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Before Ben dropped Mikoto off at the dorm they had decided that the date would be on that Thursday. Right now though it's wednesday and ben is currently being walked blindfolded by his parents. His mom had his right hand while his dad held his left.

"Can you please just tell me what's going on?" Ben asked.

"Oh but that would ruin the surprise now wouldn't it." Carl said. Ben groaned. After awhile they came to a stop. "Ok. Now take off the blindfold." Carl said. Ben ripped off the blindfold. And sitting right in front of him was a black and green sports car. On its hub caps were omnitrix symbols and on the back was a spoiler. Beside the car stood Gwen, Kevin, grandpa Max, and the triplets. Ben just stared at the car.

"You guys didn't!?" Ben said in disbelief.

"Oh believe it tennyson. You now have a car of your very own." Kevin said with a smirk.

"We thought that since you were doing such a good job in school and at home. We would spoil you a bit." Sandra said.

"Me and your parents put in the money to get the car. Kevin here then made some adjustments so it would run better." Grandpa Max said.

"Oh I did more then make it run better. I rigged the car so that nobody could ever beat you in a race. Except me of course. This baby is in a league of its own." Kevin said.

"I don't know what to say." Ben said. He took in a deep breath. Cinna stepped forward and produced a poster.

"Can you take me to this crepe stand please?" Cinna asked. Ben looked at the address.

"Oh yeah." Ben said. With that ben got into his new car. The girls all piled in the back eager to get some crepes.

Time skip

Ben and the girls were now at the front of the line and just got there crepes.

"I'm sorry but we only have three gekota's left." The lady behind the counter said.

"That's fine. I'm not really into gekota." Brenda said. Jenna just looked at the little figure and shrugged.

"It's kinda cute. But I don't understand Cinna's obsession with these." Jenna said. She jabbed her thumb at Cinna. She was just staring at the little figure as it dangled from her hand. Totally ignoring the crepe in her hand.

"Sorry everyone. We are now out of gekota figures." The lady yelled to the whole line. A lot of children were saddened by the news. Their parents moved them along an condoled them by saying they'd get them something else. As Jenna walked she passed a little girl crying. Out of everyone. She was the only one to cry. Jenna just looked at the little figure then bent down to the little girl.

"You want mine?" Jenna asked the little girl. The girl looked at Jenna. She was sniffling. In between her cries she nodded her head. Jenna handed the little figure to the girl. She slowly stopped crying. The girls mother picked her up.

"Thank you. Now. What are you supposed to say to a nice young women like her?" The mother asked the little girl.

"Thank you." The girl said. With that they mother and girl left. Ben walked up to Jenna.

"That is the nicest thing I've ever seen you do." Ben said. Jenna smiled.

"Well I was made to bring peace and joy. Besides she seemed to like gekota way more then I do." Jenna said. With that everyone got into bens car and they drove off. Ben drove home. When they got home ben walked into the place. The place was completely empty. Ben looked around.

"Guess they didn't get home yet." Ben said. He shrugged. He then dialed up Mikoto's number. "Hey Mikoto my parents aren't home. Want to hang out?" Ben asked.

"Uh... s-s-sure." She stuttered. With that she hanged up.

"So she asked?" Brenda asked with a questioning face.

"Yeah. She asked me when we were walking to her home." Ben said. With that he flipped on the TV. After awhile the doorbell rang. Ben opened the door to find Mikoto, kuroko, and 2 other girls. The moment ben saw kuroko he took several steps back.

"I'm here to make sure there's no funny business." Kuroko said.

"What makes you think there will be funny business?" Ben asked.

"No parents." Kuroko replied.

"My sisters are still here." Ben said pointing to them along the couch. Kuroko just glared back at him.

"I got my eye on you." Kuroko said before walking in.

"Nice to meet you. I'm uiharu kazari." Said a girl with a ring made of flowers on her head.

"Call me ruiko." Said the other one.

"Ok. The names Ben. Those are the triplets Brenda, Jenna, and Cinna." Ben said. Mikoto walked up to ben.

"I haven't told anyone about our date tomorrow. Mainly because of kuroko." Mikoto said. Ben understood immediately. Once he learned that Mikoto liked him, thanks to Gwen. It was easy to figure out that kuroko didn't like him due to jealousy. Ben nodded.

"So how has your days been?" Ben asked. Mikoto slumped forward.

"I tried to get something but when I got there they had already ran out." Mikoto sighed. She looked at Cinna and noticed the little gekota figure hanging from Cinna's phone. "You got the limited gekota figure!" Mikoto asked in a very excited voice. She moved over to Cinna and started to drool. Cinna looked at the little figure hanging from her phone and grabbed it holding on to it tightly.

"Yes. And it's mine." Cinna said. Mikoto regained her composure.

"Sorry. I understand it is yours. It seems you got to the crepe stand before they ran out. I'll just be over here." Mikoto said glumly. She walked to the dinner table and sat down. She set her head down on her arms. Ben walked over to her.

"You like gekota?" Ben said. Mikoto sat back up she was putting up a facade.

"I don't know what your talking about?" She said. Ben smiled.

"Oh. Then forgot it. I was going to give you my gekota figure I got from the crepe stand but I guess since you don't want it I can always give it to some little girl somewhere who'd really appreciate it." Ben said. He started to walk away when Mikoto grabbed his arm. Ben turned back to find Mikoto with a determined face. "Oh. Do you want it?" Ben asked sarcastically with a cocky smile. Mikoto nodded her head. "Oh I'm sorry. Can't hear the rocks in your head shaking. Was that a yes or a no?" Ben asked. He put his hand to his ear.

"Yes." Mikoto said. Ben decided to milk this a bit more.

"Oh. If you want it? I need to hear you say you want the little gekota figure. Come on. Say you like gekota." Ben said. Mikoto gritted her teeth.

"I like gekota!" She yelled. Then she got into his face. "Now give it to me!" She cried. She then sent a electric shock through ben. Ben cried out in pain and fell to the floor. "Wanna continue to milk this?" Mikoto asked with a glare. Ben reached into his pocket and pulled out the figure.

"Here you go." Ben groaned. Mikoto smiled in victory and took the figure from ben. When Ben got up Mikoto hugged him. "Thank you." Mikoto said cheerfully. Ben sighed.

"I don't think I will ever understand girls." Ben said. Bens phone buzzed. He pulled it out and saw Kevin's name on the phone. Ben answered. "Hey Kevin. What's up?" Ben asked.

"Ben! It was the highbreed! It took them!" Kevin yelled. Ben stood up and fixed his hair.

"Wow wow. Kevin slow down. He took who?" Ben asked.

"He took your parents!" Kevin yelled through the phone.

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