A new life...form

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After Azmuth left Jenna was trying to get one of the orbs to get her watch. After three failed combinations the safe gave her a nasty shock that made her fall on the floor her hair smoking.

"Do you two think we should trust her with a watch?" Ben asked. Cinna shrugged.

"If we denied her this she'd probably come to hate us eventually. Also if we didn't give it to her she won't stop trying to get it. She'll either bug you constantly to give it or get it herself no matter how dangerous." Brenda said.

"So she's the stubborn one." Ben said. Brenda nodded. "So what happens if we do give it to her." Ben asked.

"She would set up a bunch of pranks with her alien forms." Brenda said. Jenna smiled mischievously.

"You know me so well sis." Jenna said happily.

"Well. At least I know who to watch 24/7." Ben said. "I'll give you your watches when we get to the RV park." Ben got into the drivers seat and turned the rustbucket on then began driving. Soon he made it to the RV park. He pulled the orbs out one at time and set them on the table. "Alright. I'm gonna open these one at a time. Ok. We'll go from there." With that ben opened the first one. Once it was opened a bright blue light emanated from inside. "Of course. She's first." Ben said. Jenna was smiling like crazy. She put her hand over the orb and the watch jumped onto her wrist.

"Yes! Which alien should I try first." She said. Then she smiled widely. "Alien X!!" She yelled. Ben found a note on the bottom of orb. It was in an alien dialect.

"Can any of you read this?" Ben asked. Brenda looked.

"I can. 'Deer ben. I don't trust Jenna in choosing her aliens so I wiped the omnitrices clean of your aliens. You'll have to program them yourself.' Ha!" Brenda said. She pointed at Jenna when she laughed. Jenna frowned.

"Well. That takes a lot of worry off me." Ben said. He opened the others and gave them the watch that matches their color scheme. "Ok. Now here's how it's gonna work. Your gonna write a list of the 10 aliens you want. I will read it and mark any I disapprove of. Understand?" Ben asked. The three of them of them nodded and started to make their lists on their phones. Jenna finished first. Ben looked at the list.

'Alien X, toepick, chromastone, way big, Buzzshock, spider monkey, goop, ripjaws, rath, NRG.' Ben looked it over with a raised eyebrow. He looked at Jenna to see her looking up at him pleadingly.

"Your cute." He said then he scratched alien X, toepick, chromastone, waybig, rath, and NRG off the list. "Try again." Ben said. Handing it back to a pouting Jenna. Brenda finished next.

'Snare-oh, feedback, jetray, swampfire, cannonbolt, blitzwolfer, upgrade, XLR8, humungousaur, and grey matter.' He looked at Brenda and shrugged.

"Why not." He said. She smiled back at him.

"Of course her first list is completely excepted." Jenna said clearly upset.

"Her list didn't have alien X, waybig, toepick and the other ones I denied." Ben countered. Jenna moaned in disappointment. Brenda raised her arm with the omnitrix. "Code 2467. Name Benjamin Tennyson." Ben said. The faceplate popped open and dinged. He then gave Brenda the alien forms she had asked for. As soon as he finished Cinna came up with her list.

'Wildmutt, upgrade, ripjaws, spider monkey, blitzwolfer, swampfire, jetray, shocksquatch, and humongousaur' ben looked at it confused.

"There's only nine here? Do you only want nine?" Ben asked Cinna. Cinna looked down at her shoes and put her hands behind her back.

"I couldn't think of another one I'd want." Cinna said quietly and shyly like before. Ben thought for a moment.

"How about I give you another one that I believe will help you." Ben said. Cinna looked at him and nodded. He then unlocked the alien forms she asked for along with XLR8. A couple seconds after he opened Cinna's omnitrix Jenna came up with he new list. Ben decided to read hers out loud to get input from the others. "Buzzshock, spider-monkey, goop, ripjaws, wildmutt, frankenstrike, stinkfly, XLR8, snare-oh, and big chill." Ben said. He looked at Brenda and Cinna. "Ok. You two. What do you guys have to say about her list?" Ben asked.

"They sound ok to me." Cinna said in her small voice.

"A lot of them sound like she could cause some mischief with them. So if you do give them to her your gonna need to watch her." Brenda said. Jenna clasped her hands together and got down on her knees.

"Ppllllleeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeee!!!!!" Jenna said begging.

"Fine. But if I hear anything in the news about small blue battery like aliens overrunning the town or anything like that your in deep trouble. Understand?" Ben said. Jenna popped up into the air.

"Yay!!" She cheered. Then ben opened up her omnitrix.

"I guess that's it for now." Ben said.

"It's time for a test drive!" Jenna said as the face plate popped up and she raised her arm.

"Hey! Hey. Hey. Not in here!" Ben said. Jenna put down her arm.

"Aw! Boo!!" She said.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm kill joy. We'll do training at some point after I find a place to train without anyone learning about the omnitrices." He said. He then looked back at them. "Now. Who's sleeping where. We have three beds so decide now because that'll be your permanent bed until we move somewhere else." Ben asks. The girls look over at the two beds. Cinna steps aside as Brenda and Jenna run to the beds pushing each other aside trying to get to the bottom bunk. Cinna looked down sadly. Ben tapped her shoulder. She looked up at him. "Looks like you get bed #3" ben said. Cinna looked back at her triplet sisters still fighting.

"But there's only two beds." She said. Ben pressed a button by the sink. The table fell down to the floor and the beds linked together to make a bed.

"Bed #3" Ben said. Cinna looked at it in wonder. The other two just stared At the bed. Ben got into the line of sight. "How about we make you two switch between the bottom and top bunk." Ben said. This ended the fight.

"Wait. What about you?" Cinna asked.

"I'll sleep in the passenger seat so that I don't accidentally drive the RV away." Ben said. Cinna looked at ben worried. "Don't worry those seats can recline. I'll sleep there don't worry." Ben said. He patted Cinna's head messing with her hair. "But thanks for thinking of me." Ben said. Cinna blushed and looked down smiling.

"No problem." She replied.

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