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Ben was driving like a mad man. In the passenger seat sat Mikoto and in the back were the triplets. Ben drifted into the alley. They all got out. They then got up to the rooftop. Standing there was kevin, Gwen, rook, and grandpa max.

"What happened?" Ben asked.

"We were jumped. We weren't expecting it at all. I'm sorry." Gwen said.

"Don't be. Your not the one who needs to be sorry. And trust me when I'm done with these DNAliens they will be sorry." Ben said in a threatening tone. "So how do I get in?" Ben asked.

"That's the thing. It seems they want you to come. They've opened up every single entrance. You can enter from the back, the windows, the skylight, heck you go through the front door without a problem." Kevin said.

"It is clearly a trap." Rook said.

"I know it is. Now here's what we're gonna do." Ben said with his signature cocky smile.

Time skip

Ben walked through the front door to the factory. Inside hundreds of DNAliens were crowded together. They split apart to let ben through. After a bit of walking ben stood in front of a highbreed. He was sitting down in a chair.

"So nice to see you mister Tennyson. Let me just say the fact that your here is very... predictable. When I learned you were here in academy city I was shocked at first. But then I knew it was a matter of time before someone you cared about came up." The highbreed said.

"Yeah. Now where are my parents." Ben said. The highbreed snapped his fingers. Then two box containers came forward and opened to reveal Carl and Sandra strapped to the wall of the containers. They were awake.

"Ben?" Sandra asked.

"Ben what's going on?!" Carl asked.

"I'm sorry I got you into mom and dad. Now let them go!" Ben said to the highbreed.

"Oh trust me I will. As soon as their a part of my slave army!" The highbreed said. He snapped his fingers again and the DNAliens grabbed Bens arm and held him back while also keeping his arms separated. Then several other DNAliens came forward with a barrel. "Rule number one of Tennyson warfare. Don't let the arms free. Now let's watch you suffer." The highbreed said.

No!" Ben yelled. A DNAlien opened the barrel to receive a punch to the face from a solid steel fist. Kevin got out of the barrel with several xenocytes attached to his body.

"Finally. That thing reeked. And I could barrel breath in that." Kevin said.

"What!?" The highbreed asked as kevin ripped the xenocytes off of him and squashed them beneath his feat.

"You didn't think I'd come alone did you. And if your gonna read the rules on Tennyson warfare make sure it's the new edition." Ben smirked. Ben then changed. "Humungousaur!" Ben roared. He then shook the DNAliens off his arms. Then chuckled. "You don't think after 6 years of fiddling with the watch I wouldn't figure out the code to remove the timer?" Ben asked.

"Ben?" Carl asked as he and Sandra stared at ben in shock.

"I'll explain latter. Now!" Ben roared. The entire left wall blow up as bolts of electricity and light flew in straight lines. Mikoto ran into the factory with a face mask on. She was followed by Gwen, rook, grandpa max, and the triplets. While the highbreed was distracted ben tackled him and pinned him down as he started to grow. But the highbreed didn't stay down. The fight between the giants had begun. As rook, Mikoto, and Gwen fought off the DNAliens grandpa max, Kevin, and the triplets were running over to Carl and Sandra.

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