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the tall boy stands there, behind yoongi's mother refusing to make eye contact as the older teen sits up. yoongi's relieved to see that taehyung doesn't have a single bruise on his face but he's still a little hurt by the fact that the male won't look at him.

"he's been here for a while, but he didn't wanna wake you up." the woman says and yoongi rubs the sleep out of his eyes.

"what time even is it?" he asks, watches his mother grin and look down at her watch. "3 in the afternoon." she says and yoongi sighs. he looks over at taehyung, who catches his gaze as then looks away. "you wanna sleep here in the room or do you wanna take my brother's? he's going back to uni tomorrow so he's not gonna be here for a while." yoongi says, watches taehyung shrug and frowns slightly. he mutters a soft, 'alright' and drops his attempt at making conversation instead choosing to lay back down on his bed and closing his eyes.

"yoongi," he hears his mother call out again, this time, he groans. "what?" he asks, opening a single eye to look towards his mum, who cocks a brow expectantly and yoongi nods because he's aware at what she's referring at. she leaves the room, closes the door and leaves both the teens in their silence. yoongi doesn't say anything other than, 'make yourself comfortable. it's not your first time here.' and taehyung nods, looks over yoongi's face because the male's eyes are closed and that's the only way he'll be able to stare at him without hurting his pride.

he takes notice of the way the boy seems a little pale, more worn out than usual though it hadn't been long since he'd last seen him. his eyes are rimmed red and the bags under them seem darker than before, taehyung should've known better than to storm off over a petty argument. because he's aware that yoongi isn't quite as strong as he makes everyone think he is and he takes thing to the heart, overthinks them and lets them destroy him from the inside out.

he sits on the bed with a sigh and watches as yoongi cracks open his eyes, which seem to glisten a little more once they meet taehyung's.

"why'd you come back...?" yoongi asks, sitting up and shifting so his legs are crossed as he stares down into his lap. taehyung says, "i don't know. kinda felt the need to. so after i cooled off, i texted." and with a hand, he reaches out to stroke the jut of yoongi's ankle which causes for the older boy to tense under the simple touch but taehyung doesn't pull back.

"i-i'm really sorry." yoongi says, hates the way his voice cracks and wavers, hates how he can feel himself tearing up again though he's had enough; though he's so tired of crying. "i don't–i don't know why i even said all that. i-it's not true. none of it was." he stammers and really, it breaks taehyung's heart because he really should've stayed with yoongi and talked, work this out together but instead he walked out on him and he doesn't think he'll ever be able to forgive himself for that.

"it's okay, everything's okay," taehyung says, "i shouldn't have pressured you to come out to your mum. that's not how it works. i-i should've just–just let you do it when you felt comfortable doing so. i shouldn't have walked out and left you." and then there's tears also coating his cheeks so they're both crying but taehyung reaches out to wipe yoongi's instead of his own and the older leans into the touch.

yoongi's squeezing his eyes shut, he prays that this isn't all another dream and that taehyung really forgives him and that he's wiping his cheeks with something much like love. he shudders out a sigh and then feels a puff of hot air against his cheek. next it's the press of lips against each of his eyelids and that causes for him to finally pry them open. meets with the sight of taehyung looking at him, shimmering brown eyes making him feel at peace with himself.

at last yoongi says, "my mum knows." and taehyung is shocked. however, once yoongi's words seem to sink in, the younger boy begins to beam, let's out a sound of disbelief before smiling wide, laughing softly as he pushes yoongi onto the bed with a tight embrace that yoongi returns merely seconds after.

the older boy brings up a hand to run through taehyung's hair, loves every second of the warm embrace and how the young teen seems to melt into him with every minute that passed. and yoongi had definitely missed this the most. the way taehyung's cuddles could make him the happiest boy in the world in only second.

"when you left, i thought i was gonna die." yoongi admits, twist a strand of hair behind taehyung's ear as he whispers his words. "i just wanted it to be a nightmare and that you were gonna turn around and come back."

there's a kiss that's pressed to the side of his neck but yoongi continues, tries to ignore the quiver of his voice as he does.

"it's crazy how in less than 5 seconds i can become a mess...when you're not with me. i don't think i'd still be here–not without you. it's not worth it tae." he says, and then he's heaving out breaths because tears are falling. taehyung shushes him and at last pulls away to press his mouth against yoongi's but it's sloppy because now the blonde is sobbing and taehyung's trying not to giggle at the way his lips press against the boy's teeth instead.

"'s not funny." he mumbles, pushes up to finally return the kiss and basks in the way the taller teen cups his face in big hands. yoongi's own come up to place themselves over taehyung's and they lay there, yoongi under taehyung, letting himself be kissed tenderly in a long awaited exchange of apologies and promises that are unspoken of but yet, they're both aware of them.

"y'love me?" taehyung asks, soft and breathy once he pulls back do to lack of oxygen, and yoongi's flushed face is the only thing he can focus on right now. "yeah," yoongi pants, "yeah, i love you. you're the most precious thing n'the world. the best that's ever happened to me."

taehyung leans down once again, kisses yoongi's top lip, then his lower one and yoongi opens his mouth a little to let the teen deepen the kiss.

"and you?" yoongi manages between the soft pecks, "d'you love me?"

taehyung smiles, takes hold of the teen's wrist and pulls away the hand tangled in his hair, pressing a gentle kiss to the inside of the boy's wrist before ever so slowly, sliding up the length of it so their fingers lace together.

"yeah. i love you the most."

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