Ability test

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It's been several months since they started to dig underground in the shop they built. With the equipment they had it didn't take long to carve out the first floor then set it up with everything It needed. The floor included the main screen room where the city would be watched over from, a break room, and bunkings. The break room and bunkings were mainly for grandpa and other plumber officers to live down there. Any time new plumber equipment came in the store above would be shut down for a bit so that no one was around as they brought high tech equipment in the store and down into the new base. The store above was a plumbing store. It didn't really have a name yet because the plumbers were still deciding who would lead the store. Ben stuck around to finish the school year and decide from there whether he wanted to stay in academy city or leave. Currently ben and the triplets were walking to school. Every since ben and the triplets saved Mikoto and kuroko they've been walking with them to school. And for some reason ben caught Mikoto staring at him. But when ever he looked at her she quickly looked and ben could swear she blushed each time. Ben sometimes wished he could change in public without causing a ruckus. Then he could become an amperi and just read her mind. To ben women were a total mystery. He also wished Gwen would walk with them so she could tell be what it was about. Sadly since Gwen was so smart she skipped several grades and is already taking online college classes. And to make matters worse ben felt like kuroko's eyes drilled holes in his head with each glare. After a bit they arrived at tokiwadai middle school. Instead of walking to class she walked to a pool where they conducted her ability test. She then thought of some advice ben gave her with her ability. With his experience with so many abilities he found several ways she could use her abilities she didn't even think about. She took a breath in and out. Before leaving the dorm she got as many coins as she could. She then magnetized a coin to each finger. She then pulled her hands back and threw her hands forward. The coins flew from her fingers and each one hit the water in different places causing the entire pool to explode. The scientist looked a little surprised by the new way she used her railgun ability. With this new form of her railgun ability she could cause far more damage, but problem is with this form of railgun she hasn't had enough practice to be able to aim with it. She threw her hands back into her pockets and got more. She did this for the next minute using this new form of her railgun ability. When the timer dinged she had done her new railgun move about 20 times. So this form was could do tons of damage and could be done a lot faster. She then thought for a second.

"Damn it. That means I just lost 20,000 yen" she slumped forward realizing how much money was just wasted on this new form of railgun. A scientist came forward.

"Excuse me Mikoto Misaka." The scientist asked. Mikoto looked up at the woman. "If you would follow me. We need your help to judge the ability level of another Esper. So if you would follow us please." The woman asked. Mikoto then followed her into a car and they drove all the way a certain high school. Immediately she thought of her friend touma. She knew he went to this school. She also hoped to go to this school in her next year. She followed them into a room. In the room a guy was laying back in a chair. His head facing the back end of classroom while his body faced the front. The scientist cleared her throat. "Mister Tennyson." The scientist said. Ben then sat up and immediately saw Mikoto. Mikoto blushed like crazy. She seemed to be making a great impression of a tomato.

"Mikoto?" Ben asked.

"Oh. You two know each other? Great that makes this much easier on us. Now if you two will follow us to the gym." The scientist said. They did as they were told and went into the gym.

"Now miss misaka. We need you to let out as much energy as possible." Said a different scientist. She looked at ben worriedly. The scientist noticed this. "Do not worry. This is all to test mr. Tennyson here. You do not need to worry about harming him. If our calculations are correct he should be fine." The scientist said. Mikoto raised an eyebrow.

"Should?" She asked.

"Just do it. Please." The scientist asked. She sighed then nodded. The scientist then left and joined the others.

"Begin!" Said the original scientist. Mikoto then let out as much energy as she could. Suddenly without her doing anything the energy seemed to be heading right for ben. Mikoto tried to stop the electricity but it wouldn't stop. It was as if ben was some sort of energy magnet. As soon as the energy hit ben it seemed to be absorbed by him. His eyes became an electric blue as the energy started to course through him. This went on for several minutes until Mikoto ran out of energy. She fell to her knees and took deep breaths in and out. Ben seemed to be perfectly fine.

"Energy banks have been boosted by 1%. Energy banks are now at 78% capacity." Bens omnitrix said. The scientist all looked at ben. Ben looked at the watch.

"Oh. This. Sorry. I forgot about this. It was made by a scientist I know to help me keep track of the energy I have stored." Ben lied.

"Do you mind if we take it for a little bit to take it apart and examine it?" The scientist asked. She reached for the watch.

"Yes!" Ben quickly answered and pulled his hand back. "Uh. It's very delicate. I can have the scientist send you some blue prints. How about that?" Ben said. The woman looked at him confused.

"Very well. Now back to work. So miss misaka only boosted your 'energy banks' by 1 percent." She looked at ben. "So you must be able to hold around a hundred billion volts of electricity. You could power a city for a while if you were at full capacity." The scientist said. She then got a piece of paper. "Have that scientist of yours send the blue prints to this address please." She said. She handed him the paper with a email address. Ben smiled and soon they left. He sighed with relief. He then walked to Mikoto who was still on her knees. He put down his hand for her to get up. She blushed then took it and ben pulled her up.

"Oh my gosh. I'm happy they didn't take this." Ben said.

"It was a close one." She said.

"Yeah. So uh. I'd give you your energy back. But uh... I'm still understanding my ability. So far all I can do is take. Can't give. Though I do sometimes wonder what happens when I have over a hundred percent energy." Ben said looking down at the watch.

"It's ok. But your buying me lunch." She said.

"Sure. Why not. There's no school because of the testing so I should be good. And I think their gonna do the same tests they did to me the first time to the girls. So I should be good." Ben said. With that they headed out. They first stopped at some burger store for Mikoto then went to a mr. Smoothy. Mikoto was shoving the fries into her mouth and slurping up her smoothy. Ben just watched her while drinking his smoothy. Then scooted away in a attempt to save his smoothy. She finished her food with a sigh.

"That feels better." She said. Ben pulled out his phone and checked the time.

"I should probably go get the girls. Magister labrid will probably want us out on patrol. Especially with those DNAliens still out an about." Ben said.

"Could I help?" Mikoto asked. Ben thought for a second.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm sure you could handle yourself. But this is plumber business." Ben replied. Mikoto understood.

"Ok then. Have a nice day." Mikoto said. With that ben got up and left for tokiwadai middle school. The whole time Mikoto just watched him leave till he turned a corner.

From the opposite end of street from the shadows stood a guy with white hair and red eyes. He was looking right at Mikoto. He seemed to be planning. Planning something in his head behind those devil red eyes.

"Touma kamijou. I'm coming for you." He said before leaving.

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