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walking through the door of his home was most likely one of the worst mistakes yoongi had made in his life (that was definitely an exaggeration), for as soon as he entered his brother was interrogating him, asking where he had gone to so late at night and why he hadn't told or asked.

"gosh, don't you have anything better to do than ridin' my fucking dick as soon as i enter through the damn door?"

that earned him a slap to the head but yoongi could care less. he walked to his room, slamming the door and jumping onto his bed as soon as he was done peeling off his clothes, which smelled of grease and taehyung's cologne (not that he minded).

it was what he described as heaven; being able to finally lay on his cool sheets and under the the covers of his bed. he checked his phone, answering to the few messages taehyung had sent him but as soon as he was gonna put it down, it began to vibrate in his hand, the loud ringtone filling his once quiet room.

it was taehyung and yoongi didn't even think twice before answering.

"h-hyung, can i sleep over?" said boy whimpered and yoongi whispered a soft "of course, i'll go pick you up." before hanging up and pulling his clothes on once again, keys to his car still snuggled into the back pocket of his jeans.

he knew that when taehyung's voice sounded like that, it couldn't possibly be good.

taehyung came from a shitty family, lived in a shitty neighborhood and was surrounded by shitty people. yoongi, being the only person to ever really approach and force his way through the walls taehyung had put up, was always there when taehyung couldn't sleep in his own home, because he knew the younger boy's father was an abusive one and he knew that taehyung was too fragile to deserve that.

living on the first floor had its benefits, being able to sneak out easily being one of them. yoongi slipped out through his window and into his car swiftly. he started the car and his phone vibrated a few times but he ignored it, knowing it was most likely his brother who was too lazy to actually stop him from leaving.

after driving for around 5 minutes, yoongi saw taehyung sitting on the curb of the sidewalk, stray cat in his arms and his head snuggled comfortably over it. his eyes were close (so were the cat's) and by the way his lips were muttering incoherently the older could tell he was asleep (he knew taehyung had a habit of doing that; sleep talking). yoongi couldn't help but cringe though, because that cat was likely in the need of a bath and maybe a few vaccinations.

yoongi got out the car and pulled the cat carefully out of taehyung's arms, cautious not to scare away the boy's sleep. he set the cat down, who ran away after, and knelt down to taehyung's height, examining his sleeping face and how soft murmurs slipped out his cute lips so easily.

he quickly snapped out that thought though, cheeks reddening because oh my fucking god i just checked out this dumbass. that's so gay.

yoongi swallowed hard before gently running his finger's through taehyung's soft hair.

"tae tae, you gotta wake up so i can take you home." he whispered, gently urging the male to wake up.

"hyung..." the younger mumbled and yoongi smiled before helping taehyung into the car and driving him back to his apartment, where he changed the brunette out of his clothes (not noticing the few cuts do to the darkness) and tucked him into bed. of course, he slipped in next to him, but only because there was no where else for him to sleep.

yeah. that's why. and he definitely didn't wrap his arms over taehyung's torso as well, burying his face in the crook of his neck, because he wanted to.

the room was just so fucking cold.

yeah. cause i'm not gay. as straight as a bloody ruler.

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