Congratulations their triplets!

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Ben got off the plane and went to the lobby. He wasn't expecting anyone to be there. He walks out and sees the rust bucket RV parked in parking lot. Grandpa max sent it to academy city before ben so it would be there when he got there. He walks over to old RV and walks in to find three girls spread out through the place along with Myaxx (Azmuths assistant). Ben looked around when he heard someone clear their throat. Ben looked and found Azmuth standing by the sink.

"Wonderful. The first day on the job of making a new base. While also being inconspicuous to not attract academy city's law enforcement and I'm visited by the smartest alien in 4 galaxies." Ben said.

"Uh. 5 galaxies to be correct." Azmuth said. Ben groaned.

"Hello Azmuth. What are you doing here?" He grew a cocky smile. "Come to visit your favorite person in the universe?" Ben said with a smile.

"Your hardly my favorite person in the universe. Besides the point I came here to deliver these three." Azmuth said pointing to each of the three girls. Ben raised an eyebrow and looked at each of the girls. Myaxx and one of the girls, the one with brown braided hair, playing a game of chest. Another girl who look a lot like the brunette but with white hair was sitting on one of the beds playing on her phone. The third one had was sitting on the ground up front playing with a blue baby vulpimancer. The brunette with braided hair was wearing a salmon colored sweater with a necklace with the omnitrix symbol, and red skirt. The second girl on her phone wore a turquoise jacket, black colored shirt with a bolo tie that has a blue omnitrix symbol, black and blue stripped fingerless gloves, and a dark grey skirt. The brunettes hair was braided together and she had bright pink colored eyes. The other had turquoise blue eyes and her hair was messy and shoulder length and had two turquoise blue hair pins. The third had her hair in a similar manner to the girl on the couch but it was brown like the other. Her eyes are a bright pink and is wearing a pink jacket over a shirt that is a lighter pink, a black skirt that has the number 6 in pink, and pink boots that have fuzz balls. Azmuth cleared his throat. Myaxx just looked at him then back at the board game.

"Yeah yeah. After this game." Myaxx answered. Myaxx made her move. The brunette quickly made her move.

"Checkmate." She said triumphantly. Myaxx's eyes went wide then narrowed.

"No. No wait! Yep checkmate." She said defeated. Myaxx fell back into her chair and crossed her arms while giving the girl an angry glare. She groaned. Myaxx got up and stood next to Azmuth.

"Ok you three sit down." Azmuth said. The three followed his instructions and sat down at the table. "You three obviously know who this is." Azmuth said pointing at ben. "And obviously he doesn't know you three. So introduce yourselves." Azmuth said. The brunette with the braided hair smiled.

"Hi. I am Brenda." She said.

"Call me Jenna. Short for Jennifer" said the girl in turquoise.

"I'm Cinnamon. But everyone calls me Cinna." The last girl spoke very quietly as if she was really shy.

"Cinnamon. Like the spice?" Ben asked. Then smiled. "Hey girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice. Ha!" Ben said laughing. Everyone looked at him confused. "You guys never heard that before? It's a joke. (Sigh) Never mind." Ben said defeated. "So Azmuth why do you have three 10 year old girls?" Ben asked.

"Hey we're 12." Jenna said with a cocky smile.

"Ok. Sorry 12 year old girls." Ben corrected himself.

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