It's aliens kuroko. Aliens.

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Ben was standing on the edge of a roof next to roof the DNAliens, Mikoto and kuroko where standing on. Ben launched himself in the air and landed between the two girls and the DNAliens.

"Now. Here's what's gonna happen. I'm gonna beat you creeps then force you to tell me what your plan is. You guys understand?" Ben asked while cracking his crystaline knuckles. Brenda jumped into the air, using some methane fire to move her forward faster. She landed right next to ben then made fireballs in her hands. Jenna sped down and jumped onto the roof and came to a stop on the other side of ben. Cinna flew over and hovered above ben and the others.

"We won't tell you anything Tennyson. And soon your new friends will join us." The DNAlien rasped.

"Good luck putting one of those on a shapeshifting plant. Put it on my face and I'll just take it off and grow a new head. That is my entire reason why I chose swampfire." Brenda said.

"Gotta catch me first. Then pry my visor of my face." Jenna said as her visor came down over her face.

"I'm just gonna fight from a distance." Cinna said softly.

"You were saying." Ben said with a cocky smile. The DNAlien growled. Then pointed a black finger at them.

"Get them!" It roared. Ben charged forward fists raised and began pounding the DNAliens. Brenda was spewing fire from afar, Jenna was speeding across the roof flipping and tossing DNAliens everywhere, and Cinna was just keeping her distance in the sky while firing her neuroshocks. After several minutes of fight the DNAliens retreated, leaving ben, Mikoto, kuroko and the girls alone. Ben and the girl began looking around the alleyway where the DNAliens had changed the people. The DNAliens had left the barrels in there hurry to leave. Ben opens covers several of them and goes to the last one. Suddenly out of the barrel a xenocyte comes out and leaps onto his face. He reals back. Kuroko screams and points at ben.

"Oh no! One of those face hugger thingies got him! Kill it! Kill it!" Kuroko screamed. Ben stood up and looked at her.

"While you stop that." Ben said. He then rips the xenocyte off his face. "I am a silicon based life form. So I can't become a DNAlien." Ben said. Mikoto looked at him.

"Is that what those things are called?" Mikoto asked.

"Well. That's what we call them. See these 'face hugger thingies'" Ben said looking at kuroko. "Are called xenocytes. They act like parasites. They latch onto the face of a living creature and take it over." He raised his hand with the xenocyte in it. He then began crushing it. It screamed in pain for a while. Then died. He tossed it back into the barrel and closed the barrel.

"What do these 'DNAliens' want?" Kuroko asked using air quotes when saying DNAlien.

"Them. Nothing. It's their masters that want something." Ben said.

"Masters?" Mikoto asked. Ben looked at them. "What?" Mikoto asked.

"I'm deciding whether or not to tell you about that. Sorry but this is official plumber business." Ben said.

"Plumbers?" Kuroko asked while stifling a laugh. "What do you do? Unclog pipes?" She asked.

"Plumber is the name of a intergalactic police force that goes through out the entire Milky Way galaxy." Brenda said raising her fist. "To be a plumber is an honorable profession." She said.

"Oh. Right I just remembered something. Who the hell are you people?" Kuroko asked.

"Kuroko. Their aliens. Not people." Mikoto said.

"Right. 'Aliens'" kuroko said sarcastically. "Now who are you?" She asked.

"Ha! Like we'll ever tell you!" Jenna said gleefully. Right at that moment their omnitrices began beeping at the same time. As if they were synced together. "Oh man!" Jenna complained. Then they changed back into their human forms. Jenna raised her left arm to look at the watch. "Stupid timer!" She complained and hit the dial.

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