Goodbye reiny

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Ben went to reinrassics cell. When Ben went in he found the alien looking at his now methanosian arm. He looked up at ben.

"I heard you wished to speak with me." Ben said.

"Yes. I wished to a ask a favor." Reinrassic said.

"What?" Ben asked.

"Well ben Ben Tennyson (Ben has already introduced himself to reiny). In my culture. If someone of my race were to be infected. We go into an exile. I wish to be released and go out into exile." Reiny said. Ben looked at him confused.

"Why? Your no longer have to follow that rule now. Your not a part of the highbreed empire anymore because you've been infected." Ben said.

"My reason isn't because I'm a part of the highbreed empire. My reason is I see the error of my ways. I was going to destroy this planet. I thought you humans were all monstrosities. Then the one you call Brenda showed me kindness and mercy. I have seen the error of my people. Of myself. And to repay this planet and these people I wish to go into self exile." Reiny said. Ben began to think. "Please. Do me this favor. I will repay you in the future by doing you a favor. Just grant me my exile." Reiny said Ben looked up at him.

"I'll do what can to allow to exile yourself." Ben said.

"Thank you ben ben tennyson." Reiny said. Ben then turned around and left.

Few days later

Ben walked into reiny's cell. Behind him was grandpa max and magister labrid. He then opened the cell doors. Reiny stood up and had his hands cuffed together by grandpa max. Reiny looked at ben.

"Thank you ben ben tennyson." Reiny said. Then they started walking. They got into cars. "Before we leave I wish to apologize to the people of earth." Reiny said.

"I don't think that will be a problem. Just don't say any names of plumbers please." Ben said. With that they began walking. Rook was in a plumber truck. Reiny got into the back with Ben and grandpa max. Then rook began driving. Soon ben could here the helicopters above them. "See. Didn't take much to get the attention of the news. I mean a super high tech truck made of alien technology would easily get the publics attention. Soon they came to a stop. Grandpa max put on a helmet this was followed by the other plumbers in the truck. "Hey Reiny before we go mind I get a DNA sample?" Ben asked. Reiny shook his head. Ben then scanned Reiny

"New alien life form added to omnitrix database." The omnitrix replied. Ben smiled then changed forms becoming four arms. With that they all got out of the truck. News cars and helicopters had surrounded the truck. Some plumbers were holding them back. Grandpa max deactivated the cuffs. Reiny rubbed his hands then looked at the public. Ben nodded to the plumbers who then let the news reporters come through. They all began firing off their questions. None of which were answered. Reiny took a deep breath.

"People of earth. I am reinrassic the third. I am here to apologize for what my race has and will do to you. I do not speak for my race. Only myself. I now know what my people have and will do is wrong. I know what I have done was wrong. And that is why I will be exiling myself. I just wish to apologize for what I have done before I leave and go into exile." Reiny said. Suddenly several armored vehicles appeared and aimed several machine guns at the plumbers and Reiny. The plumbers pulled their guns out and aimed at the vehicles. A Soldier came forward with a megaphone.

"Hand over all extraterrestrial beings for processing. By order of the anti-skill force." The soldier said. Ben cracked his knuckles.

"Like hell we will. Now put down your weapons by order of the plumbers! An intergalactic police force!" Ben yelled.

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