at his watch and 89% was shown on it. Then he looked at the guy. He seemed be very tired. Almost exhausted.

"Alright. That's enough. Thank you." The scientist said the esper. They walked over to ben. "Hm. Well. There's only one more test we'd like to do. Before coming to a decision." The head scientist said. She looked down at the board.

"You want to know what happens if I go over the 100% limit of my energy capacity." Ben said. She looked back at him.

"Exactly. But to do that it would take a lot of energy." She said.

"What if we called accelerator?" Said another scientist.

"He could definitely get ben over the 100% mark but we still shouldn't bring ben out into the public yet. Bringing in accelerator would only catch the publics attention." She said. She then sighed. "Ok. Ben. We're gonna have to ask you to soak up lots of sunlight over the break. When you get to 100% please come to us." She said. Ben nodded in understanding then left after putting his shirt back on. He found his sisters waiting for him.

"Come on! Let's go!" Jenna complained. She got behind ben and started pushing him from behind. "Hurry slow poke. I wanna get to HQ! Te faster we get there the more time I have to mess around and break some practice bots!" Jenna said while pushing ben. They walked into the plumbing store. Waiting for them by the door was took. He had on a ID mask that made him look human. He had tan skin, black hair in a buzz cut, and brown eyes.

"Magister Tennyson wishes to see you." Rook said. Ben, rook, and the girls go into the break room in the store and flip a switch opening a door to a elevator.

"What for?" Ben asked. After the door to the elevator closed took took his ID mask.

"He giving you another member to the team. A new recruit who just joined us this morning." Rook answered. Ben raised a eyebrow.

"Who?" Ben asked as the elevator came to a stop. They all started walking to grandpa Max's office.

"She said she knows you personally and of the omnitrix."

"She! That only means two people." Ben clasped his hands together and began praying. "Please not kuroko! Please not kuroko!" He cried. Ben had no clue as to why but kuroko scared him with how much hate she had for him. Ben asked Mikoto why she hated him. She just turned red said she had no idea. Ben opened the door to his grandpas office. Sitting in a seat was... Mikoto. "Yes!" Ben cried for joy. Mikoto looked at ben a little shocked. "It's not kuroko!" He said. He fell to his knees. "I was starting to fear for my life there. I mean seriously what does kuroko have against me!" Ben said. The girls looked at him as if he was stupid. "What?" Ben asked. The girls then looked at Mikoto who was bright red.

"Nothing." They say in unison. Ben just looked confused. Brenda then started to talk.

"So. You want to be a plumber?" She asked Mikoto. Mikoto stopped blushing.

"Well. Every since I saw those aliens do what they did to those poor people. I've been wanting to help. But ben made it clear that it was plumber business. So now plumber business is my business." Mikoto said.

"I just finished explaining to her that after she will have a year out here in the field then she will go to the plumber academy for a week long training and testing. So for the next year she's all yours. And I've decided to extend the triplets time out in the field so that you four can go to plumber academy together." Grandpa max said. Jenna cried out for joy while Brenda slumped.

"Yes!" Jenna cried. "I don't have to deal with hulka for an extra few months!" Jenna said happily.

"I wanted to meet hulka." Brenda said.

"Hulka?" Mikoto asked. Brenda brightened at Mikoto's question.

"Magister hulka is the most decorated plumber in plumber history. He even has more awards then magister Tennyson here who has quite a lot as you see by the walls." Brenda said gesturing to all the awards on grandpa Max's wall.

"As you can tell. Brenda here is quite the historian when it comes to plumber history." Grandpa max said.

"That's because what plumbers do is very important. If it weren't for the plumbers the world would be in complete chaos. And I have Azmuth to thank for that."

"Azmuth?" Mikoto asked. Brenda now started to beam.

"Hold on there Brenda. How about we let ben explain." Max said. Brenda pouted. Cinna then thought of something.

"Magister Tennyson. If we are to be her teammates would it be required of us to tell her everything about us?" Cinna asked. Grandpa knew exactly what she meant by the question.

"That is entirely up to you and your team leaders." Grandpa max said gesturing to ben and rook. Ben looked at rook then at the girls.

"We'll talk about it later." Ben said. Mikoto just sat there. Confused. She knew they were talking about something, but had no idea as to what. Ben took in a breath.

"Alright. Let's go train." Ben said. Jenna cheered again.

"Finally I get to crush some robots!" She said excited. Everyone but grandpa max left the office and headed for the training room.

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