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they stop by a convenience store to kill time, mouths plump and red from the spicy noodles they had been munching on merely a few minutes before.

taehyung back is pressed against a wall as they sit on the concrete, yoongi in between his legs sipping on some shitty watery coffee that made his toes curl at the unfamiliar taste that it left on his tongue.

"try it." he says and watches with a grin as taehyung's face scrunches in distaste.

"hyung, i don't like coffee." he says but yoongi inches the coffee closer either way.

"just try it!"

and so taehyung gives in and sips the bitter tasting drink, cringes at the lingering taste with yoongi's laugh resonating in the background.

"thanks for ruining the rest of my day with that shitty coffee." the boy scoffs and rolls his eyes when yoongi wheezes with a wide smirk just to throw his head back against taehyung's chest and look up at him through thin eyelashes.

the younger boy stares back, shakes his head with a chuckle before pressing a quick kiss to the teen's forehead. they probably receive a few strange glances from the people around them but those are ignored by the pair.

"y'know hyung," yoongi hums in response, "i'm not as nervous as i thought i was gonna be."

the older boy quirks a brow and a crooked smile makes its way to his face.

"that's good. i'm glad you're happy."

"i'm happy whenever i'm with you."

"you're so cheesy that the pizza we ate 2 weeks ago is jealous."

they both giggle at yoongi's stupid joke and let time slip by. they don't even notice the sun was setting until taehyung reminds them both that they have to be at the apartment to get yoongi's stuff. that and it's also awfully cold.

taehyung says, "hey, yoongi, can we walk to the train station?"

and yoongi looks up to glare at him playfully. "why'd you drop the honorifics, brat?" he teases and laughs when taehyung pouts. "yeah, we can. why do you wanna walk though?"

"i don't know. i just wanna feel rebellious. it's not like we'll need the car anyway so..."

"you have a point. i guess we're walking."

taehyung hums before intertwining their fingers, yoongi's other hand still on the stirring wheel as he drives them back.

they walk in through the front door as if they hadn't just skipped school, bags over their shoulders and one of yoongi's hands in the back pocket of taehyung's trousers, pulling him a bit closer to his side as he nods towards his brother.

"mum said she might be coming tomorrow." the older man says from the couch, phone in hand and uniform from work still on.

yoongi tries not to let his eyes water because tomorrow he's probably gonna be sleeping beside taehyung in the warmth of a seoul motel, far away from his mum.

somewhere where he won't be able to take in the smell of her perfume or the red color of her lips.

somewhere where he won't receive that red staining kiss to the tip of his nose.

he gives a shaky nod towards his brother before slipping from taehyung's side into his room.


taehyung calls out but yoongi ignores the other's voice and simply finishes packing all their stuff. he doesn't spare the younger boy a glance, he just wipes away his fallen tears angrily and continues shoving into their bags.

"hyung, please look at me."

yoongi doesn't. so taehyung kneels behind the boy and embraces him, head snuggled between sharp shoulder blades and listening quietly to the other's pounding heart.

"we don't have to go if you don't-"

yoongi cuts him off. "no. we're going." he says. he heaves a sigh before turning to face taehyung.

"i'm okay." he whispers. the older teen sniffles as he pushes himself against the taller boy's chest, a trembling sigh making its way out his lips.

taehyung's arms come up to pull his hyung closer, gliding gentle fingers over the other's clothed back. he traces his muscles and then circles at the dimples at the end of his spine.

he places soft kisses to the blonde's cheek from time to time, soon letting his mouth wander down to the expanse of the teen's shoulder.

yoongi melts under taehyung, becomes putty against his hands and almost drifts off.

but the latter presses a firm kiss to his mouth, so he's forced to stay grounded to reality.

"thanks." yoongi sighs against taehyung's mouth and the other mutters back an 'always' before helping yoongi off the floor.

"we should sleep, we gotta sneak out when my brother isn't awake."

taehyung nods and pulls yoongi to rest against his chest, the boy's arms circling his waist and one leg slung over the younger boy's thighs.

"love you, hyung." taehyung rasps and yoongi mumbles back, "love you too."

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