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Everyone was now in practice room.

"Everyone. May I have your attention." Rook called out. The girls all looked at rook and ben. "Ben and I have decided that since this is our first time with these we will be testing you. So for the first person. Jenna will you step forward." Rook asked. Jenna gladly walked forward with a smile. Rook pressed a button and a big blue metal robot walked forward. Jenna activated the watch. The dial popped up and she began cycling through her forms. She settled on one and slammed down the dial. She then changed into frankenstrike.

"Frankenstrike!" She yelled. She then slammed her fists together. "Let's go." She said. She started walking forward. The robot followed her example. Jenna was the first to attack. She threw her right fist slamming into the robots chest. The chest piece was crushed and the robot was sent flying. It crashed into the wall. Jenna stood up straight and looked at ben and rook. "That wasn't so hard." She said. Ben smiled a bit and thought.

'This is gonna hurt' he thought in his head. The robots hand grabbed her by her head and threw her back. She landed on her stomach. She got back up and looked at the robot. She then went up to the robot and performed another right hook. But this time the robot caught it. Then it sent a right hook of its own hitting Jenna in the chest. She crash landed right next to ben and the others. She looked at ben and rook.

"What was that!" She asked. She sat up clutching her stomach.

"That was a techadon robot. A mass produced robot with the ability to adapt and repair. So it can't be destroyed the same way twice." Rook answered. He presses the button again and the robot stands up straight and stands still like a statue. "You will each fight a techadon robot. To see how long you last against something that can and will adapt to your abilities." Rook said. He tapped a button on a wall screen and new walls came out of the floor of the training room. "Now. Each of you pick a room." Room said. The girls each went to a room and started to fight their techadon.

Time skip.

Everyone but Jenna was sitting in the training room. They then heard the door opened and Jenna was tossed out.

"Alright. Now that everyone's here let's put up the scores of how many fights you won." Ben said. He tapped a button and a hologram came up with their names and numbers by the names. The board read.

"Mikoto: 2
Brenda: 12
Cinna: 23
Jenna: 29"

"I won the most! Yes!" Jenna cheered.

"On the contrary. In terms of placement of who did the best. You come last." Rook said.

"What! Why?" Jenna asked.

"Because. Miss misaka here defeated her techadon completely. Followed by Brenda and then Cinna. You were the only one not to completely defeat it." Rook answered.

"You beat them!" Jenna exclaimed.

"After I beat it the first time. I could sense the repair function. I tracked it through the robots system and deactivated it. Then it was a simple task of destroying it." Mikoto said.

"I went grey matter and reprogrammed it to rip out its repair mechanism." Brenda said.

"I became upgrade and learned about the mechanics of the machine. Then I just destroyed all the internal wiring along with the repair mechanism." Cinna said. Jenna slumped forward and growled. Ben fished out his phone and saw the time.

"Ok. I guess that's it for today. Now let's go out for some recon." Ben said.

"How about we take my truck." Rook suggested.

"Ah. The Proto-truck." Ben said in a happy sigh. "Let's go!" Ben yelled.

Time skip

Everyone was now in the truck. Ben was in the passenger seat while rook was in the drivers spot with his ID mask on. The girls were all on the back. Mikoto and Cinna in the middle seats while Brenda and Jenna sat opposite each other. Rook came to a stop in a alley. Everyone got out. Ben and the triplets pulled out hover boards.

"What are those?" Mikoto asked looking at the boards in their circular forms. Ben smiled.

"These are hover boards." Ben said. He dropped his down to his feet and the circle opened into a board. Ben hopped on it and just hovered there.

"Are those standard issue for plumbers?" Mikoto asked with a smile. Ben shook his head. Her smile dropped.

"But when you get paid you'll easily have enough money to buy one. But you'll have to buy it through the plumber extranet to place your order and receive it. Can't have everyone knowing about hover boards." Ben said.

"You get paid?" Jenna asked. Ben looked at the triplets.

"Yeah. But since your only 12 years old physically. I get your pay checks." Ben said.

"That hardly seems fair. You get paid for what we do?" Brenda asked.

"Don't worry. I've been putting your pay checks into a bank account. An alien bank of course." Ben said. He flew up. "Now let's go. We need to look at the DNAliens base." Ben said.

A highbreed sat in a chair thinking. When a door opened.

"Who dares disturb me?" He said.

"I am sorry. To disturb. But we have found the ones you've been searching for." A DNAlien said. This caught the highbreeds attention.

"Tennysons parents." The highbreed said. "Good." He said in a slow and maniacal manner.

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